Herbalists' Cache in your dreams to release you
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@Eros set a couple hours after this thread
His encounter with the strange, brusque boy has left him feeling oddly confident. The nameless stranger had oozed danger despite his youth, and Zephyr still can't get the image of those pale fiery eyes out of his head — yet he'd left the encounter unscathed. It makes him feel untouchable, at least temporarily, so he lingers in the forest awhile longer.
By the time the sun starts its descent, he finds himself wandering near the southern end of the woods where they meet the mountain that separates them from the Emberwood. Far from where he'd met the nameless boy, and he finds he prefers it that way. He hadn't disliked him, exactly, but thinking about his eyes still sends shivers down his spine. He definitely dislikes that. He pauses as a metallic scent suddenly catches his attention, gaze finding the trail of red spots in the snow only a few moments later. The scent surrounding them is unfamiliar to him, and he can't help moving to investigate it more closely, though he knows it won't bring him any closer to learning what sort of animal had left the blood trail. Not immediately, anyway — but maybe if he remembers the scent, he'll find out later.
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I'll be the ghost that haunts you
70 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
The more time he spent within the boundaries of the range, the easier traversing the land became; it was like riding a bicycle, the skill gradually coming back to him over time. It made existing easier, preventing him from remaining confined to any set area, too—and with his senses refined through maturation and experience, he knew he would never lose himself to the vastness of the wilds again. He was free to come and go as he pleased, venturing to new reaches and inspecting new sights. It was, all in all, a mere continuation of his life prior to returning.

Escaping the mountains, Eros found himself moving through flatter lands; the snow underfoot was troublesome but nothing he could not handle. He wondered what lands might strike him down with a memory and which may be entirely new, yet his travelling was soon cut short by the splattering of blood across the snow. He slowed and inspected it, intrigued by the scent and the potential for a meal, the trail an obvious enough one to follow. Yet, what it led him to was not a meal but another wolf—who he initially suspected must be injured, only to note the trail continuing past her. Uncertain of what it may lead him to, Eros continued towards the child whilst he woofed a low greeting, curious to see if he might land himself a hunting partner.