Lost Creek Hollow bingpot!
113 Posts
Ooc — Bo
All Welcome 
hello my eyes are opening i'm growing 2 fast

nothing about that day should have been any more remarkable than the days before it. aengus had grown used to his life of mulling about and drinking until he was so fat, he could hardly waddle but instead had to roll his way toward his mother to seek warmth. he napped all the damn time and that was like a blessing in disguise. give it a year, buddy, you’ll really miss the moments of being a small sweet potato. one day, he’d feel the weight of the world and know just what was going on.
until that time, aengus was blissfully unaware that anything else should exist beyond his small scope of reference. that was until his sleepy little eyes peeled open and he was assaulted by a vast array of color. this was shocking to him because he couldn’t really make out many shapes. he could see some grey blobs and then a creamy blob next to a big ass honking grey blob. then there was a lot of brown blob going on in the background but that was so unimportant compared to the giant fucking blob of doom that was looming beside them.
aengus was shook, and he fell into an unnatural silence at his newest discovery.
i’ve been the archer, i’ve been the prey
473 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Eshe squeaked; somehow, she had managed to crawl on top of @Tiarnach. Like Aengus, who was currently preoccupied with his newfound vision, Eshe was also shook. The ground under paw was squishy, and she began to investigate her new discovery blindly. 

Eshe gabbed hold of the first thing she came across—her brother's ear. She grabbed onto it eagerly and began to gum it, enjoying the mouthfeel that it provided.
113 Posts
Ooc — Bo
this was new. one of the blobs had morphed together with one of the other blobs. aengus watched with mesmerized horror as his sister clambered on top of their brother and began to gnaw at his ear. there was a theory that some twins could devour the other twin inside the uterus, but man it was something else to see that outside of their mother's body.

aengus was feeling left out of the morphing session, so he took it upon himself to stumble toward the squeaky blobs and reach out with a shaky little nubbin of a foot. he smacked his brother right in the face before he fell back on his perfectly plump rear end.
i’ve been the archer, i’ve been the prey
473 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Aengus was quick to join in on harassing Tiarnach but, Eshe didn't notice. Happy as a clam, the third-born Liffnoch continued to gnaw on her brother's ear. In her chewing Eshe eventually realized that the substance she gummed on was stretchy, which was quite the discovery for her.

Testing her limits, Eshe tugged. Tiarnach wailed, voicing his objection. He bumped his head against her snout, and she let go immediately, adding her own cry to the mix.
113 Posts
Ooc — Bo
alright, so the morphing blobs that were his siblings had suddenly found a means to make a fuck-ton of noise. aengus reared his head back and squealed in delight at the sounds that were coming from his brother and sister respectively. it was really the most fun that they'd been since being ejected from their mother's shared utero space. before, aengus had thought that his siblings were boring little potatoes on a boring little potato farm. it turned out they had some spunk in them.

as if to encourage the noise that was being made, the dark bull of a child howled and churned his stubby limbs toward both of them with excited energy. his eyes seemed to come to life as he noticed their blobby shapes had taken a bit of a more distinct form. he wondered if they could see everything that he did.
i’ve been the archer, i’ve been the prey
473 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Eshe was oblivious to the fact that she was being watched. All that she knew that she had gotten hurt, and it was a significant inconvenience. Preoccupied, Eshe continued to cry. Crocodile tears trickled down her wrinkled face, and wails sounded from her parted jaws. 

Eshe's outlook was bleak, and it was unforeseeable just when and how she'd calm down again—good luck with this one, bro.
113 Posts
Ooc — Bo
the boy's ability to hear was still not the best thing in the world. he could pick up on some sounds, but he was not so keen that he could listen to the earth and tell when strangers were approaching. it was likely that he would never really get to that point. he would find his interests in other subjects – things that required far less of an attention span. in spite of all of this, aengus could still hear his sister squalling like a dejected dumpster baby. he wasn't sure how to make it stop or keep going. all the bull knew was that the grey blob in front of him was making that sound and he wanted in on it. so, the boy wobbled forward and attempted to cram his feet into his sister's mouth. take that, foghorn eshe.