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Given to Tauris by Elphaba on August 09, 2023
Stone Circle · You signed up, you gotta participate
Tauris is wonderful, she's gonna be a great mom <3
Given to Tauris by Akavir on August 09, 2023
Stone Circle · devour to survive, so it's always been
I just love her personality so much.
Given to Towhee by Meri. on August 08, 2023
Firefly Glen · We should all wear polka dots.
As someone who volunteer at a injured bat rehab, I LOVE this post.
Given to Mae by RIP Moss on August 08, 2023
Witch's Marsh · You don't believe in God; I don't believe in luck
Given to Mae by Wren on August 08, 2023
Lost Creek Hollow · Doesn't matter if you need it or not
ohhhh poor baby ;___; <3
Given to Tumbleweed by Meridian on August 08, 2023
Rosewater Oasis · Goodbye, sweet things
Foul water?! *gasp* I absolutely love Tumbleweed's character. <3
Given to Saturdays Sunrise by Njord on August 08, 2023
Redtail Rise · metanoia
love this metaphor for the sisters!!
Given to Wren by Elphaba on August 08, 2023
Swiftcurrent Creek · i'm gnashing my teeth like a child of cain
Given to The Listener by Val on August 08, 2023
Bearclaw Valley · the clock of the time dragon
Given to Mae by Akavir on August 08, 2023
Lost Creek Hollow · Should've never ever ever forgot
I see she has her dads impressive flirting skills. <3 <3 xD
Given to Akavir by Tauris on August 08, 2023
Lost Creek Hollow · una tortura perderte
this just feels so honest, my heart hurts, you write with such genuine emotion
Given to Mae by Legend on August 08, 2023
Lost Creek Hollow · Should've never ever ever forgot
what the fffuhh LOLLL
Given to Towhee by Tauris on August 08, 2023
Wapun Meadow · Drunk in 1999.
-crying- grandma's coming!!
Given to Legend by Tauris on August 07, 2023
Lion's Head Mesa · Cross the gold
“I come from deep desert with pet on my side that does not know how to find water” cackling
Given to Caracal by John on August 07, 2023
Wheeling Gull Isle · New places, friendly faces
Your welcome! Thank you. I’m still figuring out his backstory, so sorry if things don’t add up, lol. ;)
Given to Caracal by John on August 07, 2023
Wheeling Gull Isle · New places, friendly faces
Man, I love this guy. :3 He’s awesome.
Given to Mulherin by Masquerade on August 07, 2023
Redtail Rise · diamond eyes
I think it's a very neat and organic idea for one of her kids to pick up Avicus's speech patterns. :)
Given to Kestrelcloud by Bonario on August 07, 2023
Jade Fern Grove · I tried.
Given to Mae by Wren on August 06, 2023
Stone Circle · You signed up, you gotta participate
Given to Akavir by Wren on August 06, 2023
Witch's Marsh · a cursed place