Ouroboros Spine Adrift, Asunder.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
725 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Amalia flitted through the pack lands. Anxious and unsure. There were so many of them now, and though it was a good thing. It also filled her with dread. Simply because did they have enough to fill all their bellies in a winter. And she also wondered would Kivaluk be okay now?

There were so many changes with the boy. Unsure how else to help. She turned obsidian body towards the border line, and began a patrol. If she had time, she'd also go hunting or fishing one of the two.

Green eyes upon the horizon. She scratched long lines through the dirt, brushed fur along the tree line, and left her water at their roots. She would make sure none would pass, just as she had with Natigvik.
116 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Tulukiri had been told to learn the limits to their new home, and so she had spent a good couple of hours patrolling a similar route to Amalia. At the time she had begun, she was accompanied by someone native to Moonglow; but now she was navigating alone, and her path cut its way opposite to Amalia's so that they inevitably came across each other.

There was some distance between them still. Tulukiri watched the familiar figure bend to make water, and with a small scoff to herself she looked away, uninterested in the spectacle of it. The girl thought of the best way to avoid crossing paths with Amalia but could not come up with anything worthwhile — going backwards would be too obvious, and running headlong towards her would be a disaster.

With a huff, Tulukiri resumed her hiking and feigned indifference. They both had jobs to do — they didn't need to be friendly to get things done.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
725 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia knew the area now, having spend much of her first few months in the pack here. It felt familiar, homey, but it was also a bit misplaced for her. However, she was familiar enough with it taht she could move from one border to the next with little thought.

Amalia saw the girl coming and sighed, deep, bone weary and sad. She wasn't sure if she could continue with a pack that did nothing to curb the girls terrible, attitude. It was one thing if it was deserved, which in a small way it was. However, Amalia had done waht she would have done to any stranger on the border. And she didn't understand why the teenage goth queen couldn't understand it. So dramatic.

Had she been that dramatic, goodness goddess she hoped not. Because if she was, she deserved a sharp slap across the mouth and perhaps hot pepper in her maw.

However, she shifted into position, body loosening and ranging again. The simple fact was Amalia had more pull. She was a good pack mate. She shouldn't be so worried about one little girl and that was what she was a little girl.

She stretched long black body upwards and onwards, digging claws into the branches and the bark. She did give one chuff of greeting, because it was only a kindness, and then bounded forward, brushing fur against trees, digging grooves in the ground. Laying water upon the borders.
116 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
As she wandered the border Tulukiri thought less and less about the river, and more about the woods. Not these woods — those of flaming red and gold, where she had met the wayward boy with his berry patch. She had told him to seek them out in Natigvik if he wanted a change of pace from home; now, what? He might arrive there and find it empty.

She blamed Kigipigak for that, above all.

Her mind was busy as she did her patrol. There didn't appear to be anything amiss here. Her steps brought her across Amalia's recent work and with the intention of being useful, she began to kick back her heels to scratch the dirt over again with her claws, unaware she was doing it over a patch that Amalia had already worked on.

The other woman made a sound which Tulukiri interpreted as a derisive little huff, and shot Amalia a squint before carrying on with working the soil.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
725 Posts
Ooc — Danni
The thread with Atreus/bear is still ongoing with Amalia, but do you want me to be vague and elude to Amalia asking permisison to go back and taking Tulu with her, for the simple fact of mending bridges and since she knows the boy?

Amalia continued with her work. Body sluicing through the forest and trees. Ears perked forward. She took a deep even breath and another, enjoying the cool bite of autumn as it caressed her lungs.

Despite that she knew the girl could possibly cause her unrest, she refused to allow it. Not today, when it was beautiful and they were alive. She didn't know how to go about mending the bridges between them, and that took up the forefront of her mind at the moment.

She watched the girl in amusement as she covered over what amalia had already done. Are you quite alright? I already did that patch?

She met the girls gaze with her own a smile on her own. She by no means, meant to cause an issue.
116 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
I don't understand. Going where?

Tulukiri was about to move on, figuring that Amalia had gone on her way opposite her route and would not be a bother, when the woman appeared again. She was scrutinizing what Tulukiri had been working on for whatever reason.

What? Tulukiri looked down, seeing that her scratching and scent-marking now dominated the area and didn't see the problem. What was the point of correcting the behavior if this was the desired outcome? Whatever.

She stepped with purpose so that the dirt could loosen from her paws and slough off with each stride, following the path to the next patch that looked spacious enough for further marking. The trees had been well marked by Amalia, so Tulukiri ignored them and cocked a leg up, to pass water.

Once the trunks were freshly anointed with Tulukiri's scent on top of Amalia's, she again moved along.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
725 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia plans to return to get Bear/Atreus if the current thread goes well. I was asking if you wanted Amalia to bring it up and offer to take her with her. Though the way Amalia is going I don't think it will happen lol.

Amalia had enough of this. Tulukiri, just stop. Stop.

Amalia moved in front of her ears slicked back eyes narrowed. Is this how this is always going to be? You just bein an absolute beast? What is your actual problem with me? You are a warrior. SO I don't understand why you're being a bitch about being attacked at a border you had no busines being across when I didn't see Kigipigak. If you had come across on your own i would have attacked. Any wolf across that line, would have met my teeth and claws.
116 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Within a few seconds Amalia was going off about something that had been put to rest, at least according to Tulukiri, ages ago. The words spilled forth and served as a wrecking-ball through whatever peace Tulukiri had found for herself.

What are you talking about? She drawled in a rhetorical sense; before she could even get all the words out, Amalia was ranting about borders and crossings and Kigipigak, teeth, claws — Would you stop, what the hell.

I don't have a problem! You do! Her fur bristled across her shoulders, and she was on all-fours again, smelling the hot urine in the air. I'm doing my job here, and I have no idea why you're bringing up the past like this. Get over yourself!

She punched the ground once, then twice, as she took some wide steps away from where Amalia stood. As much as Tulukiri hated turning her back on the raging woman she knew she had to put some distance between them, as if the craziness that Amalia exuded were somehow airbourne.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
725 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia was as confused as the girl and suddenly. She stopped and stared.

Then why are you so awful to me? You don't even greet. It is clear that I annoy you to no end and I don't understand why.

Amalia didn't make to follow, but she did pitch her voice to follow. I have no problem with you. I thought you had a problem with me. Just now when I was teasing you. You huffed and glared?

Amalia frowned in thought. Perhaps she had misread the situation, certainly. But surely not that bad. She just didn't understand. She could attribute some of that to the fact that she was more social than Tulukiri, clearly. But the girl still should have some basic manners....
116 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Tulukiri wanted to get out of here, but Amalia was in mediation mode. The girl was strongly reminded of the pushy nature of her own mother, which more than likely contributed to how prickly she was capable of becoming. That wasn't something she'd share with Amalia though.

I don't know what you're talking about. Tulukiri dismissed the entire notion, even if it was glaringly obvious they had their issues. Gaslighting at its finest.

I haven't done a thing to you. Our home is gone, Amalia. I'm doing what I've been told to do, and settling in to a new one. If you can't handle being on the same route as me, then say so, or fuck off — but it's not my fault and you're not my problem. For good measure, Tulukiri let her upper lip lift to flash her teeth as a small warning. It was her last effort to say step back or keep away.

Clearly they weren't friends, but they didn't need to be.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
725 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia finally had hit her breaking point. She couldn't handle it any longer. You are so full of shit.

Her own lips flipped of their own accord and she glared at the the teenager. For a moment, she felt bad that she was even feelling such a cold fury. But it wasn't just Tulukiri that had been displaced and her attitude had no place here.

I was fine on the same route i even tried to be friendly but you are as prickly as a porcupines ass and can't even handle a mature conversation, because you hide behind snark and attitude and treat everyone around you like shit.

Amalia growled softly. Tears threatening to prick her throat and eyes. She hated violence, hated not being happy and cheerful, but most of all she hated the displacement of her pack, her home and this girl.

Perhaps it was a personal issue always needed to be liked. She didn't know, but what she did know was she didn't like the current things as they set.
116 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
While at some point Tulukiri would feel powerful, given how she could get under someone's skin and make them lose their mind in such a way, this had come out of nowhere. Her goal was to mark the borders and that was all; yet Amalia took every little look, every word, and every moment of defensive posturing that Tulukiri felt was entirely warranted, and twisted it as if the girl was somehow at fault for -- well, she couldn't fathom what.

I am a kid, what do you expect? She snapped back. Why are you so desperate for us to be friendly? We're not friends! Big shocker there! Her fur continued to bristle but she stayed planted in one spot now.

If Amalia really wanted to hash this out here and now, fine. Tulukiri was confident she could handle a real fight if it came down to it, even if it would cut in to her duties and make them both look like utter fools to their new superiors.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
725 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia was getting her wires crossed, the girl was getting her wires crossed. It was all so pointless and stupid and yet deep down she knew it wasn't. She knew that if they didn't figure something out this would end badly and someone could get hurt in some way whether physically or mentally or all of the above.

Amalia sighed and ran a paw along her face. I am aware of your age. Thank you.

Amalia frowned as she fought to fully form her thoughts. I don't care about being friends, but we can't even work together. Just because you are a child doesn't mean you can have leave to treat everyone so coldly. This is your pack, a group and we have to trust each other to fit and clearly neither one of us trusts the other. You don't trust any of us, but Kigipigak and even that i'm not sure of. You have looked down upon us, since you came.

I don't want to be friends. I just want less animosity. We can't even have a civil conversation. How we met was bad, but then you followed and cajoled and tried to pick a fight. You belittle the others, even a healer who is trying to help you. And you needn't say anything, it is clear in your posturing that you think less than of us. And that has no bearing on age. You can learn to treat others better, even as a pup still eating chewed meat.

Amalia sighed. And we are not without fault. Clearly there could be more understanding at least on my end, but how am I to understand if you act thusly.
116 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
There it was again, that derision. That belittling tone as if Amalia was somehow her mother, correcting her. It was enough to rile Tulukiri just because of the tone of it.

Amalia rehashed all the old crap: Tulukiri's arrival, her cajoling of her packmates, proving herself to be some kind of wound collector. Counting off all the slights to each member of the pack, which only proved she was somehow gunning for Tulukiri; why else would she collect these details and spew them at her? This list of sins.

I'm over that shit! I don't see why you're bringing it up. You were punished for what you did, life went on. I don't care! I don't care at all about you or about whatever bullshit you think you've got on me. Tulukiri was exasperated by all of this. She was glaring now at Amalia and wanted very badly to be away from here. In the future she'd make sure to avoid the woman's patrol routes, and as such, avoid moments like this.

I do think less of you. She admitted, without any humility. Her frown had shifted in to a brief sneer before the downturn resumed. All of you. You're not Tartok. The only person I respect from Natigvik is Kigipigak, because he is. Its that simple. He said he had a village and he was raising his sons in the ways of Tartok, which I thought meant you'd all be strong like them, and wise like them, and -- you're not. You're absolute trash, and I think you know it.

She was seething. It went beyond Amalia's reception of her, now. Beyond even this moment of contention. Tulukiri felt utterly betrayed by Kigipigak and the idea that had been planted in to her mind during their travel away from Tulimaq: that they would find a family of Tartok warriors waiting for them in the village. Now the village was gone, and they were on a mountain full of children, and Tulukiri hated all of it.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
725 Posts
Ooc — Danni
AMalia should be ashamed of herself....Tulukiri is a child....but well here we go.

Amalia meant no offense. She was trying to show why the reception was not great. Trying to speak, to mediate. Perhaps the wheedling tone was beyond what she should have, but the girl wasn't listening. Proving her absolute immaturity.

what I have on you? What drivel are you spewing? I am trying to make you understand how you seem. How you treat us?

Amalia growled loudly and snarled. Her fur bristled and she stared. YOu can say what you want of me, but you do not get to say anything about the pack that took you in! The pack that offered you a home! Tartok!

She scoffed.

Tartok broke apart a happy family. Tartok took a man who was happy and forced him back into war! This is not Tartok. Nothing is Tartok you will never have Tartok again! Tartok is the sole reason we are in this mess!!

Amalia moved forward stiff legged, eyes blazing. NO one is trash here, no one. YOu have no humility, no kindness you are a ungrateful, entitled spiteful child who treats everyone like shit. It is unfair, it is unwarranted and you should be absolutely ashamed of yourself. Ashamed of what you say of Kigipigak. The man you claim to care for, respect, and follow. Yet you insult his family, his pack, his livelihood. That is not respect, that is a small minded child who was not taught basic manners. You are no better than we are if anything you are worse, because you treat everyone around you terribly.

Amalia curled her lip. All of us can fight absolutely fine if we need too. We don't need brute strength to make things happen.
116 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
If anyone from Moonglow wants to intervene and try to mediate/split them up, they're welcome to join in, I'd say? Maybe @Lestan can catch them arguing? Or we can spree out a little fight and see what happens.

One of the swiftest ways to rile Tulukiri's fighting spirit was to insult her idols, those Tartok warriors who had swept in to her village and so imprinted upon her. To hear Amalia now talking about Tartok as if she were born of their blood, raised in their customs the way Tulukiri had been, and to that end insulting both the people of the north and Tulukiri's entire sense of self, was the last straw.

Shut up, Tulukiri had begun to say, but Amalia's voice was in the way; she repeated herself a second time as Amalia's tirade against Tartok shifted to things closer to home: Kigipigak, Natigvik, the move; Shut up, — and again as she saw Amalia curling her lip, berating Tulukiri on and on and on, until the yearling was at her breaking point: SHUT. UP!

In the next instant Tulukiri was throwing herself from the burm alongside the path, using that leverage along with the reach of her still-too-long legs, to cover the distance and reach with snapping teeth for Amalia's face. If she wasn't going to back down, or listen, or stop then Tulukiri would just have to make her!
332 Posts
Ooc — siv
if you guys are wanting an intervention she can arrive next post, otherwise i'm happy to delete this <3

It was madness, blooming on the mountainside.

Callyope had been no stranger to sadness, but this kind of anger was new. Raw. What had Natigvik brought home with them? And to see one that she had trusted so dearly be the source of this anger, towards a girl hardly older than Callyope's self!

She had not caught enough true words to see right and wrong, to pull verdicts.

Amalia had shown teeth.

The northern girl launched for her.

Callyope crashed down the mountainside on long legs. Chuffing sounds and clipping teeth. She would drive them apart from one another as hunter, if they did not stop upon her arrival.

"inuktitut" || "common"
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
725 Posts
Ooc — Danni
I am fine with either or. Dice or paragraph? Here's a roll if you want to utilize it :) 3 hp: 30/30?

Tears were falling from Amalia's eyes and she a bit appalled at her behavior, but the words wouldn't stop. The hurt wouldn't stop. She had ran herself to the bone to tell them of Kigipigak's leaving. She had been berated and treated abysmally by a child who had no right too, and then she was reprimanded and the girl was not. Perhaps it was stupid, it was most defintely stupid, but as always her emotions got the best of her.

Much like Tulukiri. To insult her found family as the teen had, was enough to cause her imense anger and pain. And she couldn't let the insults and disrespect stand.

A snarl curled from Amalia's lips and she met gnashing teeth with her own dagger like teeth. Claws ripping and tearing and maiming. There was no forethought to her actions, only sadness, and anger and hurt.

Teeth sunk into an ear and Amalia tugged and snapped back, her own long legs propelling her back and then forward. Tail lashing wildly behind her.

Momentary distraction caused her body to pause as a loud noise was heard. Though would it cost her dearly she wasn't sure.
116 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
I'll do one roll! Here: 9

Tulukiri was blind to the approaching shape of one of the Moonglow wolves. She was seeking to grab at Amalia's snout and use the full weight of her body (which wasn't altogether that heavy) to force her head down and shove her in the dirt, or some other action that would've been an acute correction.

They were a flurry together, teeth everywhere; Tulukiri felt a pinch to her ear and snarled from the pain as Amalia tore through it, and snapped her own teeth in an arching defensive formation as a counter.

She hadn't meant to draw blood or to let her guard down in such a way as to invite damage, but she was only a yearling, and despite her obsession with the conquerors of Tartok, Tulukiri still had some things to learn. Chiefly that fighing someone a year her senior was a bad call. But she wouldn't back down, either.
332 Posts
Ooc — siv
They were fools!

Maddened fools!

ENOUGH! She roared with a cracking voice as she came upon them closer now. Her teeth snapped pointedly towards them. She did not care if it invited teeth upon her own flesh.

No more! Her voice pitched in a cry, a near beg. She could not look upon Amalia the same, she did not even know the other girl well enough to look upon her in any familiar way!

"inuktitut" || "common"
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
725 Posts
Ooc — Danni
The voice cracked like a whip, and Amalia ripped her muzzle from the other girls maw. Blood pouring from the teeth marks upon it. Leaving deep grooves in teh flesh of her black muzzle.

She back pedaled, and then eyed them both. First move towards Callyope and Amalia would rip the girl apart and not think twice about it anymore.

Her tail writhed like a live thing behind her. Heavy pants poured from her throat and blood stained the ground at her feet. While narrowed eyes stayed put upon Tulukiri.
116 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Tulukiri tasted blood and then her teeth clipped the air.

A smaller body wedged itself between them.

A voice shouting - a demand to stop.

The girl spat and stepped back, letting herself be guided by the pale shape she thought was Kigipigak; so focused was she on glaring daggers at Amalia that she wasn't looking to the newcomer.

It took a few seconds for Tulukiri to fully back down, and then she was pacing and growling lowly. Her ear stung.
332 Posts
Ooc — siv
Go to Moonwoman,

She demanded towards Amalia. The hurt on her face not hidden.

She turned her gaze upon the other woman.

Come with me. She could tend to the girl, hear her words, keep them separate. She figured her mother would do much the same with Amalia.

"inuktitut" || "common"
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
725 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ears slid back to her head, and tears sprang again to her eyes. Flowing freely. She sucked in a harsh breath and nodded her head.

She hated to let Callyope alone with the beast child, but she knew that she must do what she said. HEre she was higher rank and it was her home.

She turned and with swiftness left the area. She didn't even bother to clean her maw. Letting the blood drip.
116 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Tulukiri's heart was racing. The blood from her cut ear now stained the length of it, and dribbled down the side of her face. She stared after Amalia as the woman turned to flee.

It felt good to be in combat again, to have her purpose briefly satisfied, even if it was against a packmate. It felt like winning.

The girl looked to the interloper and the angry expression she wore melted away, leaving frustration in the furrows.

I had it under control, Tulukiri drawled, yet she averted her eyes at the same time, and soon winced, knowing it was a lie.