Qeya River Happy as a lark
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
723 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Amalia was thrilled to be back amongst the pack lands. She had made trips to an from of course, but it was nice now to firmly be planted. There was a sad air to the place, as they had left Cerne. Unsure if he would return to them or not.

Amalia hadn't asked and no one had said, but she had heard the brief turmoil in different voices, but she had stayed far away from the sadness and strife. She did not want that for her new life.

Families arguing and infighting, it was what had led to her father's packs demise and her own self-pilgrimage to find herself. She hoped it would all work out, but until there was word one way or another, she would stick her nose where it didn't belong.

With those thoughts on her wary mind, she traversed the borders, marking them. Making them stronger. She did not wish for someone to travel across their borders and meet teeth and claws.
397 Posts
Ooc — delaney
this looked lonely! <3

despite thoughts of all sorts heavy on kivaluk's mind; the young stalwart of natigvik had taken a break from his patrol to try his paw at hunting. his catch was nothing very impressive but the fact remains that he had caught the plump squirrel all by himself; with some struggle.

in the end, kivaluk's determination had won out and he had caught up with and caught his quarry.

despite the soft ache in his jaw of carrying his prize, he searches tirelessly for a good place to bury it. to start his own food cache so he can keep an eye on how well he's done. a pride thing; surely.

it's on this search that he unintentionally stumbles across amalia's scent β€” a bit perplexed that he had allowed himself to wander so close to the borders unintentionally. mmfh, a verbal struggle. `alia! he crows in greeting 'round the squirrel he refuses to let go with something that lingers more upon an instinctive sort of possessiveness.

`ook! he shows her his prize β€” still clamped tightly betwixt his jaws and wet with drool β€” proudly; frostbound gaze furiously studying for her reaction.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
723 Posts
Ooc — Danni
It was Thank you <3

Amalia wasn't certain what the future would hold for them, but she was going to do her best to keep everyone in the best of shape. She had grown fond of the tiny family that had adopted her into their lives.

She heard Alia and turned towards the noise. Kivaluk comes across her, a large plump squirrel in his jaws. A look of absolutely pride in his eyes. Her face lit up and a small wag of her tail.

Well what a fine hunter you're turning out to be Kivaluk! That's a plump squirrel.

Her eyes were shining down at him a fierce sort of pride in the little hunter that was before her, and also a small sadness. His father wasn't here to see it, but she wouldn't let that deter her from fawning all over the little natigvik prince.
397 Posts
Ooc — delaney
kivaluk's pride is enough to lessen the grip of sorrow and confusion that has plagued him since his father's temporary departure; a soft relishing in any victory he could get. no matter how small. and it was small, this squirrel. plump but not as big as some of the other's he's seen.

still. it is his. his kill. his victory. another step in the direction of becoming sivullik; a goal he throws himself into with over-eagerness that borderlines reckless abandon.

he sits it down at his paws, knowing that it was rude to keep speaking to her with it clutched betwixt his jaws. he beams with pride at her praise; soaking it up like a sponge.

but he is quiet for a moment, frostbound gaze studying her for a moment longer before he gently picks it up, ghosts closer to her and places it near her; giving it a soft nudge in her direction. here, for you. the gesture clearly says.

i want to be sivullik one day, he announces to her in explanation, unaware that she might not know what the word means; and despite having just learned it very recently himself it falls naturally from his tongue as if he's known it his whole life. a good sivullik would share his spoils. as his father has shared with him, mama and akkuma many and more times.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
723 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia had felt Kigipigak's departure, she had been closer to he than Sahkmet, however. She knew that her own grief and worry, was nothing compared to those of his children and his wife. Perhaps even anger where the children were concerned. However, it also spoke volumes of his character to be so willing to help those he cared for.

Kivaluk was turning into a fine hunter, as his father and probably even his mother. Amalia did not have the distinct pleasure of hunting with her leader, but she imagined it would be as seamless as it had been with Kigipigak and even Cerne. Though the thought of the seer left a small pain in her chest.

Oh. Amalia is both surprised and pleased when he places in front of her. Especially given that he was so excited to have won it. She nudged him gently if he would allow and studied his catch from all angles.

You will make a fine Sivullik one day, Kivaluk. You already have the makings of a great hunter as your father.

She touched it with a paw. I can dry the fur for you if you'd like. It's small, but it would make a fine addition to a den, or if you wish to gift it to someone?
397 Posts
Ooc — delaney
kivaluk watches as she nudges it, head tilting in soft, unbidden curiousity that morphs into a warmth that spreads across his chest like the rising of the sun at her compliment. thank you. he murmurs, suddenly bashful. he peers away for a moment, unsure what to make of the sudden bashfulness he feels. at any rate, it means a lot, coming from her.

he is quiet for a moment longer as she offers to dry the fur. how do you do that? kivaluk inquires. he understands that it can be done but he's never actually thought about the process before. sure! he chirrups a moment later. i mean...if you have time. i know you're busy. he adds quickly.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
723 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Oh he's adorable.

Amalia wags her tail. A smile on her face. She studies the squirrel skin and nods. Yes she could easily dry it for him. She isn't certain why he looks away, but she pays it no mind.

Amalia smiled at him again. I always have time for you Kivaluk. Always. It's actually rather easy once you get started.

She motioned for him to follow her. As she lifted the squirrel into her maw. Towards the Qeya River.

She lay it down. She pulled the squirrel forward. Splitting it near it's legs, making sure to do it slowly to show Kivaluk how to do it. She split near the tail and pulled the skin from the meat.

SHe lay the skin furr down in front of him and pulled pieces of the fat off. You put it in the water for one revolution.

She lay it down and pushed it down into the rock bed placing a rock atop it.

Now we wait. Do you know how to fish Kivaluk?
397 Posts
Ooc — delaney
thank you.

he is both surprised and warmed by her words; another strange round of bashfulness washing over him as she assures him that she has time for him / help him by drying out the squirrel pelt. kivaluk wasn't entirely sure what he was going to do with it but he'd figure that out when that time came. he follows after her, padding along as she leads the way; keeping pace with her easily.

he watches, facinated as she strips it and begins the process.

how long does the process normally take? he inquires; interested...though he isn't too sure he'd be doing it on his own. at least, not for a while. maybe once he mastered the hunter trade.

no, but my papa...used to fish for me but didn't get a chance to teach me. he states, a small frown borne from missing his father tugging at his lips before he collects himself. do you know how to fish, amalia? he asks, more than willing to learn something new.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
723 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia bounced happily along. Enjoying the day and the company. Her natural cheerfulness and happy nature, pushing through to the forefront. They have a lot of worries to hang onto, but they can take time, like now to just enjoy.

Amalia worried her lip between her two fangs. Depends on the size. Usually about an hour. you can catch a few fish in an hour perhaps a rabbit or two. The large the pelt, the longer it takes. I believe Kukutux told me then it is a whole day it has to stay in there. The fish strip it for us. Then we dry it and it's fluffy and warm for a place to lay, a pouch to carry things, or a small decoration around shoulders.

Amalia wags her tail. Yes i do and it's fun. At least i think so, and perfect to do on such a warm day. You can fish two ways. I prefer to get into the water and watch the shadows. You always want to strike ahead of the shadow of the fish. Or you can use bits of meat and such and let it on the water for them to swim and get.

Amalia nudged him gently a happy smile on her face, Green eyes meeting his for a moment. Then she stepped into the water and watched. Eyes easily tracking the fish. She lunged at the forefront of one of the fish. She didn't grasp the large one she had been aiming for, but she did get a small one. She crunched it and lay it on the riverside.

Kinda small, but it's okay. Makes a perfect snack. Her laughter trilled out joyful and lilting.

You try

1=small, 2=med, 3=large 4=none

397 Posts
Ooc — delaney
successful roll here

kivaluk is quiet as she talks him through the process of drying fur. it sounds complicated which only reaffirms his thought that he wasn't going to try it on his own anytime soon. if, at all. he would let that up to more experienced wolves, like amalia herself. his interest is more piqued by her talking about how to fish, listening through the two ways that she suggests fishing.

watch the shadows, or lure them in with small bits of meat.

at first, kivaluk observes, watching as she demonstrates her favored way of fishing.

she catches something small and he gives a small yip of encouragement before wading into the river. for now, he decides to adopt her favored way β€” mostly because he doesn't feel like letting little blobs of meat bob in the water. his muscles tense, ears slick back against his skull, eyes locking in concentration on a large shadow as it swims near him.

he takes a small breath and lunges. he grips it and it slips from his grasp; teeth raking across scales. following the trail of blood in the water he tries β€” sloppily β€” again and again until he grasps it betwixt his jaws and struggles with it before flopping onto the shore with it; as soaking wet as the fish. it was luck alone that it was a decent sized fish.

you made it look so easy. he says with a small, breathless laugh.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
723 Posts
Ooc — Danni
successful rol here

Amalia had been confused at first too woth drying furs. However, once she had tried it herself it had grown easier. And she found it relaxing to do something like that. To just do it and let her mind drift.

Amalia bounced on her paws. Her tail wagging as he fought through to finally become triumphant. She bounded to the fish and nudged him again.

You did it!! So proud of you. On your first try even! It took me like 3 tries before i was even able to catch a small one.

She wagged her tail harder a huge smile on her face.

She moved to the water again. One or two more and we can feed almost everyone.

She waded in tracked her fish and then lunged pulling a medium size one out this time and smiled happily. It still wasn't as large as Kivaluks first one, but it was bigger than her snack.
397 Posts
Ooc — delaney

kivaluk beams with unbridled pride as she praises him; chest puffing slightly. he can't help but showboat it...even just a little bit. he isn't sure he necessarily prefers fishing to what he considers usual hunting, but it's good to know he isn't terrible at it despite that it was largely beginner's luck.

this shows easily enough during his second attempt as he falls flat on his face in the water. he stands up, spitting and sputtering a cross between amused at his own failings and the embarrasment burning in his cheeks.

he trudges out of the river, needing a moment to collect himself. looks like i wasn't so lucky the second time. he grins sheepishly, giving his coat a fierce shrug to dispel the water.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
723 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Also failed roll. They are doing great lol <3 let's see how Amalia can turn this around.

Amalia loved to fish. She didn't like it say as much as chasing a rabbit or a squirrel, but it wasn't terrible and on a day like today. It felt good, as warm as it is.

She is glad she can bring pride to Kivaluk. He deserves a little give. His young life hasn't been an easy one. Traveling, only to get home and to have your father leave. Well it just wasn't the best thing.

Amalia had to purse her muzzle tightly to keep from chuckling a little. She did not wish to harm his ego or mar his happiness. Because he did do well, continues to do so. Fishing isn't easy and it's largely by chance.

That's okay. Fishing takes a lot of practice. Even I mess up sometimes.

She stepped into the water and was momentarily distracted by the coolness, clear in the way she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Only to open them and find one darting shadow. She lunged and lunged to late and the fish was gone, slapped her in the face with it's tail as it went.

She yipped and with a peel of laughter fell backwards onto her rear into the shallows. She sat there, water splashing, fur soaked. Laughing and chortling.

Me too. She snorted.
397 Posts
Ooc — delaney

really? he ask; though her own failure to catch a fish after his failed attempt did make him feel a little better. it eased the sting of failure to know that adults didn't do everything perfect all the time either. he lets out a small giggle β€” that to his credit he tries to stifle β€” as she falls upon her bottom in the shallows. he trudges back in, ready to try again.

he watches a shadow of a fish with notably less patience than he'd had while first trying and when he feels confidence, he leaps. the fish escapes his grasp and he lets out a small huff; patience having ran it's thin course. he wades back out of the water, giving his coat another shake.

i think i'm done with fishing for a while. he announces, not liking that he's given up but the sting barbs and needles at him all the same and he was growing tired; energy expelled.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
723 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia heard his giggle and her laughter intensified. Goodness me. Well i'm cooler at least. Something positive for lack of fish yes?

She sat there, just like that, dripping and smiled. Enjoying the day. Perhaps it was a bit irresponsible or careless, but it made a serious boy giggle and honestly she was happier with that than the fish.

Amalia shrugged a shoulder. That's fine. If you want another fishing session. Let me know. I'd love to have one.

Amalia trudged from teh water and shook it from her pelt. Though she tried to stay away from him.

What other hunting have you tried or been taught? Are you ready to hunt the caribou come winter?
397 Posts
Ooc — delaney
some hunting, kivaluk replies with a lazy stretch upon the river's banks, letting the sunshine both warm and dry his fur. mostly small animals. he admits with a small roll of his shoulders in a shrug; though he mostly attributes this to a) his father being away and b) the fact that he hadn't been old enough to participate in pack hunts with bigger prey.

i'm not sure if i'll be ready, he hesitates. but i'll certainly be ready to learn. in the meantime, he would continue on working on honing his skills.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
723 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia listened with tilted head and lifted ears. She smiled at his stretch. She knew that feeling well, getting the kinks out. Especially after being in the cold water crouched.

Well I would love to get the hunter trade. If you want to do some hunting with me sometime soon?

She gave him a cheery smile. Eyes shining with glee. It was clear she loved to hunt. Not as much as some, but more than most.

Small animals are easier to catch for one. So it makes sense. I came quite a fair hunter of small animals on my journey here.

Well you are old enough. You and I could probably hunt a small deer, younger than a yearling together. I won't have you being unsure during Caribou season, so whatever I can do to help you. I want too.
397 Posts
Ooc — delaney
going to go ahead & wrap this one up. i'd love another thread sometime! feel free to archive as is or archive after your reply. tags for reference. <3

yeah! i'd like that. kivaluk says with a boyish grin, tail giving a soft wag. thanks amalia. he says earnestly, pausing for a moment before letting a small, if not decisive sigh. i should get going, see if i can wrangle @Akkuma into patrolling with me or something. his brother's continued anti-social behavior was not entirely unusual but to kivaluk seemed more increased with their father's absence.

i'll see you later! he calls over his shoulder as he heads towards the heart of their claim in search of his littermate.