Stavanger Bay As the Tide Returns
734 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Having explored the forest near Moontide Heph had taken to moving further afield as she tracked the herds. Though she was loathe to leave Moontide young as it was she trusted in the strength of the pack and was glad for her ranging as she ventured forth towards the edges of the southern portions of the pay. There was a faint pack scent, the idea of a pack beginning to claim the place that was strong. She had no intention of trespassing, but wished to ascertain the borders and in her own movements thought she might have caught a familiar scent. At first her surprise turned to disbelief but as she followed it she became more and more convinced in her own folly. Time changed things in memory and time changed things in actuality, but the prospect of being correct turned her excitement to action in a haste and she began moving through the territory at an increased pace. She noted major features and took care to stay within the bay rather than the base of the rocky structure, but she hoped that in her search she could pick up something fresher, something that she could be more sure of.

@Atka Shayde if you have the time ^__^ and for reference, let me know if I should change!
245 Posts
Ooc — bee
since atka had been named læknir she had spent much time on the outskirts of the keep. the pressing importance of knowing what grew where and when was fresh in her mind. the snowy woman's ears swiveled towards the sound of someone moving at a hurried pace. the smell was rather familiar?

❝hey!?❞ atka called out, attempting the stop the individual from furthering into the keep.

this wolf looked like heph, snow had thought. wait.

❝heph?❞ her voice bordered on shaky, the disbelief fresh and raw.

the comfort of her friend had been absent for too long, she wondered if the goodbyes and whispered promises of reunion would be true. every thought had circled around heph in this moment, the meeting, the travel, and the depart. was this her?
[Image: dcm9zur-d3aafd96-e9dd-475b-8fff-3c9c9da5...N13Rk97sII]
734 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph was jogging, taking in too many smells and sights and sounds for her to fully catalogue them. She let her instinct and memory guide her, sorting them into dangerous, background noise, return to later, never losing her sense of direction so she did not double back on herself but not paying attention to her surroundings beyond that. But when she heard a familiar voice, memory all the clearer for the thought of the very one she was looking for her legs shot out in front of her to position her in the correct direction. That was her name! Her tail wagged and she let out a bark full of excitement and a bit of joy "Atka?!" It was a question but also a yell loud enough to be heard from the distance. The wolf in white certainly had the shape at a distance of the one she had parted with wondering if she would see again. The irony of her refusing to join Atka and Dreven permanently in their pack with promises to return that had not yet come to fruition and then settling down with another dear friend of hers with promises to return to their packlands had not been lost on her. But things changed and she with them.

Bolting forward she only became more and more sure of who it was. Her tail windmilled behind her throwing off her gait imperceptibly a she barrelled towards the other wolf. Though she did not throw her entire weight into the other she-wolf she stopped a fur's breath away going to rub her head to the shoulder in some approximation of a hug. "It's been too long since I've seen a face as lovely as yours. Is that man of yours still treating you well? How did you come to be here? How are you?" So many questions poured from her mouth in a jumble, until she caught her breath eyes shining.
245 Posts
Ooc — bee
heph had not lost the sweet talking, atka laughed at that.

❝too long, heph.❞ it was nice having her dear friend's name on her tongue again, she hoped to dispel the glassy eyes. ❝and very well actually, i feel i've softened him.❞

her speech faded into a laugh once more, her tail waving behind her with a considerable speed as heph pressed her head to snow. the one who she'd traveled with, hunted with, spent waking moments with was finally with her once more. heph was there with her fresh from the grief of atka's past. she moved into the greeting as she spoke, then continued.

❝we parted ways with the forsaken, but aludin is out and moving again, i know nothing of the others. we're with hljóðrfell now, not far from here at all.❞

enough of questions for herself, what had heph been doing all this time?

❝did you finally settle? finally saw the ocean hm?❞ she joked, a smile clear on her face.
[Image: dcm9zur-d3aafd96-e9dd-475b-8fff-3c9c9da5...N13Rk97sII]
734 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph grinned taking it all in gladly. She had always resolved, in some way, to try and seek out Atka once again but as time stretched on and she knew how wolves had a way of moving from one to the next she had doubted her own ability to do that. But if they had both settled in packs nearby then their chances of crossing paths again and again remained. And though she had decided to settle on the plateau with Moontide that could not replace a good friend once had regained in company. That the forsaken had disbanded and even with the return of Alduin was interesting news to her, but her memories of the large black wolf who had met her on those borders when she was still fresh to the wilds were rather neutral. She had not much cared for him one way or the other unlike some of the other wolves she had come across.

Nodding her head she laughed and responded. "I did on both accounts funny enough! A friend of mine and his wife decided to form a pack just west of here on the coast that would welcome even lazy no-good rogues like myself." There was a glint in her eyes and she kept speaking, words running over themselves "But Moontide plans to build plenty of friendships near and far so I'll be able to run around and maybe come visit you and see how Dreven's holding up." Her tone was joking, light, diffuse with laughter that sparked from seeing Atka after a period of absence, but she was glad to have found a place in Moontide, glad to have friends and a leader who carved a place for her in their pack that would suit her well.
245 Posts
Ooc — bee
❝i'm happy for you, heph.❞ the smile did not fade.

she had found her home and seen so much. now the two could actually spend time beside each other, even if it was spaced out among the days.

❝i'm sure dreven and i both would like that.❞ atka took in a heavy breath, unable to take her eyes away from the face she'd longed to look at once again.
[Image: dcm9zur-d3aafd96-e9dd-475b-8fff-3c9c9da5...N13Rk97sII]
734 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
There was a warm smile in return. It seemed they had both settled well, something she had not thought possible but she supposed stranger things had happened and she was not the type to question too much her own happiness nor the happiness of others. She laughed a bit, a warm chuff of air, she felt that she and Dreven had gotten along well enough towards the end of their acquaintance, but she was unsure if he would welcome her stopping by now that he and Atka were settled in a pack. But she did wish to see him, perhaps hunt with him again. "I'll be sure to come by then. Have you two decided to try and bring more little terrors into the world?" Her own memories of those plans were somewhat hazy. But she was curious and serious about her potentially aunt-ly duties especially since Rodyn and Samani had indicated that they would be willing to let her meet with their own pups and turn them into little hellions running amok when that time came.
245 Posts
Ooc — bee
❝we have.❞ her eyes danced.

how could she almost forget to mention it?!

❝be sure to visit, when you are met at the borders ask for the læknir and i'll come to see you.❞ the wisp of a woman rambled with a joy chasing every syllable, surely heph could tell?

they had been apart for too long. her children would have another gentle and kind wolf to see to them should heph visit. then when she was no longer swollen with life, snow would venture to her friend's new home.
[Image: dcm9zur-d3aafd96-e9dd-475b-8fff-3c9c9da5...N13Rk97sII]
734 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph's tail wagged excitedly. Though she was hopeful about Moonwoman's matchmaking as time went on it looked more and more like she would not find someone this season but nonetheless she would have the chance to run around spoiling some proverbial nieces and nephews. "I'll be sure to!" Her voice was suffused with warmth and she looked forward to returning. Hopefully, that meeting would go well, and she committed the title to memory. "Also, congratulations, you're going to make wonderful parents. Is there anything you feel you need? I've been taking my time exploring but if there's anything I could hunt down..."
245 Posts
Ooc — bee
❝thank you,❞ atka's chest swelled with love.

❝i don't want to ask you to trouble yourself, heph,❞ she laughed before continuing, ❝but do you have any plans of your own right now?❞

she pried, but snow would love to see little hephs running around. there was a warmth only this wolf carried and she confidently thought the world needed more of it.
[Image: dcm9zur-d3aafd96-e9dd-475b-8fff-3c9c9da5...N13Rk97sII]
734 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph grinned, giving a teasing nudge with her nose to Atka's shoulder. "Don't you know, I'm always trouble." Her voice held its characteristic laughter as she let the offer stand.

She hesitated a bit, unsure of how to answer since even to her own ears it felt a strange situation. But she wished to hear Atka's thoughts on the matter. Rodyn's were all well and good, but he was not of her own gender and perhaps the other she-wolf would have more insight. But her statement at first seemed roundabout. "Moonglow is kind of like a mother pack to Moontide, the leader of that pack is called Moonwoman and she sometimes offers to help matchmaker wolves." She continued on, explaining the relevancy. "I asked for her help and will see what come of that, I don't have any plans. It's not that I'm opposed, but I feel that whoever would be right for me would have to be willing to either follow my lead into the unknown or be content to always be waiting for my return and wolves like that are few and far between, let alone ones who would also be interested in pursuing something together." Her voice became a bit breathy at the end, unsure of whether to laugh at herself or reveal it at all. After all, it was a selfish wish and she was not sure it painted her in a very good light - even if it was the honest truth.
245 Posts
Ooc — bee
yes, yes heph was; atka laughed as she pressed a nudge to her shoulder. then snow listened, nodding attentively as heph spoke. her brows furrowed with thought, but then her expression lightened when atka had realized heph would have some little 'terrors' of her own.

❝first off, you're going to be a wonderful mother.❞ her yellow stare softened before a playful smirk arose, ❝perhaps i should keep an eye out too, and be sure to tell me should you meet someone! i'll have all sorts of herbs to collect if you're with child.❞

the idea of aunt-ly responsibilities were crowned in her head, unknowing that heph's mind had drifted to the same spot. however, she wanted to keep her dear friend healthy and prioritized.

❝but does anyone come to mind yet?❞atka sat down while the same mischievous smile rested on her face. ❝what sort of man do you think about?❞

the rambled paused with a deep inhale, a breathy laugh following.
[Image: dcm9zur-d3aafd96-e9dd-475b-8fff-3c9c9da5...N13Rk97sII]
734 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph smiled, it warmed her that Atka thought she would make a good mother. The grey toned wolf might not come across as especially nurturing but she felt that she would do her best for any pups of hers and she knew that she would do her utmost as a hunter to ensure that they were cared for. "Thank you. I'll admit I'm less sure but I'll do my best by any pups that I have or that are in my care blood or no."

She grinned, laughing a bit but adding. "I'd appreciate it, I'll admit you have good taste even if Dreven's rough around the edges." Truthfully even though Heph did not feel the spark of romance with the large dark-furred behemoth she knew that he matched her friend well and Atka had certainly chosen well - or perhaps it was Dreven who should be congratulated for realizing someone like Atka was a catch.

She thought seriously on Atka's question and began answering, slowly at first but growing more confident in her words. "hmmm I'm not sure if I really care about man, woman, or anything like that. But" She thought to Rodyn and Samani who were unfailingly kind in their convictions. "I think I'd like someone with a strong character and bearing, I've met plenty of charming wolves, but I someone kind, at the very least to the wolves important to them." And she thought of the other wolves that she had hunted alongside, the rush of it. "And...well this might be a bit shallow but someone capable of challenging me, someone I could hunt alongside, or run with." They did not need to be more skilled than her, but enough to hold their own.
245 Posts
Ooc — bee
❝not shallow at all, heph.❞ atka attended to her dear friend's soft, brown eyes.

she raised her head as she loomed at who she would consider a sister now. the laugh that had followed heph's comment on taste had dissipated to another faint smile. a very true smile.

❝you will find your other half, and surely they'll see you as the catch.❞ her smile grew into breath of laughter again.
[Image: dcm9zur-d3aafd96-e9dd-475b-8fff-3c9c9da5...N13Rk97sII]
734 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph trailed after the laughter gladly. She had not forgotten how much she enjoyed the company of Atka but time had faded the sharpness and intensity of those memories and she was glad to be reminded just how joyful it was to have her friend near once more. "Mmmm well there's a thought." She chuckled a bit and expanded on the idea - offering some more knowledge about the customs of he wolves she found herself aligned with. "I know some of the wolves of Moonglow have asked bride prices if I'm such a catch perhaps I'll aks for something truly exorbitant." However, most of those wolves had come from the hearth of Kukutux, the moonwoman of the pack. Perhaps it was not so much the practice for wolves who brought only themselves to the union - after all Heph was confident in her skills and felt that whatever she might want she could hunt herself, there was little need for her to ask for furs or meat for her future mate to prove their worth. Rather it seemed more likely it would go the other way around and she would have to prove her prowess as a hunter to whomever she was made to match.