Stone Circle Remember when Ezekiel x Anita was OTP? Pepperidge Farms remembers.
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As as side note, who has been your favorite Silvertip/Easthollow pairing? (cannon or fannon!)
Although his homeland would always have a special place in his heart, Easthollow's territory was truly beautiful in the winter. He was excited to see it after the thaw as well, as he'd heard that the grass was green and the trees were healthy and that there were flowers that grew out in all the prairies. But winter was his season, so he was happy enough to wait it out in the snow.

Today, he was half-heartedly following the trail of some Canadian geese. They were settled in one of the marshier prairies, where the mud was alive enough that it hadn't yet frozen over, and some of the last grey grasses of autumn were still visible beneath film-covered pools of murkwater. They could be a pain to catch sometimes, but he thought he might get one or two if he got the drop on them. The only question was - how was he to approach when they were out in the open this way? Snow had solid hills of all the brush and grasses, so there was nothing to hide behind or underneath as he crept steadily closer and closer.

The only thing for it was to either move very slowly, or very quickly. At the moment, he was trying for slowly.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Hahah I remember!!

After realizing that Nuna was family, and dark of color, and her siblings were dark in coat color as well. Even her parents had been dark of color! Where they even family if they didn't look like her? Arlette was getting really worried. She had been trying to keep herself busy and not think too much of it. She was not sure what would happen if her assumptions were true.

Then the female saw a male over the fields, down by the birds. She decided that she needed something to occupy her mind and instantly sprung to her feet. She rushed to him with new found interest. "Hi! Whacha doing?," she asked as she approached him in a trot. Her coat blending perfectly with the white background.
65 Posts
Ooc — Mix
Although King had never met the girl directly, he'd seen her around and recognized her scent from the territory and even thought he knew her name. "I wanna get a goose," he replied with a wag of his tail, his body language inviting her closer in case she worried she had interrupted something. He pressed his belly to the ground, indicating his intention to put the hunt on pause so they could speak for a moment.

"You're Arlette, right? One of Valette's girls?" he asked with another sweep of his tail. "My name's King," he added, deciding not to tack on his surname/natal pack this time.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette glanced at the birds and then understood. "OH! I interrupted it. I'm sorry." She went to lie down as well and flopped her ears back. She was rather submissive towards the other adults as she didn't want to do anything wrong. She wanted to learn and copy what older wolves were doing and she knew that they didn't like to be interrupted. She nodded. "Yes," she confirmed verbally.

"Hi King," she greeted. The girl wagged her tail, as he didn't seem to mad about her interrupting his hunt. "Normally mother gives me hunting lessons but I find the bison rather big and scary," she admitted. She was the runt of the litter and it was showing still in her size.
65 Posts
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Despite his precocious name and larger size, King had never had anyone act terribly submissive toward him, nor did he expect it. Therefore, he missed it when Arlette seemed to defer to him. "You didn't interrupt. I was just trying to think how to get to them," he assured with another beat of his tail. As always, socializing with his packmates seemed like the better pursuit. But Arlette's pale coat did give him an idea!

"They scare me, too," he admitted, glad to find someone else who shared the sentiment. "I'm not quite the hunter your mother must be, but I'm sure we could learn a thing or two together. For example - can you guess why I haven't tried to run and grab one yet?" he asked her, falling easily into the role of teacher after having been around for his parents' last litter.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Normally her over-excited nature would take away some of the submissiveness of the pale female. But with adults she wasn't familiar with she would be polite to be on the safe side. Her mother taught her to be polite. She grew a bit more excited when she learned that she hadn't ruined his meal. Her tail wagged faster and her ears perked up. She was not as timid as Keen. Arlette was definitely quick to warm up to others. "Oh! Good."

"They do?," she spoke with wide set eyes, not expecting that from a male adult. "She likes it more than anything," Arlette nodded. She herself, didn't feel so much for it as her mother did. "Um..." She knew this... "Oh! They will get scared and run way! No wait! Fly!," she whispered excitedly. "I usually get to excited and mother scolds me for not having patience. That is why she thought I would be better at hunting bison as they wouldn't be quick to scare," the female chatted.
65 Posts
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It was hard for King to imagine Valette scolding anyone - she seemed like a real sweetheart - but he supposed mothers acted differently toward their young. His own mother had been rather strict to him and his siblings, but he'd seen her act sweetly to their father rather often. Hm.

"Well, I don't plan to snap at you," he said with a chuckle. "It's just a few birds. Better to practice and eat tomorrow than to eat today and not learn a thing, right?" Well. He wasn't as good at dadisms as his dad was, but that sounded like a good kind of logic, right?

"You're right, at any rate. They're going to see me. But they might not see you with your pale coat and all. What if I went 'round and distracted them, and you snuck up and nabbed one while they were figuring out what I was up to?"
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette grinned at the thought of not having anyone scold her. The girl rather liked that. It was not that her mother was mean but she had a tendency to be impatient when it came to hunting. Especially since Arlette didn't really want to learn. "Yes!," she grinned at the male, clearly getting more confident around him.

The female's eyes widened when he spoke of her coat color. She never really thought of using it to her advantage. "I will try!" She liked the idea of her being the ambush, but that would require a lot of stalking. She did practice this with her mother but now it would be the real deal. She slowly started to crawl as close to the ground as she could.
65 Posts
Ooc — Mix
King's tail wagged as Arlette accepted this plan. "Alright, then! You wait here, and I'll head around that way. If you're very still, they probably won't even notice you."

He stood and began moving away from the girl. As he'd predicted, many of the geese looked up at him, and as far as he could tell, they didn't seem to notice Arlette. Some kept watching him, but others decided he was just wandering and went back to what they'd been doing. And King did his best to remain nonchalant until he suddenly veered back toward them, still at the same steady clip. They honked and warned him away, and he pretended to heed them, looking over the flock to see if Arlette was ready to take her chance while they were focused on him.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette stayed as low to the ground as she could. The pale female blended perfectly with the pure white snows. She crawled closer, trying to be as soundless as possible. She stilled as the geese seemed to focus on King who was walking past them. She slowly crawled closer to them. When King moved in their direction they seemed to be completely alert to him.

The young girl moved even closer. She tried to keep her breathing in check. King seemed to obey them and keep their attention. Arlette was close and then leaped forward to run as fast as she could. The snows didn't make her as quick as she wanted to be but the geese had been too distracted. The white female pounded on a fatty geese successfully and grabbed its neck to hold it down. She ignored the chaos around her and kept his jaws locked around the bird's frail neck.