Qeya River i carefully did stray
413 Posts
Ooc — delaney
All Welcome 
the morning was cool; a biting chill in the air that simutaneously surprises kivaluk and ...does not. this is not a new trend and there is always a coolness that lingers in the taiga with the gleaming, whitecapped glacier in the distance. this feels different. ominious; though perhaps this is a conception kivaluk comes to because of lestan's haunting words which gnaw at him like frostbitten fingers, drawing a crease of worry to his brow.

it was not something he should likely be worrying about, but his father's continued absence and veiled knowledge of possible return hangs heavy; understood better now. with a vigor that could be either described as religious or obsessive, kivaluk gives pause to his patrols to check the pack's food caches; taking mental stock of which ones need tended to, which needed pruned and which needed the bulk of meat stored away.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
stealig cause i love these 2

A cold chill woke her. She got to her feet, nose in the air. Stealing a paonful breath of cool air. It stirred her chest and her tongue cooled in the air.

Amalia had the same thoughts as Kivaluk, though hers were tempered with a knowledge he didn't boast yet. She had lived through sparse winters.

She sniffed and nosed from border to border and cache to cache deciding she'd hunt somw rabbits at the very least. Maybe somw gophwrs. Worse things she could fish.

She shuddered at the thought of fishing in the cold Qeya. But she'd do it for her small found family.

It was with this in mind she traversed through the pack lands.
413 Posts
Ooc — delaney
it does not surprise kivaluk that he comes across amalia rather quickly. he takes note of her continued contribution and loyalty to natigvik, wondering if his mother has done the same. though he has existed largely in his own world, trying and failing to hold onto a cubhood that no longer feels like it belongs to him, he has subconsciously shifted focus to more adult concerning things. noting who he trusted, those who he knew beyond name alone ...and those whom he did not ( of no one's fault but his own, surely ).

he tucks thoughts away as he approaches with a soft chuff to both greet and announce himself to her.

amalia, he greets with a small smile and wag of his tail. fancy another try at fishing? he inquires, unwittingly following her trail of thought; blissfully unaware that the waters of the river would be colder now that autumn and the dreaded winter he's heard about, was on its way.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia was fond of Natigvik and the family she had found within it's borders. There was a gentle peacefulness to the area and the pack. Though that peace also made her worry that someone would disrupt it.

Amalia lifted her head and smiled. Hello Kivaluk! How are you?

Amalia looked towards the river. IT would be very cold, but she could do it as could he. They would need to get used to it. Being so near a glacier.

Certainly. Though I should warn you. It will be cold. We'll have to take turns.

Amalia headed for the river, a smile on her face. She neared it and reached a paw out to touch. Then with a jump she landed into it, a gasp leaving her lips.

Better to jump right in and get it over with right. She thrilled back at him with laughter on her face. She shuddered once and then slowly turned back to the task at hand.

She leaned forward anxious to try and grasp one. A shadow darted out at her and she snapped at it, but missed. She chuckled.

Guess i stirred them up too much.

She crawled out of the river, shaking some of the excess water. You're turn and then i'll go again. Maybe don't be as exuberant as me yea?

rolled a 1 no fish to start
413 Posts
Ooc — delaney
a soft chuckle rumbles in kivaluk's throat as she launches herself into the ice capped water; and though it is instinct to want to cringe away from the icy splashes that rise from the collision of her body into the water, he resists. better to get himself acclimated to it for soon it would be his turn in it's shallows.

she exits the river without a fish and he slips into the water; favoring her method of getting it over with in one fell swoop but without the disturbance.

still, the bite of the icy water steals his breath from him for a moment. he stills in the water: to let his body adjust and to ease the spooked nature of the fish.

a shadow swims by, away and then near again. he lunges for it, teeth snapping 'round icy water. a low grunt of disappointment leaves him as he trudges back to her with no fish, either.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
bad day for fishing goodness. rolled a no fish again.

Amalia was enjoying the day, even if they weren't catching fish. Perhaps it was simply the fish were feeling sluggish as the weather changed.

Amalia stared at the offending water and steps into daintily this time. Anxious not to disturb the waters. No shadows move about and she frowns. SHe does notice one and watches it for amoment then lunges only to meet empty water.

She grunts in disfavor. Realizing her poor choice too late, that it had been a bird overhead, that had caught the shadow, not a fish beneath.

She sighed and looked to Kivaluk. Today is a day to learn patience, I suppose.

She trudged back out, no fish in her jaw and a furrow in her brow.
413 Posts
Ooc — delaney
finally, a favorable roll, lol!

she returns to the shore after her second attempt; fishless. a soft, 'good try' smile tugs across kivaluk's face. it was his turn and though there was a bit of a hesitation, a sort of dread at the chill that awaits him he dutifully slips back into the water, doing his best not to disturb the fish. soon, he thinks, they will have worn out their chances to catch something.

for now, he tries not to think about it, shoving thoughts away to focus on hunting.

he takes a deep breath and then another; feeling the cool water as it softly rushes 'round him; watching the shadows of the fish as they dart to and fro.

he lunges; teeth snapping 'round a medium sized fish. he almost loses it as it flops furiously in his mouth, smacking him on the muzzle. he winces the last time before tossing it on the ground before amalia. you can try again if you want...or we can split this? though he would be putting his share in the nearest cache if that was what she wished to do.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
here too it took forever lol

Amalia returned the smile. It was how it happened sometimes. You hunted well. Or you didn't. You just tried again.

Amalia bounced upward in a happy tiny leap at his good fortune. Knew you could. I had faith.

She nodded her head, a happy laugh tinkling from her.

My turn. One more try.

She stepped into the cool water a shiver passing from her nose to her tail but she focused. Breathing evenly she watched and darted forwsrd to grap a shadow. Medium sized and spiny she caught it, but it cut the corner of her mouth. She growled and crushed it.

Got hit she said through muffled words. She carried her prize and lay it gwntly next to his licking along her maw to dispell the lingering cerise.
413 Posts
Ooc — delaney
kivaluk studies the fish for a prolonged moment, before gaze moves to amalia as she bravely trudges back into the waters for a third attempt. lady luck, it appears, smiles upon her as well. he watches as she, too, returns with a fish. nice! kivaluk offers in return of praise. a last glimpse is sent towards the river. he has caught something, at least, and it would go to the food cache; likely the fish were spooked now and would be swimming either up or down river to a quieter stretch of waters.

i'm going to take this to the food cache, he states his intention with a soft smile. you can join me or not. he lets the offer hang in the air between them, knowing he wouldn't take offense if she wished to go her own way.

fade here? <3
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia breathed a quiet sigh of relief that they both caught something at least. They wouldn't be leaving their paws empty. Any little bit could help now. Amalia needed to hunt some more rabbits to line the dens with fur. To dry before the river freezes.

Amalia wagged her tail. A brief flare of happiness leaks into her chest when she remebered how distrustful Kivaluk had been of her originally and now they were friends she hoped.

I'll take mine too. Then i may try and catch some rabbits or squirrels for fur in the dens.

Thank you for the thread. <3