Hideaway Strath Sword
The Shieldmaiden
277 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Pack Activity 
Set for 12/31/22!

The Crown Prince had traveled home, cutting through the clearer paths in the terrain as she made her way back to Hildibrandr.

Breathing a bit ragged from lack of rest, the child stumbled into the Strath, letting out a loud cry for her mother, for anyone of Hildibrandr that could hear her.
She would make her way to treeline and hunker just within the branches, trembling slightly now from renewed shock and paranoia.
Would she be followed? 
Her trail had washed away some in the rain a few days ago, but it was not a promise to her safety...

"Mom!" Sovereign would cry, looking around for the familiar shape of the Fullvalda.
The Only Thing They Fear Is You
This is my art, and it is dangerous
1,693 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Fury heard the cry of her daughter.
It made her fur bristle with the protective urges of a mother.
The Queen ran quickly, coming upon her daughter at the edges of the trees. 
She slowed and crested over her daughter protectively, snuffling over her still-healing wounds. 
The child would have left a trail to here, whoever or whatever did this to her.
A possessive and savage rumble thundered through Fury's chest as she glared upon the northern border.

Pushing the kill-drive back into the depths of her mind for now, the Fullvalda called urgently for @Maiken before she bent her great head to her daughter's own, giving licks of comfort and assurance. 
"Who did this to you, my daughter?" Fury demanded gently, listening as Sovereign uttered what had happened.

A murder by accident. 
Red woman. 
Many others. 

Oh, what a mess Sovereign had gotten into!

Fury pocketed this information for later, wishing silently for the safe and hopefully soon return of @Arashi and @Adlartok. If they were close, she did not yet know it.
Fury is in peak condition
Health (100/100)
Fury claims a +6 buff in all combat dice rolls
329 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Maiken had been sitting, waiting with trepidations for the crown prince to come home. She had agonized that Sovereign, may be hurt or sick or something, anything. She rushed as fast as she could to the desperate call.

Maw full of cobwebs, yarrow, rose hips and aloe. She would need something for infection, but it would work with what she had for now. She stopped to place some wet moss in another rabbit skin and raced further towards the call.

I bring herbs. May I see.

She spoke softly to mother and daughter, not wanting to intrude upon their moment.
The Shieldmaiden
277 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Sovereign told her mother of the events that had transpired over the past week or two, maybe three.
She watched Fury's gaze as she finished her tale, shivering slightly from renewing shock. 
Then, the healer Maiken came, and quickly.

Sov nodded to Fury that she should be fine with the Thegn, which resulted in the Fullvalda backing away a pace to allow the medic room to work. 

Fury is skippable this round! <3
The Only Thing They Fear Is You
329 Posts
Ooc — Twin
The closer Maiken got, the more she smelled the herbs. Someone had taken care of this wolf of theirs. Rather well.

I won't need to do much. just clean and reapply. You were already tended?

Maiken slowly got to work, she used some of the moss to clean away the wrappings of what was once there.

You are lucky you made it back. This are no small wounds.

She cleaned and pressed. Using her yarrow sparingly. The aloe she was able to apply more liberally to the smaller, shallower wounds. And she wrapped it all with Cobwebs.

Yarrow for infection. This is the last of it. I will have to find something else. ALoe for the sting. The rose hips you should eat. Will help your joints become stronger, if they were injured.
The Shieldmaiden
277 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Sovereign allowed Maiken to close the gap, not minding the sniffing and inspection the Thegn had to do, probably as a personal protocol.
You were already tended?
Sov nodded and uttered "Ash Paw. Basilica." to answer who had been tending her until she left, and the name of the pack they belonged to.
Indeed, her wounds were not small, and she was lucky to make it all this way without faltering.

The Prince was silent and still as Maiken cleaned her up and reapplied her own herbs to the wounds. 
Yarrow, the last of what she had. Aloe for the sting. 
Cooperatively, the girl would take the Rose Hips and eat them, bitter as they may be, to help with her joints as the healer said they would. 

Her amber gaze went to her mother inquisitively.
The Only Thing They Fear Is You
This is my art, and it is dangerous
1,693 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Red woman.
Fury went through the small list of red wolves she new the existence of. 
Merrick? No, he wasn't red-furred...
That daughter of his though? That one pinged a familiarity in her, though she didn't remember that child's name.
She remembered the invasion in the Vale and running away when the red bitch tried to lead the charge against her and the ashes of the Saints...

Growling loudly, Fury wrinkled her lip at the memories, shaking her head sharply to erase them from her vision as she focused on Maiken and her daughter. 
"Is there anything that can be done for possible trauma?" She asked genuinely, softly, having taken note of the way Sovereign was shorter with her words than she was upon seeing the child last.
Fury is in peak condition
Health (100/100)
Fury claims a +6 buff in all combat dice rolls
329 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Maiken didn't know of whom they spoke. She put away the words and the names as she continued to care where she could. Fix what ailed her. There were many and it was hard to see. She felt bad, she was certain she was hurting the girl worse by trying to fix it all.

Her leader's words caught her off guard and she settled back with a furrow in her brow. Thinking hard. There were some. Did she have any?

There are a few. Her accent was thick as she thought through her process.

Valerian Root would probably be the best. It would help with trauma as well as the wounds on her physical body. I can make Chamomile water. That will help her sleep and lessen the anxiety, but she cannot have much of it and it would need a day to steep.

Maiken tapped a paw on the ground in thought. Those are the two i would use before any others and i have some. More chamomile than Valerian root, but Iw ill give her the valerian first. The chamomile will not be ready until tomorrow.
The Shieldmaiden
277 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Sov let out a low whimper of worry when Fury mentioned trauma.
But, as the Thegn and Fullvalda discussed options, the Crown Prince ended up starting to drift off into unconsciousness.
Shaking her head a tad, the girl attempted to stay attentive as the relief of being home took hold in the form of sleep.
The Only Thing They Fear Is You
This is my art, and it is dangerous
1,693 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Fury listened with perked ears as Maiken made her suggestions and spoke of what was needed.
The Queen nodded once, firm, and returned a worried gaze to her pup as she responded "Do whatever you need to do." 
Her smoldering golden gaze flicked back to Maiken, silently inquiring as to if they should move Sovereign to a better location to take care of her.
Fury is in peak condition
Health (100/100)
Fury claims a +6 buff in all combat dice rolls
329 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Maiken shifted and stretched. We should get her somewhere warm and dry. She is grievously wounded, and by coming back here so fast, she may have made it worse all over again. We will need to monitor her for infection and possibly shock.

Maiken frowned and licked the pups head even though she was larger than she. Though I believe shock will not be a factor, that would have been when she was first injured. However, it is better to be safe than sorry.

Maiken studied the crown prince and then the queen. And if you have furs cover her in them. Lots of water to drink, substantial meals.
This is my art, and it is dangerous
1,693 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Skipping Sov for the wrap-up cuz she's falling asleep lol

"Understood." She uttered, nosing her drowsy daughter awake to help her stand.
A swift look back to Maiken "Takk skal du ha" (thank you) as she began leading Sovereign to the den she shared with Arashi. 
Until her husband and Adlartok returned, that was where she would guard her child and keep watch over her as she healed.
Fury is in peak condition
Health (100/100)
Fury claims a +6 buff in all combat dice rolls