She was like a skeleton, however more lively as of recently. Slowly was she starting to move herself out of a den, a promising look, but still a horrifying scene to any that would gag upon. As winter was here, so should a luxurious pelt to follow, as Miriam's was already plush originally, but because of how much she has let herself go, her fur was as thin as a coyote's. She was but skin and bones, her ribs and hips to be seen, and a death upon look of her face.
But even so, Miriam pushed herself out, laying outside of her den.. Starry-eyes looking toward the gray sky, as slight snowfall came falling. She shivered to the touch of snow.
But even so, Miriam pushed herself out, laying outside of her den.. Starry-eyes looking toward the gray sky, as slight snowfall came falling. She shivered to the touch of snow.
November 30, 2020, 02:16 PM
(This post was last modified: November 30, 2020, 03:15 PM by Sullivan.)
Sullivan had never seen snow. He had noticed something falling through the branches overhead, and he had paused to observe the spectacle overhead. It was beautiful— like the rain, but oddly solid? He was perplexed.
Not paying too much mind to his surroundings, Sullivan watched the snowfall. He wasn't too far off from where Mirian was but didn't notice her at the moment.
Not paying too much mind to his surroundings, Sullivan watched the snowfall. He wasn't too far off from where Mirian was but didn't notice her at the moment.
November 30, 2020, 02:23 PM
He visited his patient whenever he got the chance. He wished she would eat more, but it was ironic- for he too had become something skinny, and yet never did he bother to fill up enough to regain the healthy weight he used to have. When he came upon her laying outside her den, a small smile came to his face. It was better, he thought, for her to come out than to stay holed up in her den. But as he was on his way to her, something cold touched his nose, and he blinked upwards. Snow!!! Dad had told him about this stuff, hadn't he? A broad smile came to the boy's face that was rare these days, and he padded over to Miriam before settling at her side,
It's magical, isn't it?He chuckled quietly, and at present was blissfully unaware of his notsibling nearby.
November 30, 2020, 02:24 PM
(This post was last modified: November 30, 2020, 02:28 PM by Miriam.)
She was just about to slip back inside to avoid the cold touch and observe from the outside, but then Miriam noticed one of the other children, curiously looking up. She watched for a few moments, realizing this was the first time they would all see snow, @Liliana included- and she couldn't remember if the mother ever mentioned of the winter time that would come. Fogged by what had occurred she was a bit in a daze to certain memories.
Miriam was just about to gain for his attention, but rather the oldest of them all approached her so. She knew too he would not have seen snow, and lightly did she nod at Caerus, "When the world is white, it is truly beautiful and bright." The view itself was something to watch in awe, the world covered in snow and finding the gentle curve of a clean slate of snow- and being the first one to step onto it, was something she used to adore.
But even then, the season was difficult.
Miriam was just about to gain for his attention, but rather the oldest of them all approached her so. She knew too he would not have seen snow, and lightly did she nod at Caerus, "When the world is white, it is truly beautiful and bright." The view itself was something to watch in awe, the world covered in snow and finding the gentle curve of a clean slate of snow- and being the first one to step onto it, was something she used to adore.
But even then, the season was difficult.
November 30, 2020, 02:35 PM
(This post was last modified: November 30, 2020, 02:38 PM by Sullivan.)
Sullivan was pulled from his fascination when he heard Miriam and Caerus speak. He turned towards them, his expression bright as he eavesdropped. "It is!" he chimed in, approaching the pair with a skip and a hop. Sullivan wasn't close with either of the wolves, but he figured that now was the best time to get to know them!
"It's called... frost, right?" he asked once he was closer, misremembering the name that Aibreann had taught him.
"It's called... frost, right?" he asked once he was closer, misremembering the name that Aibreann had taught him.
November 30, 2020, 02:48 PM
Indeed it was beautiful. As the snow began to cling to the ground, the world was brushed in a transparent film of white. Caerus felt warmth despite the cold, being with his dear patient in such a pleasant setting, but the voice of a younger kid soured his mood slightly. He turned his ruby gaze upon Sullivan- considering a rude remark, and then recalling the woman beside him. She had never seen him being an ass, had she?
Snow,Caerus corrected slowly, in a tone that managed to carry only an ounce of condescending.
Who are you?Blunt as usual.
November 30, 2020, 02:57 PM
(This post was last modified: November 30, 2020, 02:57 PM by Miriam.)
"Frost is the crystals that form in the placement of morning dew when it is winter." It was similar, but she knew the difference of so, and while Caerus corrected to snow, her voice softly corrected the young boy with a more elongated help. She smiled gently at him so, a pang of hurt as he reminded her a bit of Asmoses and his curiosity- she wondered where her little boy was for the winter, and hoped he was alright for the upcoming season.
"Your mother is.. Aibreann, yes?" Weakened as she was, her head slowly reached to the ground while asking the boy.. A thought came to be for Miriam, they weren't really 'boys' anymore, but young men. An odd change that she generally would need to get used to.
"Your mother is.. Aibreann, yes?" Weakened as she was, her head slowly reached to the ground while asking the boy.. A thought came to be for Miriam, they weren't really 'boys' anymore, but young men. An odd change that she generally would need to get used to.
November 30, 2020, 03:09 PM
(This post was last modified: November 30, 2020, 03:13 PM by Sullivan.)
He was quickly corrected, but he took it all in stride. "Ohhhh," he acknowledged, his head bobbing as he tried to retain the information. He paid little mind to the condescending twinge of the other boy's voice, knowing it was better to ignore it than to add fuel to the flame. Still, it made him feel kinda dumb. He had been taught to treat others how you wanted to be treated, and he couldn't help but wonder if he had said something wrong. Considering his previous lesson briefly, Sullivan rolled his shoulders and lowered his ears, indicating his discomfort.
When questioned, he brightened again. "I'm Sullivan! Yeah! My Momma is Aibreann," he answered, his tail wagging.
"Who are you?" he asked in turn, following by their conversational lead, excited by the prospect of making two new friends.
When questioned, he brightened again. "I'm Sullivan! Yeah! My Momma is Aibreann," he answered, his tail wagging.
"Who are you?" he asked in turn, following by their conversational lead, excited by the prospect of making two new friends.
November 30, 2020, 03:32 PM
Miriam extended on his correction, being helpful rather than rude. That was sweet. Part of him wished he could be like that, too- but he had too much contempt in his heart for all these bastard kids that were his own father's. Perhaps in some other place he could be nice to kids, but not here. Not to these spoiled little idiots with two living parents.
The boy confirmed his mother, and Caerus' eyes narrowed slightly.
The boy confirmed his mother, and Caerus' eyes narrowed slightly.
i'm your older brother,Caerus answered flatly.
by dad.And he internally cringed to think this boy called Mal dad too- that was his dad!
my name is caerus, and i was here before you.It was stated without any bitterness, as the simple fact that it was, but internally he wanted to rub it into this kid's head. Temporarily his attention was away from Miriam, as he awaited any attitude- any chance to snap at this boy.
November 30, 2020, 03:45 PM
"I am Miriam, my daughter Liliana is your half sister, and so your half-brother Asmoses." There was a tinge of sadness thinking of him, but surely Sullivan would know Liliana, but perhaps not her star-boy. She wasn't sure who came first, not remembering Aibreann too well, and even upon being more social, the mother usually stayed by herself within the den. She wasn't even aware Mal had recently taken her as a mate, and surely if she found out, Miriam would be surprised, seeing as they did not spend much time together, or so she assumed anyway. Mal was often in and out, she didn't see him spend time with anyone except his kids.
"Would you like to sit with us?" She wasn't aware of the tension between the two, but upon seeing his ears flattened a tinge of guilt hit her, and offered the boy so. Miriam gave a reassuring smile to Caerus, but in general was not sure what upset him either.
Nonetheless, company was nice every once in a while, the only other one she vaguely remembers was @Jackalope, and his warmth..
"Would you like to sit with us?" She wasn't aware of the tension between the two, but upon seeing his ears flattened a tinge of guilt hit her, and offered the boy so. Miriam gave a reassuring smile to Caerus, but in general was not sure what upset him either.
Nonetheless, company was nice every once in a while, the only other one she vaguely remembers was @Jackalope, and his warmth..
November 30, 2020, 03:57 PM
(This post was last modified: November 30, 2020, 04:14 PM by Sullivan.)
Sullivan's family was growing by the minute—he wasn't aware he had so many siblings! There was something about the prospect of a larger family that excited him, even if his older brother was a little mean and confusing. He was still glad to have another older brother.
When Miriam (as he knew her now) invited Sullivan to join them, he was quick to oblige. With pep in his step, he placed himself next to the lilac-furred woman, using her as a human shield. She was nice, and he liked her company so far.
Peeking at Caserus from behind his protection, Sullivan could not help but ask, "Did I, uh, do something to upset you?" He needed to know; he hadn't meant to hurt any feelings. "I'm sorry if I did..." he trailed, his ears flattening on his head.
![[Image: 779042634831364158.png?v=1]](
When Miriam (as he knew her now) invited Sullivan to join them, he was quick to oblige. With pep in his step, he placed himself next to the lilac-furred woman, using her as a human shield. She was nice, and he liked her company so far.
Peeking at Caserus from behind his protection, Sullivan could not help but ask, "Did I, uh, do something to upset you?" He needed to know; he hadn't meant to hurt any feelings. "I'm sorry if I did..." he trailed, his ears flattening on his head.
![[Image: 779042634831364158.png?v=1]](
November 30, 2020, 04:11 PM
Miriam's words reminded him of Liliana, and Caerus wondered momentarily how such a little bitch could be born of such a kind, warm hearted woman. Poor Miriam, to deal with that!
To his dismay, she invited the kid over, and he took his place beside Miriam. But Caerus kept his expression neutral, only widening his eyes when questions were directed at him.
To his dismay, she invited the kid over, and he took his place beside Miriam. But Caerus kept his expression neutral, only widening his eyes when questions were directed at him.
i'm being perfectly pleasant.The boy insisted, glad that Sullivan had felt his thorns but hiding behind innocent rose petals.
did i do something to upset you?He retorted with false-caring in his voice, offering a small worrisome smile.
November 30, 2020, 04:22 PM
Though she wasn't much of a shield, and could barely lift her head comfortably. She felt it was appropriate to keep her head down any longer and weakly lifted it to look between the two who looked to have some sort of misunderstanding. They never seemed to interact before, so she wasn't sure why there was questions being thrown.
"Would you two like to play a game?" Instead she tried to intervene with a gentle smile, and a fun attitude toward the mixture. It was rather uncomfortable, and being in an unsavory place she would avoid the possibility of any fighting. It reminded her how Haruki and Liliana were, a lil' more tame, but seemed to be edging toward that.
"Would you two like to play a game?" Instead she tried to intervene with a gentle smile, and a fun attitude toward the mixture. It was rather uncomfortable, and being in an unsavory place she would avoid the possibility of any fighting. It reminded her how Haruki and Liliana were, a lil' more tame, but seemed to be edging toward that.
November 30, 2020, 08:27 PM
(This post was last modified: November 30, 2020, 08:29 PM by Sullivan.)
When Caerus replied, Sullivan felt stupid. "Oh," he breathed, his mouth pursed in a perfect "o". "I, uh, didn't know," he elaborated, feeling the need to. "Just you talking about being here first, and your voice and ... and," Sullivan trailed, realizing that he had nothing else to back him up; perhaps he was in the wrong here.
Miriam was quick to intervene with a distraction, and Sullivan greedily took the bait. His mood had rebounded effortlessly. "I like games!" he replied as his tail thumped against the ground, silently prompting her to elaborate with large, puppy dog eyes.
Miriam was quick to intervene with a distraction, and Sullivan greedily took the bait. His mood had rebounded effortlessly. "I like games!" he replied as his tail thumped against the ground, silently prompting her to elaborate with large, puppy dog eyes.
December 01, 2020, 10:14 AM
i was just explaining that i'm older?Caerus tilted his head as if Sullivan was making something out of nothing, despite how he'd hit the nail right on the head.
geez,Muttered quietly under his breath, but certainly loud enough for the boy to hear.
To-Do List
1. Be an asshole
2. Make the kid think he's rude
Caerus looked to Miriam as eagerly as his brother did, as if he too was happy to escape the uncomfortable situation.
sure!He chirped, directing to her,
is there anything in particular you have in mind?He figured Sullivan had a favorite game of some kind, but he cared much more for his patient's opinion, and thought it would be good to see her have fun in her own way since she had been so heavy-hearted lately.
December 01, 2020, 10:49 AM
cameo unless addressed!for now
he'd happened across the little gathering just as sullivan was introducing himself, as obnoxiously chipper as ever as the sooty boy drew to a slow halt a good few paces away. he had absolutely no desire to partake in whatever had coaxed the odd trio of caerus, miriam and sully together but it was that exact combination that had resulted in his need to stop at all. specifically the caerus part and frosty eyes wasted no time in narrowing distastefully upon the older boy.
finín didn't like caerus, and there was not a scrap of guilt lingering about at this fact because there was no doubt in his mind that caerus didn't harbour any affability towards him or his siblings either. in his opinion, which he simply considered fact, the ruby eyed boy was annoying, rude and utterly full of himself, thinking he was oh so much better than them just because he was older. the flame kissed child glowered, jaw clenching at the jibe in his response and resisting the urge to go down and start something while miriam was there. hating to admit it but aware that caerus was much more guileful than he, he knew how to wrap the adults around his paw; finín would just get all the blame.
and sullivan, so exasperatingly doltish in his amiable naivety; he could honestly see why his other "sibling" would target him, in fact finín couldn't even help but grimace at his brother's open confusion; embarrassed on his behalf.
but it was one thing for him to push sully around every now and then or make fun of his dumb tendencies; he wouldn't let caerus have that fun with his brother, related or not. so for now he simply lingered in the shade, definitely preferring if he didn't have to get involved and likely end up the only one in trouble but all too ready to intervene should snarky caerus get anymore waspish towards his gullible company.
December 03, 2020, 06:32 PM
"It is called two truths and a lie." She remembered her own Amma did this trick when children were not getting along, it was one of the many games that distracted them. Not to mention, it made so majority would gradually start to get to know each other as truths were stated on likes and dislikes, not to mention Miriam never suspected any one of them would lie through the game.
"I'll start, alright?" Smiling at the two, the mother hummed slightly as she thought of her truths and lies, "I have two children, I worship the Horned God and the Goddess, and I have one mother. Which is the lie?"
As her culture was different then those of the pack-wolves, she thought her trick was rather easy. For within the Orchid every birth-giver was always referred to as an Amma, as so Asmoses and Liliana did to herself. Though the other ladies were always called 'mothers,' and thus there was more then several that Miriam at the time closely called 'mother.' Usually to make it easier she would refer their name next, and while such teachings she desired to pass down to her own two...
She wasn't comfortable enough with the other women in Neverwinter.
"I'll start, alright?" Smiling at the two, the mother hummed slightly as she thought of her truths and lies, "I have two children, I worship the Horned God and the Goddess, and I have one mother. Which is the lie?"
As her culture was different then those of the pack-wolves, she thought her trick was rather easy. For within the Orchid every birth-giver was always referred to as an Amma, as so Asmoses and Liliana did to herself. Though the other ladies were always called 'mothers,' and thus there was more then several that Miriam at the time closely called 'mother.' Usually to make it easier she would refer their name next, and while such teachings she desired to pass down to her own two...
She wasn't comfortable enough with the other women in Neverwinter.
December 07, 2020, 11:00 AM
Sullivan clenched his jaw and looked away when Caerus responded, realizing that he had been wrong. He flattened his ears, and his tail tapped across the frozen ground. "'M sorry," Sullivan apologized, summoning the courage to look at his brother again.
With his apology given, Sullivan could now move on and enjoy the game. His emotions flip-flopped, changing from sad to happy within the blink of an eye. "Okay!" he agreed once Miriam had said the name of the game; he'd never played this before! She listed two truths and a lie, and Sullivan considered the statements for a moment before replying.
He was stumped; he didn't even notice that Finín was nearby.
"Uh...." he drawled, glancing at his brother to see if he knew, "Is it that you worship the Horned God and the Goddess?" Having two-mothers seemed more realistic to him.
With his apology given, Sullivan could now move on and enjoy the game. His emotions flip-flopped, changing from sad to happy within the blink of an eye. "Okay!" he agreed once Miriam had said the name of the game; he'd never played this before! She listed two truths and a lie, and Sullivan considered the statements for a moment before replying.
He was stumped; he didn't even notice that Finín was nearby.
"Uh...." he drawled, glancing at his brother to see if he knew, "Is it that you worship the Horned God and the Goddess?" Having two-mothers seemed more realistic to him.
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