Swiftcurrent Creek Rebirthing
The Shieldmaiden
277 Posts
Ooc — Liv
All Welcome 

She had felt fine after she and Ensio coupled.
The heat in her had stopped since; and the first week was great...
And then she started getting sick in the mornings, her sides felt heavier... her stomach felt heavier too, in a way...

Nauseated this afternoon, Sovereign sought Arlette, looking for the Medic with a low groan in her throat as she came to stop where she thought Auntie's scent was strongest - her den. 

"Auntie, are you there?" She called from a couple paces outside the mouth.
The Only Thing They Fear Is You
206 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Last of his name, the sole Duskfire felt whole. Complete after he and Sovereign shared a long overdue time of intimacy. They were connected now, by heart and soul. He was proud to flaunt their new status as a couple.

After they bedded, he foolishly did not give the repercussions any thought. He didn't think there would be any, the chances too slim. He was kidding himself. Today, he had to face the truth. Something in the scent of his white beloved had changed. As man with no knowledge of the medical field, he naturally did not put the pieces together.

That wasn't all. He indeed, noticed her frequent nausea. The way she seemed restless and complained about the size of her sides. Maybe...maybe she had just caught a stomach bug.

With Sovereign feeling a little under the weather, Ensio was vigilant and stayed by her side. Accompanying her to her Auntie's den. As his icy eyes found the den mouth, he wondered if Arlette was at all aware of their coupling. Of their status as mates. His stomach did a flip. What if she didn't approve? What if she'd be angry at him? He tried not to think about it. He stood close to Sovereign, stroking his chin along her shoulders in an attempt of comfort.
1,299 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette came from her den when she was called. It was Sovereign and Ensio. She smiled warmly, glad to see them together and so happy. At least, at first sight perhaps. Sovereign did look a little unwell. Arlette greeted them with a chuff. "Hi, hello," she greeted the two of them. She had hoped the two would become an official item over the spring. Her wish had come true then.

"How can I help?," she asked, figuring they needed help and weren't here for a quick chat. Ensio looked a little nervous, and Arlette wondered why.
The Shieldmaiden
277 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Apologies for a shitty reply oof

Sovereign offered Ensio a gentle tug of his chest furs as he comforted her. 
Then, Arlette came out, asking how she could help. 

A deep inhale, to steady herself. 
"Me and Ensio bedded, and at first I felt fine, sated in a way, but after a week from then, I've been restless and nauseated and my sides and stomach feel heavy...I don't know what's happening..." She uttered, feeling a bit lost, helpless, and hating it. 

She yearned silently, for the wisdom of her mother - she would have gone to her first, but that was not the reality the young woman was part of. 
And so she opened her heart now, to the wisdom of Arlette.
The Only Thing They Fear Is You
206 Posts
Ooc — Mai
A heavy lump formed in his throat as Arlette emerged and Sovereign explained what had happened. A slight chill of dread ran up his spine, now that she knew he and Sovereign had bedded. Arlette was her Auntie. How would she take this kind of news, that Sovereign knew the touch of a man?

He would not turn and flee should he be scorned or cursed on. He would stay by his mate's side, owning up to the consequences.

He stood close, ears pricked at attention, but eyes firmly averted, anxiously on the ground.
1,299 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette had to chuckle a little. They both looked so nervous. She wasn't a prude, she knew what happened when couples got together, especially during the end of winter and beginning of spring. Arlette offered them both a soft smile. "Well, then I can probably congratulate the two of you," she chuckled and wagged her tail.

Arlette sat down. She liked that Ensio was here as well, and staying by her side. "We won't know for absolute certainty until the quickening, but I think it is safe to say that your mating was successful. You are pregnant, Sovereign!," she hummed. She hoped the news wouldn't be too much of a shock for them. She figured they knew the consequences. Guess she was about the find out how much they knew. "How much do you know of it?," she asked kindly.
The Shieldmaiden
277 Posts
Ooc — Liv
She listened with quiet anxiety as Arlette spoke.
She sounded happy for them, which Sovereign appreciated, but in her heart she felt shock, uncertainty...lack of readiness.

"I only know that pregnancy means...pups, in the near future." Sov admitted softly, looking to Ensio now with great fear. Yeah, she was freaking the fuck out right now.

Mai, feel free to PP anything you need to with Sovereign and Ensio so they can both be shelved <333
The Only Thing They Fear Is You
206 Posts
Ooc — Mai
He looked up to Arlette. She was happy for them. She sounded excited. He never should have worried, for surely she would support the first time parents to be. But he felt differently, now that he knew Sovereign was expecting.

"Yeah...that's exactly what it means..." He echoed her, shaking his head. What a fool he was! How couldn't he have seen this sooner?! Why had he been so stupid, kidding himself like this? He wasn't so sure he was ready to be a father, but either way, there was no going back now.

He sucked in a slow, deep breath. "Arlette, thank you for your help. Sovereign, I think we need a moment to talk in private." When she agreed, he murmured his initial thoughts when they had stepped away. With her he would retreat to a secluded place, away from any eyes and ears. There they would discuss their future and the future of her unborn children. 

That was the last trace they would ever leave in the Teekon Wilds. Two wolves, the last of their lineage, lost to the vast realms beyond.

As of this post, Ensio and Sovereign have officially left the game! It can be assumed their children will be born off site and that they departed Swiftcurrent Creek on good terms, with aspirations to build a claim of their own elsewhere.
1,299 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette opened her mouth and closed it when the pair didn't look as happy as she was. She tried to school her features. She saw the fear in Sovereign's eyes. "Sov, don't--- I know it is scary but I will be there for you, help when needed," she assured her. But it didn't seem it convinced her.

Arlette glanced at Ensio when he asked for privacy. "Certainly," she spoke a little defeatedly. She gave them space. She did look over her shoulder worriedly.


Will miss you both <3