Northstar Vale Odyssey
676 Posts
Ooc — Teo
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An otter was clasped tightly between the redstone wolf’s fangs. Its rear end swung down to Arsenio’s chest, tail dragging along the ground as he toted it into the the vale. 

With bloodied face, the Arche dropped the otter on a stone with a flat surface and called to his family for a small feast. 

Arsenio hoped that his children might join him, but his glacial eyes searched the foliage for any of the Epoch wolves.
44 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
Sylianos' head popped up from the bush where he was currently hiding from his twin, huge red ears tipping sharply forward to capture the sound of his father's howl. Food! Abandoning the game, he began the arduous process of disentangling himself from the foliage, creating such a racket that Saleem would have no trouble at all finding him.

"Last one there's rotten bird meat!" Sylianos called as he finally broke free of the bush at a lopsided, stumbling trot that soon became a smooth canter. Twigs and leaves clung to his coat, the worst of which would shed from him as he ran, but nonetheless it was a disheveled and dirty boy who arrived before Arsenio.

He wasted no time diving for the otter on the stone and snatching it up in his jaws. He flung it around as proudly as though he had caught it himself, hoping to entice Arsenio into a game of tug, though admonishment might better suit his rude table manners.
87 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Saleem growled at the taunt, racing after his brother as quickly as he could. But Sylianos had a head start, and Saleem tripped on a fallen branch about three strides into the chase. His chin was now covered in dirt, and he caught up just in time to see his mirror swinging the carcass around.

He wasted no time grabbing the other end, wanting to make sure he’d get his fair share. Still young and growing, Saleem was never far from famished. Rotten bird meat or not, the blue eyed twin would make sure he filled his belly today.
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676 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Sylianos was the first to appear, charging ahead on swift legs. Arsenio admired his son and the growth he had shown.

To be expected, Saleem was not far behind. The boys were assertive and confident as they approached the otter and each clasped onto an end. It would be a fair match between the twin brothers. Their figures and spirits had flourished. In the months that would follow, they would only become more strapping.

Ahah! My sons are mighty. Let’s see which one of you can take the biggest chunk, hm? he challenged the twins with a toothy smile. Arsenio waved his tail, lowering his torso to the earth so that he might witness Sylianos and Saleem devour their prize.
44 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
He was only mid-fling when his twin snatched the other side of the otter, snapping it taut between them and wrenching Sylianos forward. He growled instinctively around his mouthful and planted his paws in a wide ready stance.

They were physically the same, he and Saleem. Evenly matched. The key difference between them was that in most scenarios, Saleem was the more dominant, Sylianos the more submissive. Saleem was also hungry for the fresh kill and should have the upper hand here, by all accounts, but Sylianos was hungry for Arsenio's approval. As soon as he heard father egging them on, he knew he would fight to win this time.

The brown-eyed twin yanked as hard as he could, feeling the otter's skin begin to tear away from the fur between his teeth.
87 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Push and pull was the name of their everyday game, but this game was different. With their father watching, egging them on to be competitive rather than working directly as a team, Saleem sensed a change in his mirror. He couldn't think of a time that he had been on anybody's side other than his twin's. And yet, here they were. Saleem was actually so surprised by it, he let his grip loosen a tiny bit. It was only for a second, but it was long enough for Sylianos to get the upper hand.
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676 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Such strength in their young bodies. Arsenio glowed with pride as his sons battled for the largest slice of otter meat. He could see the gleam in their eyes, the desire for approval, for victory. In their father's homeland, Sylianos and Saleem would have been praised - they had the makings of great soldiers in them.

In a moment, Saleem had lost some of his hold. It was only an instant, but Sylanios maintained a strong grip on the otter's body, ripping away a large chunk of meat and pelt. Arsenio beamed with a great toothy smile.

Good boys, he praised them. Sylianos, you held your focus and did not waver. I am proud of you! Arsenio stepped toward his son and planted a wet kiss on the top of his head. Saleem, you are as strong as your brother and just as smart. The next time you lose your grip, see if you can use it to your advantage. Another kiss to the top of Saleem's head.

I think it is time to eat your fill, boys.
87 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Saleem fell back on his rump, only a small piece of the otter left in his possession. He shook it rapidly back and forth, an instinct lodged somewhere deep in his brain to ensure that the kill was actually dead.

Words spilled forth from their father's lips as he gave them praise and advice. Saleem beamed, though he still wished he had won "The Great War of the Otter" as he had decided to describe it from now on. Even if Sylianos offered part of his kill, Saleem would refuse it, thinking it wrong to take from the victor when it had not been his right to do so.
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44 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
Sylianos didn't feel Saleem falter so much as he felt the tearing of the otter's carcass. It came apart into two chunks, the larger in his possession, and he stumbled back. He gave his own piece a shake in tandem with his twin and his tail swung in wide arcs behind him.

He bumped his head up into Arsenio's jaw as the man praised them. Sylianos was glowing with pride. It was tempting to give part of his kill to Saleem — they shared almost everything and it felt right to share this, too — but it was almost as though he could sense that his brother was unwilling to take it. Instead of offering it, Sylianos flopped down in place, grasped his cut of meat between his ankles, and tucked into it.

It tasted sweeter than any meat he had ever had before, likely because he had won it fair and square. Next time, he was certain Saleem would best him, but today he basked in his triumph.