Hushed Willows In time I want to be your best friend
819 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
All Welcome 
making an assumption that I can edit out <3. I really want to get her moving again!  Gettin into the swing of her voice

Bridget had huffed with amusement when Sundance called out his intentions of a trip.  It wasn't as though they were shorthanded enough as is!  But her ribbing was good natured, and as she looked for Teya and found no sign, she could only assume her friend had gone along.  Boys.  She could not relate, but she was happy for her.  Go get him.  A girl like her was irrisistible to them; quiet, demure, lost.  How could she not be?

Bridget, on the other hand, was bored.  She almost had the audacity to wish the war Lumiya had spoken of would just happen, but she bit her lip a little guiltily at that one.  Alright, alright, not quite that bored.  She rolled over onto her back from where she'd been laying on her side and stared, upside down, at the willows on the edge of the clearing.  One could argue that she could be hunting, but she'd already patrolled this morning.  So being bored while she rested her paws was about the best compromise she could come up with right now!
82 Posts
Ooc — Tuft
Give me this

Cassidy had had a quiet time lately. He was growing bigger over time and passing it all while patrolling the borders, spending little time with his packmates and only growing more aggressive in time with anyone he ever saw that didn't hold their brand scent. Shit, even today as boredom grew to its pitch with no trespassers for him to exercise against... even packmates he could smell their brand upon them, was fair game for his limitless energy.

Stalking from the shadows of the willowy trees, the growing Rache set his eyes on one of the women of the fairy court... a fairy, how strange was it to call himself that still now to this day remembering what kind of pack he grew up in previously. Nevertheless, he exercised that same birthright. Bursting from the shadows with a somewhat playful growl to initiate a battle maybe, he tried to pin down the little fairy woman.
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819 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight

Bridget had all but drifted off when something came growling out of the undergrowth and tried to pin her down.  Her eyes immediately flew open and she craned her head around.  As soon as she saw that it was all in play, her surprise turned to playful competition, and she gave a growl back.

Not so fast, vagrant.  I'm no easy mark!  She crowed, then made to grab his scruff and pull him sideways.  He was obviously younger than she, but also nearly full grown, so it was quite the effort she was looking to do.  If he was overbalanced it might work... if not, she'd have to wriggle her way out some other method.

WC: 115
82 Posts
Ooc — Tuft
She returned his call for combat and the boy's tail waved behind him, expressing his joy in the mutual roughhousing he longed to enjoy once again. No easy mark huh? He thought to himself in the moment before grinning despite his little "attack" not working the way he wanted it to. Good! He called out triumphantly. I'd be bored if you were!

A look of wide-eyed shock took him for a moment while he felt his body move to the side, she tugged on his scruff and though he was awkward to keep his footing, drunkenly swaying, he remained on his toes. Maybe he could use this to his advantage... he wondered. Letting his body lean over toward her in the swaying, he hopped to topple over the lady and crush her beneath him so they could wrestle on the ground instead.
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819 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Ooooh she liked this kid!  She did manage to grab his scruff and tugged, but her playful pull didn't quite manage to overbalance him.  He was sturdier than he looked!  Bridget grinned and tugged a bit harder... just as he swayed.

With a hooof the air left her lungs as he topped onto her.  She inhaled, then started to laugh breathlessly as she tried to roll instead.  Damn it for letting him catch her with her guard down in the first place!  A proper spar would have started with her on her feet, but she couldn't really be mad.  She shoved at the ground with her shoulder to try and propel herself over and out from beneath him.

WC: 118
82 Posts
Ooc — Tuft
He did it! I win! He cried happily as they fell over onto the ground, he on top of her awkwardly while the pale woman struggled to get back onto her feet. He could feel her trying to move by pushing against the ground with her back, she was a lot stronger than she looked! He was impressed... honestly, he thought she would just get mad and bark at him, tell him to piss off or something like that, maybe put it in a nicer way than that knowing how prissy the fairies are.

Admit defeat! He said even as she pushed enough to get him to roll off of her, slipping and sliding with all that excess puppy skin making it easy to flop around. Still, he tried to remain the victor and push with his back legs, stubbornly not ready to let her up until he was truly, victorious in both their eyes. 

He had a sneaking suspicion she wasn't done yet and that the young lady had something hidden up her sleeve. That excited him to the point where his tail vibrated happily between his legs where it had movement still.
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Ooc — Starrlight
He was determined, she'd give him that!  But she couldn't let him win that easily.  Never!  She proclaimed, allowing him to keep her pinned, but rearing up with her head to nip at his ear.  If she caught it she'd give it a nice tug, see how he felt about that.  She didn't mind letting kids win, but make it too easy and hell, they knew the jig was up.
82 Posts
Ooc — Tuft
Ow! He whined as she tugged on his ear, That's a dirty move! Trying to tug his head away from her to see if he could slide his ear out of her mouth didn't seem to work, he only whined as it pinched softly - just enough to be very uncomfortable. The only thing he could think to try and get out of this one was to wiggle and try to shove her face with his paws. Now his mind was less on winning and more of getting his ear out of her mouth!
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819 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Bridget grinned, but didn't reply.  Nice try!  She was competitive, but she wasn't mean... and after a few moments she loosed her hold, letting him wiggle himself away.  Hopefully before he could start again, she grinned.  I could show ya how I'd get out of that, if you wanted?  Bridget was a healer by trade, but as a kid, all of her energy had been towards getting into shit she'd had to figure a way out of.  And a good number of those hadn't exactly been controlled situations.  She could give him a pointer or two on fighting dirty if he wanted.  No such thing as a completely fair fight.  She added, for good measure, dangling the offer.

She showed the kid that and a number of other moves before parting ways, but she kept in mind that it looked like she had her very own available sparring partner for future practice.