Stone Circle And I'm still scared of growing old
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,169 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
All Welcome 
I feel like @Siarut or @Greyback might be able to talk her into burying the bodies. Backdated a bit

It had been almost week since they died and Arlette had been reluctant to leave. The smell was not so pleasant anymore, but the young female didn't want to say goodbye. She couldn't. Arlette hadn't left their side, only to drink but she was never away for longer than 5 minutes. She was desperate to protect them as well. She had fended off many foxes and even pack mates. She didn't allow anyone close to them, afraid that they were going to take them away from her.

The female had not been at Nanook's funeral, in fear they would take them. She kind of feeling guilty, mostly towards Siarut since she felt that she should support him, but she couldn't. She just couldn't. She had to be with them. She associated the bodies with less pain, cause every time she moved her wounds would open and hurt. The female would just lie by their side. It was not a pretty sight. Arlette had been there right through the most awful of weather. She was muddy on her paws and underside and blood crusted around her wounds. She didn't really take care of herself ever since this all went down.
116 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Guilt haunted Oryx, who had noticed Arlette's absence at the funeral. She also realized that she had not been summoned for an additional funeral, and had mostly kept to herself in the meantime so it was a surprise for her, when she caught the scent of decay on the wind, and realized that Arlette had not parted with the bodies of her loved ones yet. She was not sure if this meant that Arlette had been fed or tended to- as she'd elected to give her grieving packmate space...But it occurred to Oryx now that perhaps it was time for her to check in, and see how the kindly female was doing, though she did not have high expectations. 

While she still struggled with the realization that the females in the pack were expected to hunt as much as the males, she was a surprisingly capable fisher, and managed to chase down a fairly large salmon. She brought it with her, hoping that she might offer it as a gift...And she brought with her, as well, the twisted roots of valerian she had unearthed and stored weeks ago, knowing that at least now, it would be safe for Arlette to consume it.

She didn't expect Arlette to appear as frayed and filthy as she was. She might not have recognized Arlette had she not been curled up alongside the bodies of her deceased mate and stillborn children...And it was nearly impossible to discern her scent from that of the dead. Oryx's gaze lifted to the humming of flies which whizzed overhead, undoubtedly drawn by the scent, and she felt her heart sink. The bodies were an attraction for disease; it would be dangerous for them all if Arlette did not surrender them to the ground, where they might rest in peace, and be enveloped by nature. 

She crept toward Arlette, but did not approach at a beeline; instead, she wavered in her path, moving this way and that, not wanting to approach the small cluster of bodies as she feared for a moment that Arlette too might have perished, if not for the gentle rise and fall of her side. The closer she came, the more she lowered herself, until she was crawling forth on her belly, and set the fish on the ground, releasing both it and the small root with a flick of her tongue. She left a few feet of space between herself and Arlette, and set her muzzle on her forepaws. She uttered a soft, pleading whine, but said nothing else.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,169 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
To say that the sight wasn't a pretty one was an understatement. Arlette wasn't even seeing it. She had been recovering and unable to really say goodbye to her loved ones. The scent lingering around the corpses had not been registered by the female anymore. It was a sad sight, as the female had given up a little bit. She felt left behind and kept wondering why she was spared. She wanted to be with them. There were moments that her mind was more clear, and there were times everything was fuzzy. Arlette had been sleeping a lot as well, her body needing the rest to recover.

Her ear twitched as she heard someone approach. She curled closer to the bodies and let out a low warning growl. She was done with her mother checking up on her. Though, there was not a direct approach. Her mother was always very direct and tried to nudge her away or make her wake up. This approach was different. The female slowly turned her head to see a dark shadow approach, small and petite. Oryx. The kind female that was also into medicine. Arlette's ears flopped back apologetically, especially when she saw the meal the other brought.

The pale female's stomach growled loudly. It was far too kind of Oryx to bring her food. Arlette slowly battered her red eyes at the other female. Her approach had been so respectful and Arlette had really liked that. She now noticed the root by the fish. Tears sprung into her eyes, mostly because she was reminded about how good of a day that was. She had enjoyed being pregnant for a moment and had loved learning from the dark female. Now there had been hardly any good days.

Arlette reached for the root, a low wince coming from her as the wounds on her neck limited her from stretching it too far. The wounds really did need to be cleaned. She needed to be cleaned. But she didn't want to leave them alone. Afraid her mother would take them away when she wasn't watching. Arlette chewed on the root, feeling like she really did need it. It was a strange taste and quickly started on the fish, a prey she ate little off. "You are too kind," her voice croaked, still a bit raw from the crying. Still touched by the kindness of a relative stranger. Still, Arlette savored it since she needed it. Her ears flopping back, a bit embarrassed about her situation. She took another bite from the fish, feeling a bit calmer and in less pain as the root started to do its job.
116 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Oryx turned her gaze away, though in her perhiperal vision she could see and hear Arlette chew through the root, which she hoped might relax her. Oryx knew that she would then be responsible for Arlette while she weathered the effects, and given the fact that she'd chosen to let none near her, and had not allowed anyone to bury the bodies of her loved ones, if she fell asleep because of the medication...Then Oryx would have to step in and fulfill Arlette's wishes of protecting the bodies until she was ready to part with them. She simply hoped that that might not happen, and that she would not be wedged between the wishes of her first friend, and the others who were ranked above her in the pack. 

She began to eat the fish, and Oryx took a moment to glance at the female, who was still in need of more help than what she'd asked for. She did not look upon the dead, as Oryx was a fearful creature, and did not wish to see their faces. She was silent while Arlette ate, and hoped that it might both strengthen the trust between the two of them, and help relax her. She might feel in a better state once her pain was managed, and hunger satisfied. The quiet persisted between the two for some time, until Oryx gathered her courage and spoke. 

"You don't have to fear; I won't take them away from you." She said softly. "But I would like to tend to your wounds." She said. "I will be gentle; but only if you allow me to come near you." She said, lifting her chin from her paws, but she didn't budge, otherwise; this was Arlette's call, and while she wouldn't touch her deceased loved ones- she did feel that it wouldn't be overstepping if she treated Arlette, in the case that the valerian root made her sleepy.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,169 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette took small bites from the fish. It was a very different texture than what she was used to. She also was not really knowledgable where and what were the best part so she just started with those small exploratory bites. The female looked up briefly when Oryx spoke, assuring her that she wasn't going to take them. She believed her. She didn't know why but she believed her. "I know, I trust you," she whispered back. She just though she had been someone else at first.

Her neck and shoulder ached badly. Her wounds should be cleaned. The root was calming her nerves down at least. She bit the inside of her cheek for a moment and then nodded. "They should be cleaned," she admitted. "Some spots I can't reach." So it would be nice if she could help. The wound on her shoulder was probably looking the best, only mildly inflamed but the deep bite mark by her throat was looking bad. Each swallow hurt.

She nodded slowly to the other, giving her consent. Though it was a bit nerve wracking since her throat was a very vulnerable spot. Still, she had meant it when she said she trusted the other. She noticed that her eyes were becoming a bit heavier but she fought to stay awake. She placed her head down and arched it for Oryx to see the infected bite mark on her throat. The gashes on the side of her neck weren't looking pretty either.
116 Posts
Ooc — Jess
It broke Oryx's heart to know that she was trusted, and she looked piteously upon the woman she'd befriended, whose kindness toward the newest member of their pack had been repaid with something like this...She gritted her teeth together, hating whatever gods it was that chose to punish Arlette like this, despite having been nothing but an angel toward Oryx. 

Once given permission, Oryx lay down beside Arlette- with some trepidation at first of course- before she gently began to clean her packmate's wounds. She could feel where the fur had matted together, and needed to be chewed apart so that she could even reach the wound beneath her coat, so it was a time-consuming affair. Calmly, and as gently as she could, she tended to Arlette's wounds, tending first to the smaller ones before she began to feel Arlette's weight increase against her side. She was relaxing and the valerian root was working- so she went to work cleaning the more aggressive wounds. She was grateful for the trust they'd developed, especially given the fact that she had to clean a wound on Arlette's throat that might not ever heal fully. She would have a scar, a gap in her fur, at the very least. 

Onc she had finished, she came to rest by Arlette's side, but still found herself somewhat nauseated by the scent of death. She lay her head on the ground, content to keep Arlette warm and comfortable, but hoped that sometime soon, she would allow her beloved family members to be buried and put to rest.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,169 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
I will wrap this up! <3 But they should soon have another thread!!

Arlette was secretly glad to accept the other's help. If she had not been there, she might have died from the infection that might come from this. The female knew she needed help, especially closer to the throat where she couldn't reach it herself. She could tell Oryx was experienced with this since she started at the smaller and less complicated wounds before even trying to tackle the bigger ones. The pale female noticed that she was starting to relax and couldn't help but close her eyes as she was being tended to. It felt nice to be cleaned up.

Once the girl was done, and the matted fur was not pulling on her skin anymore, that was when the female roused a bit. She leaned back against the female, gaining comfort from the warm body next to her instead of the stiff and cold ones. This was nice.