Moonspear The change
75 Posts
Ooc — Vami
The lands were changing, turning with the tides of life. Elke in all the while she had been keeping to herself (lest it was her mother and sister) had grown to learn the landscape for which she now lived. The thick forest below in the lower elevations, the rocky snow topped terrain up high and the various open plain made by a flat plateau. This was a beautiful place but it was not truly home to her, not yet. 

Though as she came to know the lands it would change on her. Some of the trees turned colors, golden, brown, red... It was far colder now and the flowers which she enjoyed picking were becoming scarcer. She'd never known a winter season before, even though she had always lived high in the mountains where it was colder then the lands below anyhow. But it was colder yet still and she was curious, moving through the mountain slopes as she studied.
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Ooc — aerinne
Her morning greetings had been more somber as of late. With anaa still gone, it was harder for her to be cheerful. She instead threw herself into her work, taking the quanglaagix bones out multiple times a day to pour over them. She would shake them, then lay the skin that embraced them on the ground, trying to interpret the meanings. Sometimes, the crow would join her. He did not always bring a bone with him, but Sialuk always made sure to throw him a chunk of meat for his efforts. He still had not made his name known, but based on the witch's advice, he would do so when he was ready.

The corvid followed her today, hopping from perch to perch above her head and occasionally cawing from above. Sia thought back to what the witch had said. Something about birds being good guides, because they weren't tethered to the earth. They could fly above and see things from a different perspective. The raindrop wondered what it was like to see through the crow's eyes.

So caught up in her own thoughts, she nearly passed right by the other wolf. It was a wolf approximately her own age, yet one that Sialuk did not know. This was not the first occurrence of such an event, and she wondered if... Hello, are you from Yuelong?
Atkan Aleut
75 Posts
Ooc — Vami
She heard the call of the crow before she saw the other wolf but once turning up her head took note of the pale girl coming her way. Pausing, and with a tilt of her crown, No..? It lingered with question. She had never heard of such a place before but she was curious all that same of what 'Yuelong' was. First in the far southern chain of ragged mountain and then unto the high northeast, she did not really know any of the packs or landmarks around here savor Moonspear itself and the recently founded Glen, an extension of such. 

My home is- She paused to quickly correct, was Nova Peak. She said nothing after this, just looking to the snowy girl with curious pale eyes. She would enjoy the conversation and to know her, she thought, but didnt know if she would be met with discord as others before her. From being the basterd child to niece of the Alpha... well, it was quite a vast change of pace.
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Ooc — aerinne
I do not know that place. I am Sialuk Ostrega, daughter of Jarilo and Kukutux. How did you come to be here? Sialuk asked. She wondered if perhaps she had been brought here to meet one of her cousins—or perhaps her own brother—just as she had been brought to the plateau to meet Huojin. Sialuk smiled thinking of him. He was a polite boy.

But this girl had said Nova Peak was her home, which implied that was no longer the case. Sialuk did not think a mother and father would leave their children here without them. The girl was around Sialuk's age, and she wouldn't have been allowed to go live somewhere else without her mother and father. Nor would she want to.
Atkan Aleut
75 Posts
Ooc — Vami
She spoke, saying that she had never heard of Nova Peak before, to which Elke peeped a small Its very far... from her lips. She wouldn’t imagine a pup born on this mountain and who had all their life stayed on this mountain would know much of the territories beyond it, especially one so far away. Elke had thus far in her life become quite the traveler, though not all so blissful. The first move from pack to another had been favorable, leaving one mountain range to a much more beautiful one in the north. The second move brought her here and though Moonspear's landscape as nice too, it lacked the father she so much missed.

I'm Elke Ostrega. Realizing now she was yet another part of her family she had yet to fully know and now Sialuk would know it too. The other girl's parents names were foreign to her, however though since she had mentioned it, Elke added, My mother is Nyx, sister to Alpha Dirge. Pale eyes watched her, to see the reaction she might have. Thus far, Sialuk had treated her fairly, far unlike Ciri had been met by the Alpha's pups of their former home. Perhaps life here would really be better for them all.
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1,245 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
They shared a surname, Sialuk quickly learned. Another cousin, so not one to be presented to one of Hydra's sons. She was niece to Dirge specifically, though Sialuk did not know Nyx by name (or sight, for that matter).

Then we are cousins, Sialuk said, smiling. My father, Jarilo, is brother to Hydra, Dirge's wife. Perhaps Elke already knew this, but it felt right to say it aloud. More solid.

Elke had not mentioned a father, and Sialuk did not press her. If she had not mentioned him, and they had come to live here, it could only mean terrible things. Things that Sialuk knew better than to drudge up.

Above, the crow perched on a branch, and Sialuk glanced at it. She had gotten the sense that it was getting more comfortable around her, and even more comfortable being around other wolves. Feeding it scraps had probably helped.

So what all have you explored here? she asked Elke.
Atkan Aleut
75 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Cousins. The northern girl smiles at this as a response those finds herself silent otherwise. Already it seemed she was having more conversation with someone outside of her immediate family then she had ever before. It was nice, but a bit overwhelming and so she tried to ease herself.

Elke had never known to have had a cousin before but she was quickly learning throughout her time here she likely had many of them, with all of the Alpha pair's pups along with their sibling's pups. Ostrega, she realized, was a large family and definitely not something that could be shoved under the rug as it had been for her and her mother and sister within Sagtannet. 

The crow must have moved about on its branch and pale purple eyes looked up to it curiously. Ears perked with an interest when Sialuk mentioned Elke's exploration. A bit, I think...More in the higher elevations then below. Living on the mountain peaks was what she was used to after all. Havent found any secret cool spots or anything. She mentioned, in case the girl was wondering. Elke had a good standing of the terrain as a whole but surely didnt know every little nook and cranny. Winter is coming. Or so she knew, per her mother's knowledge. How cold you think it will get? It was already cold, though Elke was used to it, liked it, but wondered with how cold it got, what else it might kill off other then the collections of flora she once saught after.
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who stole my toe?!
1,245 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Despite her recent fall, Sialuk did not fear the mountain's slopes. Perhaps she should have, but really she knew she just needed to respect them more. The mountain had a life of its own, and neglecting to give it the respect it deserved would result in injury. It was the same with all her superiors, although that injury had never been physical. Hydra may have wounded her pride a bit when she had quietly scolded her for being a bit of a meanie, but that was only emotional harm. Thankfully, it had been quickly reconciled when Sialuk had apologized with a gift.

Elke asked how cold it would get, and Sialuk hummed in thought for a moment.

I'm not sure. It will be my first winter, too.

Sialuk was a summer child, and she did not yet know what cold really was. It had grown cooler, but her mother said that the temperatures would continue to drop. There would be many kinds of snow, and the higher spots on the mountain would become even more chilled. Sialuk was more or less ambivalent about the weather, so whatever happened, she would roll with it.

Have you met Hydra and Dirge's children? she asked. Perhaps Sialuk could help Elke by giving her a quick rundown of them. It might make her to feel more at home here.
Atkan Aleut
75 Posts
Ooc — Vami
The pale girl went on, to say that she really didnt know just as much as Elke. She could only imagine, as Elke, though maybe the northern girl could offer some knowledge... Nova Peak is further north then here, colder then it was here when I first came. Now it feels about the same. She was used to it, at least. I love the snow...Have you seen it? Liliac eyes look to her cousin curiously. 

And then, where Elke have Sialuk some insight, it would seem the girl would return the favor. Elke shook her head, frowning a bit. No... in fact, I haven't really talked much to anyone. Maybe she would seem ungrateful or a snob, but that really wasnt the case.
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1,245 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Sialuk nodded.

Yes, there is some on the top of Moonspear all year round, even when it is very warm down lower. The mountain was formidable in height, and while the snow that littered the top in the summer was different than the snow now, it was still there. In her mother's language, there were many different words for each type, but Sialuk did not know each and every one.

Elke admitted to not having met her other cousins, which was unfortunate, but not terribly surprising, especially if she had only been here a short while. In fact, the second mention of Nova Peak rang a bell regarding another young pup she had met not that long ago.

Are you Ciri's sister? Sialuk asked. Wasn't that where Ciri had said she was from? Sialuk was fairly certain that was the case, but it seemed like asking was the right move, rather than assuming something she did not necessarily know. Ciri had seemed rather timid compared to Elke. Not only that, but she had seemed to think that Norah was somebody else entirely. And she had spoken in that strange language that Sialuk had been unable to comprehend. Maybe Elke spoke it as well. Sialuk wondered if learning it would be beneficial somehow. Adding another one to her tool belt didn't seem like a terrible idea.
Atkan Aleut
75 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Elke had not traveled that far up, lest she would have known. A new mountain, with new paths and new dangers to be aware of, she had been taking it easy when it came to navigating the mountain. The southern spire where she had been born was far less in height but extremely jagged and sharp. Surely, she would learn this place well soon if she were to stay. I'll have to check that out soon... However, she thought maybe if she liked the upper reaches so, she may seldom come down them. She would have to if she wished at all to have a social life outside her mother and sister. 

Then, at the very thought, Sialuk spoke out her sister's name. Yes, I am. She spoke with a smile, feathery long tail swaying behind her at the thought of her sister. In many ways growing up, Ciri had been far more bold, aggressive, stubborn. Elke had been quiet and observant, more shy. But with how they had grown and been treated, Ciri had since tucked into herself, hardened. She hoped the new place would make her little family happy, being around what was now a big family. 

Did she seem okay with you? An odd question maybe, but Elke, being her nature, was concerned of the need by others then herself.
High Sage*
who stole my toe?!
1,245 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Elke seemed interested in the greater heights of the mountain, and Sialuk smiled. She was a proud child, glad to have been born in a place as magical as Moonspear. It was a powerful place, too. The wolves who were born here were destined to do great things. Even the wolves who came here later in life followed similar paths. Sialuk's own mother had been born on an island, and she had made her way here to meet taataa. For this, Sialuk was grateful. Without the two of them meeting, she would not exist and neither would her brother, Saviguk.

Her cousin confirmed what Sialuk had suspected: they were siblings.

She did, Sialuk said. Is there a reason she might not?

Being timid was not necessarily a reflection of a wolf's worth. Sialuk's own mother was often classified as such, although her daughter knew from experience that her mother was far tougher than she let on. Gentle, yes. But her timid nature seemed to be a mechanism for signaling to others that she wished to be left in peace.

Perhaps it would be better for Sialuk to adopt some of that nature, although there was probably too much Ostrega in her blood for that to ever truly happen.
Atkan Aleut
75 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Ciri had been well then when meeting their newly founded cousin. To this, Elke smile pleasantly though her lips pulled back with uneasily at the question of why. Our birth pack was hard on us. She spoke, not wishing to go into detail on their lives there. However, she thought the other girl might come up with her own conclusions. One of them which Elke would want to settle before the thought came. Our parents were very good to us but, Her frown deepened, her pale eyes casting over the cold forest. The Alphess wanted nothing to do with us, nor her pups. And as such, she and Ciri were kept to the outskirts of their home, mostly hidden away from the hard eyes of the Queen and her little princess.
High Sage*
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1,245 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Sialuk's ear twitched as Elke described where she had come from. There was still no answer as to where her father was, although Elke had mentioned that her parents had been good to her. And why would a leader want nothing to do with children of her own pack? These were questions she knew that she could not ask, but she also could not help but wonder about them. Perhaps the bones could give her some answers or at least a nudge in the right direction.

Perhaps Moonspear will treat you and Ciri better, Sialuk said. Although, perhaps there was something about the sisters that warranted whatever treatment they had been given. She could not know without asking, and asking felt taboo.
Atkan Aleut
75 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Mind if we wrap this up? They will definitely need another together when I get the time!

Though there was question in her eyes, not a question was asked and so an answer was not given. Elke thought maybe one day she would give the other girl the full story. Hoped she might because if she did such it would only mean that they have grown closer together, that Elke could trust her as she did her mother and father. 

It already has. The young golden and blonde girl spoke with a soft smile to the other, far lighter then she. After all, thus far none she had met (though little) had given her any trouble if not quite friendly and open. 

I should get back to mother. She then said, knowing she often wandered but not ever for long and would always return the same day. A force of habit for having stayed close to her mother's side the majority of her life. Elke had no reason to change that. So, with another smile and wave of her tail, Elke made her way.
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1,245 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Sialuk smiled at that. While Moonspear could be harsh, she liked to believe that they were fair in their treatment of others. If they acted cruelly, it was only because the recipient had done something to wrong them. So long as Elke and her family continued to do right by Moonspear, Moonspear would continue to do right by them. You scratch my back; I'll scratch yours.

Elke departed then, and Sialuk watched as she disappeared from view. She would have to ask her own mother what had happened to Ciri and Elke's father.
Atkan Aleut