Redtail Rise IV
Redtail Rise
708 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 
augur had found a broken antler. he tossed it into the air and caught it again with a deft movement.

on impulse he started to move along the rise, looking for the wolf who had named him. @Prophet was never far. augur hoped he might inspire blood eyes to a spar or a run through the claimed land.
298 Posts
Ooc — siv
It was true, he was never far. Always in call's reach and for a select few he teetered on arm's reach.

Thus it would not be long till their eyes could find each other. Prophet watched the man with his broken trinket. Charmed by him for it before he raised. Tail high but waved, a deep rumble of greeting to the man. He sought to smash their shoulders together.

The greeting of brothers.
Redtail Rise
708 Posts
Ooc — ebony
augur rumbled low in his throat at their crash. the movement echoed through their pelts. he shook his ruff, satisfied, and showed the other what he had found.

he tossed it into the air, leaping high and landing in a spray of powder. yellow eyes searched excitedly to see if blood eyes had caught the thing and if so, augur rushed forward playfully to take it back.
298 Posts
Ooc — siv
His teeth would find the hard, rugged surface favorably. Only to settle and see that Augur sought to take his trinket back. Rightfully so.

However Prophet did not seek to return it rightfully.

He held on roughly, jagged teeth against jagged antler. A deep growl surfaced from the depth's of his chest. A childish rebuke against the other male, to steal his toy so brazenly.
Redtail Rise
708 Posts
Ooc — ebony
blood eyes growled. augur returned the sound, slapping the snow with his forepaws.

he surged forward, trying to bump the male aside. his jaws grabbed for the antler.

there were many ways to try one's strength. augur kept his footing in the snow and continued his siege.
298 Posts
Ooc — siv
He was bumped by the giant of a man.

He lost his grip on the antler, sent it free from his jaws and out towards the snow — or Augur, he could not tell the difference in their scuffle. Regardless he found himself a bit jarred as he caught the tip of his tongue.

Briefly whipped his head as he tried to regain his coordination.
Redtail Rise
708 Posts
Ooc — ebony
augur was young and excitable. 

he was close when blood eyes brought his crown up. it fetched the boy a blow to his chin and he yelped.

augur pulled away, but swished his tail to announce that all was well. he had cut the inside of his jaw with his own tooth.

the wolf bathed this place with his tongue and looked at his companion to see that he too was all right.
298 Posts
Ooc — siv
All was well.

Rough housing was simply that — rough.

He had not missed the yelp from Augur, who already seemed to self soothe and move on from the incident. Regardless he offered the man a brotherly bump of their shoulders.

Prophet could not help but wonder what path Augur would take still.

Would he bathe in the blood of enemies? Or prey?

He knew there were other things the man could do too, but he was unaware if he had any interest in those tasks. Perhaps he ought to send the young man on an errand to find his path.
Redtail Rise
708 Posts
Ooc — ebony
augur rumbled to blood eyes and nudged the edge of his jaw.

he felt secure here upon the rise. he was assured of his position.

the boy pranced forward and picked up the antler piece. he clacked it comfortingly in his teeth and then his eyes sharpened toward the distance.

perhaps it was only a deer. but his instinct had been piqued. he chuffed to blood eyes. would he come?
298 Posts
Ooc — siv
He would follow Augur.

The silent man had grown into a comfortable spot in Prophet's chest. His heart. He had bled in well with the others and his lack of words had no downfall on his contribution to their keep.

This was proven in the way the silent man wished to lead him towards a wayward beast in the distance.

He would hunch, keenly aware of his size and each step closer he took towards it.
Redtail Rise
708 Posts
Ooc — ebony
more elk, too many to test the mettle of two wolves.

augur ran toward them anyway. powder crunched beneath his paws and parted before his ankles.

he barked, tail revolving as he halted himself from a run. the elk tilted their heads and ran from the wolf.

augur pursued again, testing the herd with an open fearlessness.
298 Posts
Ooc — siv
Augur proves fearless once more.

A man of mass with the ability to swing it wherever he wished. Today, it was at the herd of elk.

Prophet was not delighted nearly as much in this. The threat of oversized antlers and thick hooves, but still he ran with their Blod.

Perhaps taking this opportunity to prove he is Berserkr in more than the traditional ways. That he could herd the elk away from any possible fatal blows against the wolves of the rise.
Redtail Rise
708 Posts
Ooc — ebony
blood eyes came with him.

augur barked hoarsely. the other wolf kept them together. it was clear that the elk were hale with no disease.

he stopped in the torn drifts and let his tongue loll. he had tired himself. augur returned to blood eyes with a bump of his head for the other hunter.
298 Posts
Ooc — siv
can wrap up and get them something new sometime? <3

There was nothing weak to pick from the herd.

Something good just as it was bad. No meal to be brought down today, but the elk would thrive if allowed to on the rise. A promise of food for any who came to them.

He pushed back into Augur, rumbling his deep approval for the man.
Redtail Rise
708 Posts
Ooc — ebony
yes! <33

augur enjoyed this contact.

it made him feel one with redtail.

the boy chuffed. he would lead prophet back along the rise, slipping into a run as they neared the territory's heart.