Lion Head Mesa suffering in search of truth gives true meaning to the truth
95 Posts
Ooc — Pinto
All Welcome 
Come and join Thutmose! He could use some company!

Set quietly atop the mesa, Thutmose explores the distant land with a stoic, curious gaze. It reminded him much of home. Homesickness existed—though, perhaps not as strongly as he once thought it might.

Warm, were the sands. Bright, were the skies, even in the lateness of the day. Beautiful... all of it.

Sighing with peaceful satisfaction, he allows his eyes to close, muzzle lifted in enjoyment of the soft breeze.
435 Posts
Ooc — tazi
She tires of soirées with the mazoi. She is here to serve the Queen and her nobility, and to step into the parrying dance of polite conversation with all who wish to court her Majesty.

The fellahin has seen this prince glitter in the halls, has admired his strength and elegance in equal measure and will amend that nothing is known by her of his character.

She drifts to his side, bowing first before addressing.

“Your Holiness, welcome to Akashingo. I am servant to the Queen, Eset. How are you enjoying the palace?”
95 Posts
Ooc — Pinto
A voice. Soft, full of purity. 

Thutmose turns, eyes falling upon the one who speaks. Your kind welcome is appreciated. He rumbles faintly, audits flickering as they fight the poking sands.

It is wondrous here, truly, He answers, sincere. Have you served here long, Eset? A sudden query, but his curiousity can often naught be avoided.
435 Posts
Ooc — tazi
“A few weeks, your Holiness. It has been an easy adjustment and I am honored to assume the role." As she is certain has not escaped his notice, "the Queen is quite generous with her countrymen.” Including those subservient. Toula was the type of ruler she took great pride in serving, one she would not need to feign admiration of.

But it is also this budding allegiance that keeps a close eye on potential suitors. The Queen’s hand and reign must be harbored from those with ill-intent. There is only so much a fellahin can do, but she begins to nose out corruption where it might lay.

“May I offer some shade, my Lord?” She asks while propping a bladed green papyrus frond over his crown. "I will bring a refreshment, too should you grow thirsty. Are you accustomed to the desert heat?"
95 Posts
Ooc — Pinto
So I have heard, and seen. Many had positive things to say of the young queen, which did not disappoint him.

I do well with the heat — prefer it, actually. But I thank you for the offer. The fellahin was kind and devout to her role. Thutmose was both surprised and pleased. He had never before seen a servant so personally invested in their role. 

The sands of Akashingo mimic my place of birth. It reminds me of it, truthfully. And yet, he still did not yet miss home. Being away for a time was nice, as he hadn't before spent much time outside of their camps. 

But enough about him. What of you, Eset? What has led you here, and from where do you come? He had always been taught to know well of those around him. With this fellahin working close to the queen, Thutmose was compelled to learn more.
435 Posts
Ooc — tazi
“Of course, your holiness.”

She nods and tilts the frond, a pooling cut of shade off to the side should the Prince later have need to cool himself.

“I am from a small nearby village. There was quite a bustle when word arrived of the Queen’s impending coronation. I am only so grateful to have come in time to help the palace with the Hemet-nekheb’s crowning.” Mostly true. She doesn’t skip a beat in redirecting conversation towards the refined man. A general Prince, what an exciting life he must lead. She wonders at his age, though such a thing matters little.

"Is your kingdom very far away?” Would he have Toula leave the realm to inhabit with him?
95 Posts
Ooc — Pinto
She comes from a place near. A village, willing to offer their own in service. Do you intend to remain, even after her coronation? Devoted to the queen she was, but for how long would it last? Was this a breif servitude, or a permanent one?

A few days time in travel, He answers, shuffling himself slightly to get a better view of the fellahin. It seemed rude, not to face another when they conversed, regardless of her position here. Not too far, I would say. I've traveled places much farther.
435 Posts
Ooc — tazi
“I will remain of service to her so long as she has need of me,” she answers politely. The Prince overtly examines the fellahin, as is sensible. He has an amiable air but she quietly reserves judgment. Men often had a face for the commonwealth and another to change into behind closed doors. It is what power does to a noble.

“Khonsu must bless your journeys, your Highness,” she compliments. It is quite a feat to be so well traveled. “Is he perhaps your patron God?”
95 Posts
Ooc — Pinto
You are faithful to her. He notes aloud, openly commending her.

I know few deities, I admit. It is Isis and Horus that my people often look to. But this would soon change, for he had the want to learn more! 

The Queen herself has agreed to teach me more. I am grateful for what lessons may await me.
435 Posts
Ooc — tazi
Her eyes glint warmly under such high praise.

Though she is surprised by his admission and wonders where the Queen’s mind is in this. A consolatory smile nevertheless shapes her lips.

“There are thousands of Gods and Goddess, I hope you will be forgiven for taking your time to learn of them in full.” Certainly a man ranging the battle field would have had less time to study the book of the dead.

“Our Queen is very devout. You will be well instructed. But should you take a further interest I could introduce you to one of our priests.” She offers.
95 Posts
Ooc — Pinto
Quite religious, she seemed to be. This did not bother him—and yet, he felt uneased that she had been so bold in suggesting it an insult that he had such little knowledge.

It is my intention to learn, and to do so quickly. Thutmose assured her, tone slightly hardened in his attempt to come to peace with her prior words.

He did not yet advance into the topic of learning from another. Truth be told, he knew not if he was yet ready to step to such lengths. There was something about them that did not sit right. Maybe it was their unsettling fervency in religious ways. Or perhaps, he simply wasn't ready to be placed under the judgement of both the Queen, and a holy speaker.
435 Posts
Ooc — tazi
A tension swiftly befalls them, the Prince’s words come stern now. A beat of heart catches in her throat- has she misspoken?

In Shuyet a noble would not have dared to present himself as anything other than fully in communion with the Gods. Indeed, the title of Pharaoh would elevate such a consort to divine intermediary between the gods and the mortals, religious harmony a chief role among their duties. Of course, this is not necessarily so in Akashingo, and especially not for a foreign Prince new to their land.

She could only hope that he might be generous enough to take pity on her half-breed mind.

“I too am still learning Akashingo's customs. Please, accept my forgivenss, Prince Thutmose,” she dips her head remorsefully, knowing well such a slip of tongue could jeopardize his vie for the Queen’s hand- and her place at Toula’s side should he seek to chastise her.
95 Posts
Ooc — Pinto
He is not the only to sense the befallen tension. Thutmose finds himself grateful to her — for if she had not spoken it, he may have kept himself from doing so, thus leading to an ongoing landslide.

All is forgiven, fellahin Eset. Her title is spoken not to show belittlement, but rather, his growing respect for her. And it would continue to do so. It would be wrong of me to place judgement upon another in my own predicament. So, simply, he would not.
435 Posts
Ooc — tazi

She raises gratefully, brushing his warm eyes with an indebted look, lips pulling into a tightened smile.

“I will have your chambers prepared with our finest offerings; wine, furs, perfumes, artworks. Is there anything else I can have arranged for you during your stay, your Holiness?”
95 Posts
Ooc — Pinto
She intended to prepare offerings for him. But when she asked of any specific items, only one came to mind.

Rose Poinciana. A single beat, and his request was given. I have seen some growing near. The particular flower is special to me. He looked to her quizically, wondering if she knew of the flora, or if his desire would be denied due her lack of knowledge.
435 Posts
Ooc — tazi
Of course, the fellahin had no proper names for the plants that grow in this region. But she knew Haziel or perhaps Tavina could help her identify the flower. And it is of the utmost importance that she gathers them to pair with his spread when he was due to return to his halls this evening.

“I will see to this myself and have an arrangement designed for you, my Lord.” A graceful bow.

“If there is anything else you require, I will be ready to heed your call.”
95 Posts
Ooc — Pinto
Looks like a good place to end here. Feel free to post a final time, or archive as is!

Whether she knew of it or not, what he had asked for would be delivered.

A warm smile in thanks, he offered a small nod. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.
435 Posts
Ooc — tazi
I enjoyed this thank you!!

Rose Poinciana.

She leaves the Prince to his view of the red valley, eyes already pursuing the halls for one of the Sesh who could assist her.

There is a pattern becoming clear in failure to please those who outrank her. First, with the mazoi, and now a Prince. Her tongue grows too bold, the comforts of the palace enabling her in ways that might bring about ruin. It was all so delicate an arrangement and one misstep would rip it away from her. She could lose everything. She could not let this happen.

She straightens, resolving to hold tight to the veil, be agreeable, keep her head down. It is a reminder that the Gods and their thousands of avid eyes had her in their sights, and the only opinion she should have is none at all.