Lake Rodney death and burial were locked up in my chest [m - gore]
picks himself up
keeps climbing for the prize
71 Posts
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Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Amputation and gore!

AW, but maybe someone from RHC?

He rested among the trees, not knowing for how long, not until he felt the nagging bleat of hunger in the pit of his belly and the dryness in his throat. It was like he had consumed a part of the mountain on his way down. Lazarus could not remember it - the fall, the fight, the why - he barely remembered himself in all of this, but was made painfully aware of his body at the very least. He was caked in blood. His face, his throat, though he no longer leaked like a sieve he still felt the rawness of the event. How he had managed to go this far was a miracle - he knew his legs were broken, at least one of them was shattered and held together only by the flesh - and maybe it was the adrenaline that kept him moving.

The pain brought him to heel time and again.

He managed a few feet every couple of hours. But then he would gasp, or trip, and fall again, and hit the dirt with his muddied mess of a body. One of these times, thought the mindless beast, I will not get up again. He refused to be brought down for long, though. He dragged his broken leg, used the cracked and fractured other limbs in its stead, and pulled himself along. The beast gasped for breath and tasted the copper flavor of blood upon his tongue; he was breathing laboriously, and knew more than his limbs had been damaged in his tumble from the mountain.

It didn't matter. All he needed now was rest, or water, or food, and he'd had plenty of the first by this point. The forest dwarfed him for now - and as Lazarus pulled himself from the shadows of it, he caught sight of an open expanse of water, and picked up his pace. There were mountains here, and while he saw them he paid them no mind - they were not his mountain - and his body screamed, feed me, feed me, feed me! To which he must obey.
The Gentleman
1,663 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Hope it is okay I am posting here? Seb is a medic! (Or well trying to be!)

Sebastian ventured out of his territory for today. It was not because he wanted to or needed to get out, but he felt that he should check the neighboring territories to see what was going on there. Maybe some herds that would come in their direction, or some lone wolves that might be willing to join. Plus around the lake there was quite a lot happening. Great bodies of water attracts prey and predator alike.

The male trotted at a casual pace, occasionally sniffing around or following some older tracks. The male reached the edge of the water and took his time to drink before continuing the pad through the muddy banks, following the water trail. He could visit his old friends at RHC. Maybe he would! He hadn't seen them in quite a while, although Fox had been pretty clear to his messenger that they weren't friends, yet not enemies either.

Still, feeling sentimental the male trotted on, maybe he would just have a look. Yet, as he traveled closer the male saw a white blob in the distance. He frowned and quickened his pace. What he saw was not a pretty sight, a broken wolf. Something had happened. His pale eyes looked worriedly over the male's frame. "Hi! You don't look alright," he called out from a distance. Injured wolves could be dangerous when trying to protect themselves. "I can help you if you want to?," he spoke. He had been this broken once, and then others helped him back on his feet. He wouldn't be alive if they hadn't been around. So he liked to return that favor, even if this was a stranger.
picks himself up
keeps climbing for the prize
71 Posts
Ooc —
Totally good! :D

Bits of leaf-litter clung to him in patches, mostly where the blood had clotted in his fur. There were brambles from his most recent excursion through the adjacent forest, twigs, even chunks of dirt and rock embedded in parts of his sides and back - a good chunk across one side of his face which had crumbled partly out of place, like he was deteriorating with his absence from the mountain. Across his body, where the white of his pelt was tangled by blood and pus and bits of the earth, his skin was creased with road rash. Lazarus sank in to himself as he collapsed upon the lakeside, breathing heavily, but still breathing. Still going.

The fact he was still alive after his fall, hours spent sleeping and letting the blood seep out of his wounds, and then even this hike with broken parts. It was a miracle. He clutched to life the same way he had clutched to Amekaze, or the mountain, or his own pride and desires - with a hostile obsession. A great and overwhelming need. When the stranger came upon him Lazarus was oblivious. He heard nothingness, felt only pain, and concentrated fully on keeping himself awake.
The Gentleman
1,663 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Thanks! :D Hope you don't mind the mild PP. Let me know if you want it changed!

Sebastian glanced over the other with a worried expression. The alpha stepped closer as the other didn't even seem to notice him, or react to him. The large male inhaled sharply. This didn't look good. He was not even sure if this male was going to survive. He didn't have his herbs here with him. Yet, he did have the lake. He would have to do with what he had. The male approached, with definite care. His movements cautious.

Sebastian reached down and grabbed his scruff. This would probably be painful for the other. He tried to guide and pull him along towards the water. Sebastian hoped that by having him in the water he could at least clean the wounds and get some dirt off him. "C'mon, Lets get you cleaned," he spoke, for if the male could hear but not speak he would know what Sebastian intended for him. "Right his way," he spoke calmly. Even if this wolf was not going to make it, Sebastian would have to try to save him.

He stepped closer to the bank, trying to get the male closer. "I have a pack. Don't you worry now. I will take care of you," he assured. Sebastian was not a wolf that would let this male deal with death on his own. Maybe with the famine he would have but now, with the herd returning the male knew they had enough food to help this male. If he even made it to his territory.
picks himself up
keeps climbing for the prize
71 Posts
Ooc —
Feel free to PP him in any way, he's super broken. Legs shattered (one totally, probably with bone sticking out), wounds from the fight on his face/throat/shoulders, bruises and road rash all over, chunks of rock embedded in his body, etc.

It hurt. All his wounds were throbbing with a constant burn, and had likely garnered some kind of infection while he had been laying around at the base of the Moonspear; or maybe from his time in the forest. The beast breathed raggedly through lungs that had not been punctured, but with ribs that creaked and groaned like the framework of a rotten old house. Every breath tasted like copper - like blood - and all he could do was focus on the pain in his everything, and it kept him cognizant for the time being.

Then, he felt a pinch. It was sharp for an instant, but the rest of his body was in such a state of pain and contorted bits and pieces that he didn't linger long on the sensation. He moved with a lurch, and the beast loosed a strangled rumble as he was dropped closer to the water - his eyes rolled in his head, and he felt the cool reprieve of the lake as it soaked through his pelt. Around him eddied streaks of red and bits of debris in the manner of watercolor pigment, bleeding out all around him. He would never be pure - his body was ruined, perhaps forever, his pelt a mess, his soul the most tarnished if it still (or ever) existed - and the beast moaned uselessly as his face slid against the wet stones of the lake's bank.
The Gentleman
1,663 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Poor soul! <3 Is he even going to survive??

Sebastian gotten him into the water. However then the young medic realized something. He rushed back to the forest. He needed something--- Ha! He spotted a lower branch and jumped up. His jaws grabbed it and along with his weight hanging from it, the branch snapped right off. The male returned. He placed it by the bank, half into the water. Then he nudged the male's nose onto it so it would always stay above the water. That would be quite the failure if he would tend to the other's wounds while he would drown.

Sebastian let out a long sigh. "What in the hell happened to you," he spoke, shaking his head. He didn't waste more time and instantly gotten to work. The lake's water moved slightly with the wind, it wasn't like there were actual waves like the sea had. He would have to do with this for now. He couldn't take the male into deeper waters. Sebastian started to lick the male's wounds clean. His eye fell on the scattered leg. Sebastian had a thoughtful expression on his face, maybe it was better if he just bit it off. With his bone sticking out like that, who knew if he would have the use of that leg? But... maybe then the male would bleed to death. Decisions. Decisions.

The medic decided that he was going to clean him first. Sebastian got to work with full focus. First the hind leg, his romp and over to his side. With his nose he nudged the rocks out, and with the help from the fresh water it was cleaned. His own paws were starting to color red because of the water being colored by the male's blood. Sebastian moved over to his shoulder, his front legs and back towards his chest and neck. So many wounds and cuts. Often he filled his mouth with water and let it rush over the wounds where the water could not reach it. His ears dropped when he came towards his face. Sebastian felt bad for this male. "You have to hold on," he spoke more determinedly.

The grey male started to work on his face, licking all of the wounds clean, or at least trying to get the dirt out. The open wounds on his body seemed to bleed even more into the water. It was good, since the blood would take out infections, yet, if there was too much blood it could be bad. At least one side was done. Sebastian didn't know how much worse the other side was, and if it was smart to even turn him over? The male seemed to have bite wounds and somehow scrapes and road rashes. He sat back in the water, looking down at the broken wolf at his feet. What was the right thing to do here? Would a wolf so broken even survive?
picks himself up
keeps climbing for the prize
71 Posts
Ooc —
A brief interlude of silence, of drifting, of wet and cold, and then a piece of wood is wedged beneath his face, lifting it clear of the water. Tendrils of water drip from his nostrils - he didn't realize he had been sinking in to the lake like that, but now he was breathing better. Perhaps not smoother. It didn't matter. Whatever happened, he was likely to die here and now. But someone was here, he knew that. He could feel them working on his body, tinkering, pulling debris free, while he floated and tried to remain awake. Lazarus slipped in and out - he felt the cold of the lake and as it seeped in to him, he thought maybe this was the end. Maybe he was imagining things. Maybe instead of someone piecing him back together, they were pulling him apart.

You have to hold on, a voice - he heard it - not clear, nowhere near him really, drifting, but there. He gulped a breath and opened his eyes in to slits, and their golden sheen had dulled by all of his recent exersion. He saw a figure (or thought he did), but it was unfamiliar. It wasn't the boy king, it wasn't Amekaze, it was nobody - perhaps his imagination. Maybe it was the reaper? The beast sputtered softly as the lake water slipped over the chunk of wood and soaked his face.

Hnn, he moaned, and drifted, and waited for death. But death would not come for him yet. He would suffer first - because of his own desire to live, maybe, or as penance for what he'd done, but Lazarus did not consider his sins to be sins at all. He thought of Amekaze, focused on the image of her beneath him, and he knew that she would get him through this. Caahzn.. he murmured, Mmn.. Cahhnzm... but he was drifting too far, fading, and fell unconcious without making any sense at all.
The Gentleman
1,663 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Sebastian was surprised when the other was mumbling. Good!! He looked down, knowing he had to see the other side. The male decided to use the water as his friend. He grabbed the male by his scruff, holding it up like he would done with a pup. Alas, this male was heavier. He waded into deeper water, keeping his head up, he then moved back around only to have the other side up, letting the water help him turn to the other side. Sebastian came back to the branch and placed him down. This side looked a bit better. Still he instantly got to work with getting the rocks out and cleaning cuts.

Most of road rashes were on the other side, or on this back. The male must have fallen or something. Sebastian also checked the use of his legs. The one back leg on his left side was just scattered, though this one seemed relatively intact. He also checked his front legs. This one looked bad, though it seemed it was a clear break. Damn this male might not ever walk again. This side was clean too. Sebastian grabbed him by his scruff again and did his little trick. He took another look at the scattered back leg.

Sebastian watched the male and decided to take action. He wanted to tell the male that he would have to stay here, but then he realized that the male most likely wouldn't be running off anytime soon. He wanted to find poppy seeds for the male, to lower his pain. "I will be back," he spoke and rushed off. He knew there was a small field around here that had some poppies. With the recent heat they would probably have some seeds already. Yet when he was there, there were only baby ones. Due to the famine they didn't have a chance to develop. The male nosed around the ground and started to dig around it. When he was digging he did stumble on a black seed which had a tiny little sprout. He instantly took it in his mouth and retrieved it to the injured male. He knew that he shouldn't give the male too much anyhow.

Sebastian came back to the male. He tried to open his mouth a bit and push the seed inside. That was the closest he had ever gotten to kissing a male, oh well, not to be bothered about it now. "Chew! Chew." he spoke and nudged his muzzle. Whether or not the male chewed it was out of the male's control. At least he had given the male an option to relieve its pain. Sebastian rushed off again. If he was really going to amputate his leg he needed more supplies. The male grabbed another stick and went to fetch cobwebs. It took him some time, but eventually he had a nice bunch. What he also wanted to try, seeing that honey worked with a sore throat, if it worked on wounds too. Now it was worth a try. Sebastian brought back the stick with cobwebs and then rushed back off once more.

Sebastian's ears were listening to the sound of bees, he wanted to get to their honey. Sebastian quietly winced. How was he ever going to to get that? He watched the weird drooping sculpture hang from the tree. Sebastian tried to jump up and grab it like a branch. However, after several times that was not really something the bees were liking. Sebastian yelped when he felt a string on his muzzle. God damn. He would have to think of something else. It was leaking a bit of honey. Decided to place leaves under it, making one be coated with honey, grab it, place a new one, and bring it back to the male which was another few miles of running. Sebastian managed to have several maple leaves coated with honey after running back and forth. He decided he needed to work with this, he was getting tired. The poppy seed should have knocked the other out by now if he would have swallowed it.

Sebastian let out a long sigh as he reached the injured male again. "It is for the best. Brace yourself," he spoke Sebastian grabbed the limp left hind leg that would never be of use again and bit down in his upper thigh. It helped that the leg was already so broken. Just. A. Deer. It is just a deer he was chewing this off. It helped to think it was not a wolf. His teeth chewed their way through the leg, using one main horizontal break to make his leg into a weird stump. There was a lot of blood. He let the water clean it before he grabbed the male by the base of his tail and gently pulled his romp more up the bank. Sebastian instantly rushed to grab one of the coated honey leaves and placed then against the fur and the open wound. The honey was sticky enough to make the leaves stick around the chewed off leg. Eventually Sebastian grabbed the stick with cobwebs and tried to steal it off with another sticky material. It didn't look pretty, but... he hoped the honey would harden and stop most of the bleeding. Plus soften the pain of the open wound like it would with a sore throat? He hoped it worked like that.

The young male let out a sigh, sinking down on the bank. He was tired and felt dirty. He hoped this male would survive otherwise all his effort would have been for nothing. The right side of his muzzle felt funny. Numb even. Sebastian didn't realize yet that part of his muzzle was swollen with the bee sting. He would have to deal with that later. Now he was just tired and needed a break.

Just wrote it all out figuring if he had the poppy seeds he would be knocked out anyhow and otherwise you could write out all the pain. xD
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,142 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay just needed to get away from the pressure at Redhawk Caldera for a moment, feeling out of place and in the way for his problems with Peter. He hadn't actually left the pack territories, not once before. As he crossed the borders he felt numb and yet pulsing with adrenaline, and he cast a glance back at the borders. Then he moved forward, closing his eyes briefly as if pushing through an invisible threshold, and he swallowed dryly as he stepped down towards the lake. He only intended to have a quick look at the lake, be alone for a little bit, and then he'd return home right away.

He froze when he saw someone in the distance, someone he didn't know with another someone he didn't know who looked bloodied and broken. The other guy had to be some kind of medic (right?) that was trying to fix the hurt wolf. He saw a torn off paw and sucked in his breath, resisting his nausea.

From across one of the lake's indents, where he felt a bit safer to address the wolves on the other side of the water, Eljay watched them with widened eyes. He wanted to call out and ask them if the guy was okay, but he was too scared to do so even despite the water between them. His social anxiety took over and he sat down on the shore, making himself small as he watched the pair with widened eyes, inhaling and exhaling with rapid breaths and hoping the guy'd notice him somehow, so that he could find out what was going on.
picks himself up
keeps climbing for the prize
71 Posts
Ooc —
There was nothing he could do but float, and so float he did. The stranger who tended to him was a figment in the back of his mind, something non-corporeal, and Lazarus would not remember these next traumatic moments no matter how hard he would try in the future. It was just as likely that the stranger's antics would only spell Lazarus' end. That his help would result in his body becoming infected, or his soon-to-be stump of a leg becoming necrotic, but through it all he would not remember.

When Sebastian left him, he was still murmuring something. The man did return. First with some sort of seed, which Lazarus had no intention of eating, but when he opened his mouth to ramble wearily again and again, Sebastian had ample opportunity to shove things between his teeth - and then Lazarus' murmurs ceased, because he began to truly drift. The pain in his body seemed to dissipate like the blood in the water, drifting over him, around him, away, and back, and away again - always moving. At this point his mind went dark, and he slept.

Whatever happened next, Lazarus was not privy to the details. He sank in to a pit of darkness and drifted apart - feeling every inch of his body melt away as if he had become some kind of liquid, or maybe one with the lake. The injured male was so heavily dosed that he did not feel Sebastian's teeth sink in to his flesh; or if he did, he made no sound, nor did he appear to awaken from his forced slumber. But even this did not last. As Sebastian began to layer his seeping limb with leaves and honey, as his wounded limb dissolved and streaked the lake with crimson, Lazarus woke up.

The light around him was far too bright, so he squinted. He felt no ground beneath him, having forgotten that he was in the lake itself, and tried to reach for it, to kick, to do something - Sebastian had settled upon the bank to rest after the arduous task of amputating the broken part - and when the beast could not touch down upon anything solid, he began to panic. His head slipped from the branch that kept his snout afloat, and he slurped water, sputtered, coughed, felt the lake invade his lungs. The water splashed around him as he struggled to find purchase on the soil, and by luck he managed to root himself to a spot of the bank, and so his flailing became less dire.

He looked around for a moment as if dumbstruck. Lazarus had no memory of arriving here, or of pulling his sorry excuse for a body away from the Moonspear. He was still heavily drugged too, so everything was just... Difficult to comprehend. He stared down at the lakeside, at the stones, and was surprised at how beautiful they looked - they were shiny and red, and so so bright, they were unlike any stones he had ever seen before. They were redder the closer they got to him, and to his feet, which he took to staring at for a solid few minutes before he realized... Something was amiss. He couldn't really pinpoint why the image before his eyes was so odd, but there was something wrong here. The rocks weren't supposed to be that color. His paws weren't supposed to be so violently bright either. The blood had soaked between his toes - one, two, three, four - rocks. One, two, three, four... rocks. 

Where... was his other foot?

Lazarus dumbly glanced to and fro beside himself, first to the left, then the right, in slow motion (or it seemed slow to him). The fact he was missing a limb didn't fully register. The horror of being torn apart like that had been masked by the poppy, and even now he was idled by it. When he finally spotted a foot, it wasn't his, but it belonged to a bloodied stranger who appeared to be quite frazzled, as if he had just experienced something deeply harrowing. Stoned out of his mind, Lazarus reacted with an abrupt snort, which transitioned in to a deep and wheezing chuckle, and then he slurred, Guess... started off onna wrong.. foot...

He swallowed thickly then, sucked on his tongue to get the taste of blood off of it, and promptly passed out. His body slouched upon the lakeside thereafter, and Lazarus' rhythmic breathing instilled a sense of disquiet upon the scene.
The Gentleman
1,663 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Sebastian felt quite dirty from the action he just did. The male watched the leg he bitten off and decided to grab it and at least relocate it for now. Then he laid down, so tired. Sebastian was almost drifting off when he saw another wolf in the distance. The male pushed himself into a sitting position.

His pale eyes looked at the other, unsure what he wanted or why he was sitting so far away. Sebastian didn't recognize little Eljay, he had been so little when he left. Maybe up close he would recognize his face and his demeanor. He did look at him for a moment though then he focussed on the other since it was starting to splutter and come back to life!

Sebastian instantly rushed forward wanting to help the male to stop him from drowning, yet it seemed he had saved himself already. He watched how the male settled and for a moment looked down at the rocks on the bank, how the water had colored red. Slowly he was looked at by the other. Sebastian did look rather frazzled.

Sebastian snorted a bit at his words. Though what would he even say to his male. Oh hai, yes I just removed your leg. Sebastian looked over him a bit awkwardly before he pushed himself to be a professional here. "I guess? How are you feeling? You are pretty banged up. I tried to save you," he decided to say. Sebastian briefly looked over his shoulder if the other young grey was still there.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,142 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
His mouth ran dry as he stared at the two wolves across the water, mouth hanging slightly ajar and body crouched to make himself small. The other wolf was still now, and Eljay wondered if instead of a doctor, the wolf standing over him was a cannibal of some sorts. His eart skipped a beat as he watched with widened eyes, unable to keep his eyes off what was unfolding in front of him.

A little high-pitched squeak caught into his throat when the doctor slash cannibal wolf turned to look at him. It felt as though he was being looked straight in the eyes, and Eljay's heartbeat sped up rapidly. There was a note of recognition in that face, but Eljay didn't think much of it, since he only knew the Caldera's wolves and no one outside it. He opened his mouth to say something, but he didn't know what.

Then the still wolf with the blood spluttered back to life, it seemed, and Eljay was relieved to see that doctor slash cannibal wolf didn't instantly go for his throat. He was probably a doctor then... Right? Eljay's voice croaked awkwardly as he called out, "Are you... a doctor..?" He nibbled on his bottom lip nervously as he wished to close the space between himself and the two individuals, but was too scared to let go of his safety blanket of water between them.
picks himself up
keeps climbing for the prize
71 Posts
Ooc —
Having Laz pass out here! Feel free to PP him from this point on. He isn't dead, just asleep. Maybe we can have another thread near BAF?

Lazarus swayed where he sat, and even before the healer had finished speaking his question, he felt his mind begin to go dark. It wasn't impermeable, that darkness. It wasn't a permanent thing, not that he'd have known it from any other shadow. But the ruined beast was tired, his body bloodied, and he continued to leak red across the stones, and the poppy in his system made things difficult too. He drifted further, and further, and by the time Sebastian mentioned trying to save him, he was out and away from himself - drifting farther and farther - leaving his body, but not really. The beast collapsed then, his mind dark and muddied by the poppy, and he slept upon the stones while his blood soaked in to the white of his tattered chest.
The Gentleman
1,663 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Yup! :3 I think Seb will chat with Eljay for a bit before dragging/finding a way to get him closer to BAF! :D

Sebastian watched how the stranger passed out again. The male frowned with worry, wondering if he was going to make it. Then it seemed that the spectator had gathered his courage to speak to him. Sebastian was reminded of someone could couldn't immediately place him. Sebastian looked up and gave the other a friendly but tired smile.

He let the pale and bloodied wolf lie there for now. The male stepped more into the water, closer to the other. "Yes. I am. I found this fella all bloodied and broken. He has bite marks but also scape wounds. Or he was dragged a long while for his skin to open or something else happened. It doesn't look good. One leg was scattered, so I amputated it so it wouldn't be in the way. I'm Sebastian. You look familiar though," he admitted. "Do you want to be a doctor?," he asked.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,142 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
When the other wolf got up, Eljay shrank a little, feeling his heart pound in his chest, afraid to go to him. The other wolf looked very torn apart and he couldn’t shake the feeling that maybe this guy wasn’t a doctor. Ears perked forward at the other male nervously and he pressed himself a little closer to the ground as the wolf stepped in the water towards him.

It wasn’t until the wolf started to speak that Eljay felt a little better. His words were reassuring enough, and he felt relief wash over him. The guy was a doctor, and he’d only taken the leg because he had to. He shiftily asked, ”Is he gon’ be okay?” while looking over this Sebastian guy’s shoulder to the wolf body. Eljay didn’t recognise the doctor, since he’d been so little when he had last seen him.

”I dunno… I – I don’t think I’d be very good at that,” he mumbled as Doctor Sebastian asked him if he wanted to be a medic, too. ”I’m Eljay.” His name was given a bit reluctantly, partly because he was afraid giving his name might put him in future danger and partly because he didn’t really want to attach his name to what Sebastian must think of him so far, some no good loser.
The Gentleman
1,663 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Sebastian smiled friendly at the other, maybe looking a bit more dangerous with all the blood and his height. Sebastian looked surprised when he heard that name. "Eljay? Oh my! You are Finley and Elwood's son!," he grinned. "I was in your pack before I left to found my own. But you were very small, you might not remember me," he admitted.

Sebastian looked over the young man. He was still a bit hesitant it seemed. Sebastian didn't pay too much mind to it. "I think you can be a medic as long as you believe in yourself," he spoke to him and gave the young male a wink. "You want to learn more about it?," he asked, maybe he could give him some tips.

Sebastian looked at the other. "I don't know if he will be okay. He is badly injured. If he dies I won't be surprised. I don't even know if he will ever walk normally again. So I am going to help him and let him stay in my pack if he wishes."
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,142 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
It was rather shocking that the doctor wolf seemed to know him. When his parents’ names were mentioned, Eljay’s eyes widened in surprise. He didn’t remember meeting this wolf at all, which then made him wonder what he had done when he was little at all. But if he knew him, then surely he was friendly, ‘cause when he was little he had mommy and daddy to protect him at all times and they wouldn’t have let anyone bad near.

He didn’t really think he could ever be a doctor – such a responsibility was too much – but this guy was very persistent. ”Oh, uhm, I dunno…” he murmured. ”I’m more of a puppysitter, I think… And I’m trying to learn ‘bout being a puppy-deliverer. Do you know anything about that..?” He hoped to steer away from the doctor subject, freaked out by it, but tried not to let it show too much.

It was so sad to know that the wolf might not even survive. Eljay frowned, feeling emotional about this stranger’s potential death, and he looked at Sebastian as he said, ”That’s so sad! Who is he? What’s happened to him?” If he did end up dying, Eljay thought, maybe he could put up some flowers here for the wolf. Everyone deserved to have their death mourned, after all.
The Gentleman
1,663 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Sebastian watched the young male's face, and he seemed to think if he could remind him. But there was no word coming from him about it. It was more than alright. Sebastian understood that it might be uncomfortable for the other to admit that he didn't recognize him. Sebastian just kept his friendly smile.

Sebastian listened with interest. "Um. No. I don't. I'm sorry," he admitted. Frankly he just adopted a pup but had never been there with the actual birth and stuff like that. His mother had even chased him out.

Sebastian nodded slowly when the boy admitted that this was sad to see. "Yes it is very sad. I think someone did this to him. He has bite marks. I don't know him. I found him all broken like that. I decided to help him out and practice my medical skills on him," he explained.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,142 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay's ears fell flat when the other apologised and he was quick to say, "Oh, no, don't be, uhm... I guess it's kind of a weird thing to be interested in." He didn't know anyone else who was, really. Eljay's interest had spurred mostly from wanting to make sure mommy was healthy when she gave birth to his siblings.

A frown fell across his face and at the same time his eyes widened at the news someone had done this to him. "Why would someone do such a thing?" he asked, a sad tone in his voice that betrayed his lack of understanding. "Do you... Is the one who did this still around, you think?" Eljay glanced around, suddenly feeling fear boil up in his chest and his breathing quickened.
The Gentleman
1,663 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Sebastian saw how the young male inflated. "It is not weird! You should be you! Ask the women who had children. Like, Fox or your own mother!," he offered. "I think it is a very good profession because it can go wrong," he spoke to encourage him. Sebastian was not the one that would want someone to feel less because of their interest.

"I don't know, Eljay. I don't know anything about him. But. I am going to take him to my pack nevertheless. I think he deserves a second chance," he spoke with a soft sigh. "I don't think so. You shouldn't worry. I've been here a few hours to patch him up and I think they left him to die," Sebastian spoke to him. "He will be at Broken Antler Fen. Across Lake Rodney from the Caldera. Feel free to visit us," he spoke with a nod.

"Can... Can I ask you something? Did your pack found a lost pup? I found one and she was from the silvertip pack. Did you perhaps find one of her siblings? Steady the alpha of Silvertip asked me to look around."
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,142 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
"I was there when mommy had my baby siblings," Eljay said, feeling a weird sort of proud of that. He knew it wasn't normal, and mommy and seemed to take some time to decide if it was okay, which made it all the more special.

Sebastian then said he could come visit, but Eljay felt frightened at the thought. "I uhm... I don't really go out," he mumbled, feeling really dumb for this. "This is the only time I went outside of Redhawk Caldera..." And he didn't really plan on having many more trips outside; Broken Antler Fen sounded really far away, which sounded a bit too daunting a journey for him to undertake at the moment.

He froze when Sebastian asked about the pup and shuffled his feet, trying to think of what had happened. He wasn't sure — hadn't they just found Peter back? After a moment of hesitation he said, "No, I'm sorry... We, uhm, the Caldera just found Peter back, he — he got lost." He smiled awkwardly and glanced over his shoulder at the safe confines of home. "I should go, but thanks!" he offered, and he turned around and started towards the Caldera.

Only twenty meters of running in did he realise he had accidentally lied, but he couldn't face the facts nor telling an unknown adult that he'd accidentally given wrong information, and so he just kept running.
The Gentleman
1,663 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Sebastian was surprised to hear that but quickly smiled. "That must have been a valuable experience," he commented. Sebastian had said something wrong again because it seemed that the other grew flustered once more. "Well if you feel daring you are welcome to visit," the male spoke with a shrug and a welcome smile.

When he asked that question Sebastian nodded slowly, not understanding half of the mumbles that the boy was letting out. Peter? The pup's name was Stoic right? But had they found one or not? They found him back, something about getting lost. Maybe it was him? Sebastian couldn't be so sure.

The boy decided to run back home. The grey male looked at how the boy ran off. "Oh yeah.. bye!," he called out. It had probably been too much for the little man. Sebastian turned around and tried focussing on the injured male and how he was getting this male to his home.
