Two Rivers Isle [m] hooked on a feeling
i’ve been the archer, i’ve been the prey
473 Posts
Ooc — Chan
While she was wandering around the island, her heat struck suddenly and surprisingly, spreading an alluring scent around her. Hastily, she pivoted and retraced her path, shouting for, @Argent?? as she raced back to the makeshift den. The unexpected return of her season left her feeling a mix of pleasant surprise and confusion. Still, she didn't dwell on it too much. It felt like a renewed opportunity for them, and she had no reason to doubt their stroke of good luck. 

She strode through the unfamiliar lands with confidence, seeking her mate, and readying herself mentally and physically to jump his bones.
Two Rivers Isle
151 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Icy eyes would stray to the mountains—called not only to such heights because of his birthright but also to the children he knew he had left behind them—guilt plucking away upon his heartstrings once more. Something, he knew, he would always contend with—but he did not believe it had been a wrong choice. Not, after all, in the end, for all of them.

This was confirmed to him when the freckled features of his beautiful mate swept forward—calling for him—excited enough to stir an arched brow from the larger silver man, curiosity blooming on his lips with a tentative grin.

He was about to question what she had discovered—after all, they’re exploration of the isle was fresh, and held with promise… but the gentle wind swept her scent to him, and he blinked in surprise—the grin on his muzzle turning more crooked as he narrowed his eyes playfully on her. “Wait… Really?”

Stress had not been on their side prior—but he knew her desperation for children—his own for a life to build and ensure a legacy. Perhaps… this place was about to give them a little bit more of what they hoped for.
i’ve been the archer, i’ve been the prey
473 Posts
Ooc — Chan
With a grin, she watched him closely, noting the moment when it all clicked for him. Really, really, she confirmed, drawing nearer and examining him as she leaned against him. This was unprecedented to her, but after their initial failure, she wasn't going to question their good fortune. 

So, should we give it another shot? she inquired, leaning in to plant a soft kiss on his chin. Although she was in favor of it, she wanted to ensure she had his approval too.  The loss they experienced was hard on them both, and she wanted to make sure they were prepared in case it happened again.
Two Rivers Isle
151 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
She planted a kiss to his chin and he rumbled a crooning ‘hello’ as his muzzle brushed against her cheek. She seemed optimistic about it—and while the days had been darker before, during their loss, he couldn’t help but wonder if this was the universe offering them a small olive branch. Together, he knew they had wondered if the loss of her first pregnancy had been karma come upon them—for those they had left behind.

“I want to,” he replied with honesty, though he pulled back to look down to her—to study the gentle kindness of her features. “But only if you’re sure.”

He shifted… already being coaxed by nature and her. But he waited—and his muzzle gave a swing in a general direction around them. “Raising a family here would be nice.”
i’ve been the archer, i’ve been the prey
473 Posts
Ooc — Chan
It seemed like fate had intervened in their initial try, and this was an apology of sorts. Eshe stood by her decision to choose Argent instead of Akavir, but she questioned if it had cost them the opportunity to have the litter they had longed for. However, now, the past was irrelevant as their luck had improved. 

She nodded, her grin growing as she answered, I'm sure if you're sure. Which, given the look on his face and his answer, meant that they'd be trying again. Her heart fluttered with excitement, and she regarded the surrounding area with a sweep of her gaze. And you're right—it's beautiful here. I didn't get very far before everything happened, but this place looks really nice. Still, that was unimportant at the moment. They would have time later to explore. 

Moving in closer to him and brushing against his body, she felt a sudden surge of longing. "I believe we should get to work, Mr. Sandraudiga, she practically growled as she slid past him, letting her tail glide beneath his chin.
Two Rivers Isle
151 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
A tail swept under his nose—her approval and consent all he needed to practically fall into her as he swept after her, a smirk pressing to the corner of his broad muzzle. “With pleasure, Mrs. Sandraudiga,” he purred to her, casting a fiercer nip to her hip.

Still, moons together, and he was grateful for the woman who coyly led him now. She was a breath of fresh air—never once had she left him to wonder what he meant to her, nor to what he would mean for their family.

She had given him a place at her side—and as he trailed after her, his croon becoming a more complimentary growl, he could not believe his luck.
i’ve been the archer, i’ve been the prey
473 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Mrs.Sandraudiga—how he said it and playfully nipped her sparked a fire within her. Looking at him with love, she took a moment to cherish the feeling before letting out a playful bark and heading off to find the perfect spot for them.

Although a den would have provided privacy for their intimacy, she couldn't resist the allure of a flower field as the perfect romantic setting, and she could smell one close by. Using her sense of smell as a guide, she navigated them through the territory, showing them the way past a den site, around a large stump, and ultimately reaching the meadow. It was so beautiful, setting just the right tone for romance. 

She turned, wrapped her arms around him, and peppered his face with kisses as she softly expressed, I love you so much, with a gentle moan. I'm so lucky I found you.
Two Rivers Isle
151 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
It was a sentiment they shared—though Argent still found it strange that Eshe had overlooked the part of the man who had left children and women behind in the search of something else. It wasn’t a respectable thing to do—but he had swore to do only right by her, and of the children they would bring into the world.

And then that had taken a turn.

But the second chance was presented, and he preened at her ear. “Let me show you how mutual that feeling is,” he whispered, icy eyes barely glancing over the meadow she pulled them to, far more enraptured with her.
i’ve been the archer, i’ve been the prey
473 Posts
Ooc — Chan
"Let me show you how mutual that feeling is," Argent said, and pulled her close. Eshe slid back with a gasp, and eventually, they united as one. 

After everything had been said and done, Eshe relaxed in Argent's embrace, affectionately grooming his cheek fur while savoring the moments after their coupling. She snuggled closer to him and said, I have a good feeling about this, in a soft, excited tone.
Two Rivers Isle
151 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
He held her--the soft cadence of her breathing giving him pause--how often did he simply take a moment for what it was to enjoy it? One just like this? A kiss was placed to the crown of her head, pulling her closer as they snuggled. Soon, they would rise once more to the occasion nature had given them... but for now... this was a moment he wished to simply take in. "Me, too," he rumbled, feeling the confidence in his words and offering her a small smile.

They could use this win.