Haunted Wood i made your brother bleed
435 Posts
Ooc — mutton
All Welcome 
Orochi had never seen snow. In another life he would have had a joyful experience as any child would. Ah yes he could picture it now: it would start with a quiet morning in Shadewood. His brother's cheerful calls would awaken him. Of course it would've annoyed him at first but once he stepped out into the world that anger would drift away. "Momma! Momma, come out!" Takara would join him and they would prance around in the snow without a care.

If only life were so perfect.

Orochi would never get to enjoy the first signs of winter with his mother, nor his brother. Hm. It was funny how Orochi had thought of Deku in such a way. Weeks ago he didn't even want to look at him and now he secretly wished he was near again. Such is the life of a captive. You yearn for the company you took for granted. He would choose his annoying little brother over these monsters any day.

The dragon lay still in his cage, letting the contaminated snowflakes pepper his pelt.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She came to the pit which seemed to be where they were holding the captives nowadays. She heard of a pup that was brought in by the other whelps and his leg had been broken. She didn't know what they had with breaking legs but she guessed it was effective seeing as though their last captive had slipped away when left unchecked. The other had been sleeping when she arrived and it seemed her splint was still working.

Serem had brought all the right things this time including the poppy seeds this time surely this was gonna hurt the pup a lot more than it had the older male. She also brought a small bird she had found already dead but it was fresh enough. "Hey." She said simply. "I've come to tend to your leg." She wouldn't waste time with small talk and simply went straight to the point.
”Common” "Spanish"
435 Posts
Ooc — mutton
He was in no rush to wake up. When the morning rays would pry his eyes open, he would immediately close them again and fall into a short nap. He did this several times until he caught sight of an approaching figure. It's just Revui, he initially thought, but when she spoke he was up and growling.

No. There was no way in hell he'd let one of these wolves touch him again. He shuffled backwards, still growling and clashing his teeth every few seconds. Come any closer and I'll tear you apart.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
His threats were cute to be honest but she still came closer. "I could kill you in less than 10 seconds kid. I'm gonna fix your leg unless you wanna walk around fucked up for the rest of your life I could care less." She put down the bird in front of him. She gave a small sigh. "Look I'm not trying to hurt you...I'm only trying to do my job." Maybe he'd take this route better.
”Common” "Spanish"
435 Posts
Ooc — mutton
As she moved forward his aggression became more prominent. The fur on his nape shot up, his ears flattened, his lips curled back. When she finished speaking he lashed out with his jaws agape. 

Get away from me! Why did these wolves have to be so persistent. I don't trust you or any of your little friends.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She found it funny that he thought they were her friends even though she thought of only a few but the rest would maybe leave her to die if they needed to but she just blankly stared at him. "If I don't fix your leg it could cause more problems. If that happens and they find you unfit let's just say you'll become lunch to the wolves here." Their was no use keeping around a lame wolf and with the limited prey he may become food.
”Common” "Spanish"
435 Posts
Ooc — mutton
Her threat caused his eyes to widen in disbelief. You're lying. These wolves should have had more than enough food, especially if they could spare scraps to their prisoners. So why would they even think about eating him? Wolves don't eat other wolves! ...Right? Orochi looked down and blinked. He couldn't underestimate this pack, not for a second.

Now he was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Should he trust this woman that ran with monsters? Or shall he turn her away and risk being eaten? As much as he hates to admit, he was leaning towards the former.

He looked up at the dark woman and growled, then whipped his head to the side. Whatever. Make it quick.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She got close and pushed the poppy seeds towards him. "This is gonna hurt like hell so take these when the pain gets too great." She wasn't going to hesitate with this one, hopefully this pup could handle the pain cause in one swift motion she moved the broken bone into place and grabbed the stick she brought and repeated the process she did with the other one.
”Common” "Spanish"
435 Posts
Ooc — mutton
There was little time to process what she told him. All he could pick up was hurt and his senses immediately spiked. Wait- There was no turning back now. The woman whipped forward, grabbed onto his leg, and pulled his bone back into place.

At first the pain didn't register; she had make quick work of his injury after all. He lay still, wide eyed and confused, until overwhelming pressure  consumed him. 

OW! OW OW OW OWOW. GET THE FUCK OFF ME! As she worked on his leg, he used a paw to repeatedly slam on her back.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
There was absolutely no time given for him to object and she finished. The young one was clearly pissed but she didn't really care. She left the poppy seeds and looked at him. "For the pain." He yelled at her and she simply ignored him and walked away. "Your welcome!" She said while doing so sarcastically.
”Common” "Spanish"
435 Posts
Ooc — mutton
By the time she had finished, Orochi was curled up on the ground hissing through his teeth. The delicate sound of seeds hitting the earth prompted him to pry open one eye. And as soon as he did so she saw her dark form leaving the scene.

Get back here! He growled, Hey! The dragon used his forepaws to lift himself up and take a few steps forward. He'll make her pay. He'll knock her down and break her legs. Then he'll pin her to the pit's wall for all her little friends to see. Yeah, that sounded great! He'd make them all pay and then he'll high tail it out of here. But the pain in his leg was overwhelming. As soon as he took a third step, he fell in the dirt.