for @Gunnar <3 you can make this a trade thread for either trade! :D
sunkissed and saltbathed, jorunn made her way through the tunnel and out into the meadow. that which now seemed so bustling with life.
sapphique had swelled, so too had her happiness.
even moreso when she thought she saw a familiar figure up ahead — although most every figure in sapphique was familiar now. she offered a warm chuff to him as greeting, tail swaying behind her. perhaps he might let her help him with whatever it was he worked on today.
Naturalist/Botanist please :)
Gunnar had begun to make forays into parts of the bay he knew his mother had gardens. He stayed away from where he could smell other wolves, the borders they had marked as stale as they were.
It was still dangerous as he could smell stale wolves on the wings, but he hadn't seen any. So they had been there, but weren't. He was working hard to move her entire garden to the Sapphique pack lands. He wanted to help and this was how he did so. He wasn't as good a healer as his mother, but he could remember some of the plants she had used.
A soft chuff reached his ears and he turned to meet the gentle face of the young she wolf he had met so many days ago now. He wagged his tail, and smiled in greeting.
Hello, Sjodronning
<i>Set and Avatar from JAVA</i>
June 10, 2022, 11:13 PM
she laughed, warm and befitting the summer air that rolled off the sea.
i am not sjodronning here,she informed him. soft but hoping he would understand. such a title only belonged to the women at the helm.
but i do hope you still like my company.her eyes wrinkled as a smile swept over her features.
what will you do today?
He smiled. Her laugh was a nice one. He liked to hear others laughing, all too often too many were serious.
He made a soft hum in his throat.
He wagged his sandy tail.
Tveir turned around and looked at the small bundle at his feet and moved so she could see it too.
He motioned at the small rabbit skin and the plants laid out in the center.
No, I don't suppose you are. That belongs to Erzulie and Chacal, perhaps even Ms. Rosalyn being the queen of Erzulie's heart.
He made a soft hum in his throat.
I will have to find a new nickname for you young one.
He wagged his sandy tail.
Of course I do. You make this old man's heart happy.
Tveir turned around and looked at the small bundle at his feet and moved so she could see it too.
My mother was a great healer, even for her age. She was not yet two when she came here. She had caches of herbs and gardens everywhere along the coast. In the different places we had lived. So I decided to move some here. I don't know much about healing as she did, but i know plants. Today though I am working on moving some of her plants to a garden here. I've been carrying them too and from, I have a little cache of them that way. Now i just need to plant them.
He motioned at the small rabbit skin and the plants laid out in the center.
Jopi Weed, mother used this often on father. It heals infections, keeps you from fever.
<i>Set and Avatar from JAVA</i>
June 14, 2022, 10:37 PM
the queen of erzulie's heart,
jorunn could only smile meekly for such a claim. it was the truth, was it not? jorunn was merely the obsidian's escort and such a thing brought her enough joy. and she did, momentarily, wondered what others thought of it.
a thought whisked away.
jorunn could only smile meekly for such a claim. it was the truth, was it not? jorunn was merely the obsidian's escort and such a thing brought her enough joy. and she did, momentarily, wondered what others thought of it.
a thought whisked away.
i will help you plant them,she decided with a coy grin.
but only if you, ah, teach me! is there more than jopi weed?
Gunnar was not yet privy to the gossip of the pack land and his pack mates. He had kept to himself largely since joining. There was something to be said of solitude. He didn't mind speaking to his pack mates, enjoyed it even, but he was also a man used to being alone, and when he was pushed into the center of activity it made him uncomfortable, so he stayed on the outskirts looking in.
Gunnar smiled at her offer to help.
Gunnar nosed through his other collection and pulled from the boughs another plant and lay it down. Once they touched on the jopi weed, and possibly planted it, he would move on to the next.
Gunnar smiled at her offer to help.
Yes I have an entire rabbit skin over there. Jopi weed will be first though. We need to plant it somewhere that has full sun and partial shade. So some of it gets shaded for a certain amount of time, but not to long, and it can't be to near a water source. The soil needs to be wet, but not sopping.
Gunnar nosed through his other collection and pulled from the boughs another plant and lay it down. Once they touched on the jopi weed, and possibly planted it, he would move on to the next.
Thank you for spending time with me today Jorunn.He spoke softly.
<i>Set and Avatar from JAVA</i>
July 05, 2022, 09:05 PM
so sorry for the wait <3 locations referenced via the map!
full sun with partial shade. she found such a description humorous!
the meadow is good place for this. maybe near the fire trees or the tangle.she entertained softly, uncertain of such decisions though! she was not the medic or gardener here. that role would be for their wizened gunnar, who she looked upon now with a smile.
you are good company, gunnar.she answered in a gentle hum, a coy smile pulled at her lips.
July 05, 2022, 09:25 PM
No worries at all.
Gunnar supposed his words would possibly sound like nonsense, and drivel to the she wolf, that didn't know healing and plants, but his mother had cultivated a love for botany in him at a young age. It was when she was calmest, when working with her herbs.
Those would both work. Preferably the meadow, I'm not as spry as I used to be.
He chuckled.
So you say for now, but wait until I have worked your paws to the ground for plants, and then we will revisit my good company.He teased with a mirthful glint in his eye.
<i>Set and Avatar from JAVA</i>
July 09, 2022, 06:39 PM
we should make this nearest your claim then,she told him with a wry smile. gunnar was not the only elder in sapphique, but jorunn held this thought to her heart. she knew the ways to work with those ailing of mind and body now.
you underestimate me! i will dig all your planting spots, just to prove wrong.she boasted, very much like a prideful child in that moment. although the truth was she welcomed the busy body work. content to sift through the meadows dirt and sand.
July 09, 2022, 06:49 PM
Gunnar would have balked at her use of ailing mind. His body perhaps, it was failing him, but his mind, his mind was still sound. At least for the most part. He spent more time in his memories than he did in the present, but he still was well aware of what was around him.
He chuckled.
He chuckled.
Then you're on young one. I can dig too, I would like to find some Rose Hips next good for arthritic bodies.He moved with a bit to much gumption, he would regret it in the morning, but the she wolf had lit the fires of competitive spirit that still dwelled within his breast.
<i>Set and Avatar from JAVA</i>
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