Northstar Vale Antígrafo
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Ooc — Teo
All Welcome 
After visiting with his wife, Arsenio left their den to search for one of the other expecting parents in the vale.

The Arche had accepted @Ethan into their folds without much thought. The man had an interesting story and presented himself to be an interesting person. His son, Ike, had already pushed himself into the folds of Epoch and had attempted to teach the young ones a few lessons. It was nice to know that they were open to the educational culture pieces of the pack.

Sniffing near the pregnant man’s scent, Arsenio chuffed out in hopes that he might draw Ethan’s attention.
Trans Male -- He/Him -- Should be misgendered upon first encounter though
137 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Ethan, who was sure now that he was expecting once again, after his past miscarriage, heard the mans chuff and turned to face him. He perked his ears and tried to look more alive than he felt. He'd barely slept last night, feeling the discomforts of pregnancy coming back. "Hey." He said, dipping his head in a respectful greeting. "Whats up?" He asked

Ethan is a transgender male so he appears to be a female wolf to those who do not know him. For realism all wolves should misgender him until he introduces himself.
676 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Greetings, the Arche said to the man. He offered a wave of his tail and his blue eyes glittered brightly.

Arsenio drew nearer to where the expectant father was. His eyes roamed Ethan’s figure with sharp curiosity. It would not be long before there would be more puppies in the vale. He could not help but think of Tamar and the children they expected. Three litters in a short time, he thought. That would be many young mouths to feed.

I have come to check on you, to see how you are faring, the Arche explained. How is your health?
Trans Male -- He/Him -- Should be misgendered upon first encounter though
137 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
"I lost the first litter." Ethan said sadly. "I would've been due about yesterday if I hadn't. Lost them about 2 weeks ago. But me and Dasher conversed. He suggested I find a donor to be the father, as he was worried it was his half causing the issue, as I've had a successful litter in the past, so I did, and I am expecting once more. I should be due in a month and a half's time, if all goes well." Ethan said. 

"Though this time around the effects are hitting me harder, and I don't know why." He added.

Ethan is a transgender male so he appears to be a female wolf to those who do not know him. For realism all wolves should misgender him until he introduces himself.
676 Posts
Ooc — Teo
It was bad news that was shared first. Ethan stated that he had lost the litter of pups that he had expected.

Arsenio became pensive. His red features were deep in thought.

I am sorry to hear of your loss, Ethan, he stated after the appropriate amount of silence. It sounded as though the man’s mate had encouraged another pregnancy. Arsenio could only be grateful that he had never dealt with such a traumatic loss with Tamar. The thought of his wife losing their children was enough to shatter a man.

What can I get you to help? My son is working to become a medic. Perhaps he could look for herbs.
Trans Male -- He/Him -- Should be misgendered upon first encounter though
137 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
"I'm not sure of the herbs that could help, my first pregnancy ever was successful with little to no complications, so I don't really have experience in the area of issues." Ethan said. "Perhaps less physical activity, would be my only idea, as I was under stress when kicked from my old pack, and then had the strenuous multi-day trek up here." He said "But if he knows anything, I would be open to trying things." He added

Ethan is a transgender male so he appears to be a female wolf to those who do not know him. For realism all wolves should misgender him until he introduces himself.
676 Posts
Ooc — Teo
It must have been frightening, carrying the lives of children. Arsenio did not envy the man. He couldn’t envision the endurance and strength that it would require. Knowing that some of them might be lost to unpredictable complications was worse. He wondered how Ethan had gotten pregnant again, so soon after the loss of his initial litter.

Consider yourself on orders to rest, then! Until they are born and old enough to learn, you should stay in your den. I can have one of my children check on you, bring you what you need.

Arsenio thought Antigone would do well at this. The boy had already taken an interest in Towhee. He had spoken his desires to learn the birthing process. The Arche’s son would do fine to tend to Ethan until his children had been born.
Trans Male -- He/Him -- Should be misgendered upon first encounter though
137 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Ethan dipped his head, grateful. "If you are sure its alright. I do not want to be a burden. I promise once I am able to again, I can be a well-abled hunter for the pack." he said. He had not met the boy the arche would send to tend to him, and Ike had not spoken of him, so Ethan wondered if some explaining about his.. identity, would have to be done

Ethan is a transgender male so he appears to be a female wolf to those who do not know him. For realism all wolves should misgender him until he introduces himself.
676 Posts
Ooc — Teo
No, please! You are not a burden. You bring new life to our humble home, he assured the other man. Arsenio’s features were swift to smile, to flash his toothy grin. He enjoyed this role. There was something satisfactory in playing the host to wolves who would call Epoch home.

I know that you will help when you are at your fittest again. We should discuss a spring hunt. I am sure your young ones will have grown enough to watch, at least.

When the flowers shifted and the warm light of sun had melted the snow from the land, there would be new prey afoot. Arsenio delighted at the idea of hunting with his family. He missed the heated evenings of summer. He missed the green foliage that shrouded their home in beauty.
Trans Male -- He/Him -- Should be misgendered upon first encounter though
137 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Ethan liked that idea. Ike and Mya had never really had a chance to learn like that. he had just shown them himself how to hunt. But if he had many wolves, of a pack, helping him teach them, even if they were still young, they would be safe watching. he had to wait till Ike and Mya were 3-4ish months old or he was afraid they'd get hurt while left unattended.

"That would be a great idea. I am very grateful to you and all of Epoch for taking me and Ike in. I don't think I could raise my young in a better place." Ethan said with a smile.

Ethan is a transgender male so he appears to be a female wolf to those who do not know him. For realism all wolves should misgender him until he introduces himself.
676 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The Arche felt himself warm with pleasure. It was good to know that Epoch was a safe space for families. It made him feel sound in their decision to build their home on peace. Their children would prosper in the warmth of the vale, under watchful and protective eyes.

Ike has already started teaching, I hear, the man said with a smile. I am glad you are both settling and that Epoch has treated you well. When your young ones are born, we will fill them with knowledge and they will be loved. Arsenio did not doubt in the familial bonds that held their pack together. The mothers that lived in Epoch were powerful and wise and loving. Any puppy born in the vale would be raised on overwhelming love.
Trans Male -- He/Him -- Should be misgendered upon first encounter though
137 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Ethan smiled at that. It was more than he could ever hope for. "I am glad I found Epoch, well, glad I found Dasher I guess, because I otherwise would've had no reason to join such a fine pack. It has been the best decision I've made though." He said

Ethan is a transgender male so he appears to be a female wolf to those who do not know him. For realism all wolves should misgender him until he introduces himself.
676 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Last from me! Let's have another soon. ^^ Also the Zulema tag is just for reference. <3

Good, he said and followed the statement with a cheery laugh.

You rest now, Ethan. I will come visit again. Later, I will ask my daughter @Zulema to bring you some dinner. She is lovely company and she has a good eye for the best prey.

Arsenio thought that his children would be helpful to the expecting parents in the vale. Antigone had a mind for healing and for herbs. He would aid in tending to the pups and helping with the birthing process, if he had learned well enough how to aid in such a thing. Zulema and Zosime were bright and helpful in any way they could be. The Arche felt a great deal of pride for his pups, for how much they reminded him of Tamar.

The redstone wolf waved his tail in farewell to Ethan. His mind wandered to his wife and he directed his path to where he might find Tamar.
Trans Male -- He/Him -- Should be misgendered upon first encounter though
137 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Ethan dipped his head. "Thank you for everything."

Ethan is a transgender male so he appears to be a female wolf to those who do not know him. For realism all wolves should misgender him until he introduces himself.