Redsand Canyon Hell, I know that I'm gonna pay
356 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
All Welcome 
Tierra had been having the best dream. She was pretty sure the subject had been the Pharaoh, but then, he’d been Sybol at times… and maybe a few others she wouldn’t mention ever….

Anyway, she regretted waking up the moment she did it. She lifted her head, then swiped her cheek on her forelegs to catch the line of drool she’d apparently had going on. Eugh.

Her stomach turned, but not in the fun dream way. No way she was throwing up but she totally felt horrible. With a groan she rested her cheek against the cooler ground and closed her eyes.

Her back and sides still hurt, more prickling and burning than anything else, and she’d been running a fever for a few days now. But she still wasn’t as fucked as Minne in her opinion. The first time she’d seen her friend’s face since, she’d thought she was having a nightmare. It totally wasn’t her fault but she still felt guilty about it. I should’ve taught her how to like, protect her face better. It had to suck, knowing you were going to have scars like that.

She didn’t even want to think about her own, so she didn’t. Scars were so… ugly. Maybe Minne could find a guy with some of his own, and settle for that? No way a guy like the Pharaoh would go for her now though. Not that Tierra had actually intended to, y’know… share.

Wow, she was thirsty. Not like that, but like…. her mouth was gross. She lay there for a few moments longer, then pushed herself up and wandered hazily for the stream that ran through the Tablinum. After a drink she flopped down on her stomach next to it, trying to fight her stomach into submission. Wow this sucked. Minne should have just let them eat her. Then she’d be fine and Tierra wouldn’t have to deal with like… all of this. Not that she actually wanted to… like, die die. It just kind of felt like she was anyway, and if she was gonna go, wasn’t like she would still be miserable if she got eaten or something.
-Signing.- | Speaking. | -Signing & speaking.-
185 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Paeon was bored. She had joined the pack a few weeks ago, heard about this big mini migration to the south, and felt as though she were in a sort of limbo. Not entirely sure when the official move would take place she looked to others to see what she was supposed to do. Where should she sleep? Should she be moving things down? Did they need more scouts to clear the area?

Not a very patient individual Paeon grew antsy, but with little influence on the pack or strong relationships she didn't have the means to make waves, and she didn't think it would be appropriate. The feeling of boredom and a drive to do something were not lessened within her.

As she trotted around searching for something to do she found a dark female shifting around uncomfortably near the stream. Given her proximity, Paeon wondered if it might have had something to do with the water. "You drink something funny?" Paeon asked from a distance approaching at a casual pace.
356 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Tierra turned her head to see who was approaching, but she wasn't about to get up. She was sick which meant she wasn't doing anything she didn't want to until she no longer felt like death. Tierra didn't get sick often (thank god) but when she did, she threw the dramatics into overdrive.

No. I got my butt handed to me by a bunch of stupid coyotes. There were, like, three of them though. She replied, needing to clarify that last part to show how completely and totally not her fault this was. Then she groaned. I'm pretty sure I'm dying. They don't, like, have diseases and stuff, do they?
-Signing.- | Speaking. | -Signing & speaking.-
185 Posts
Ooc — Raven
So sorry for the late reply. Open to wrapping up and archiving due to the age of the thread continuing. Whichever is best for you

Three coyotes. That bend they scale to their side. Paeon was now not surprised at the state of the dark female, if not slightly impressed that she made it out only in her current condition. "You look pretty good considering you 'had your ass handed to you' by three coyotes" she said humorously.

She walked up beside the girl and continued "I suppose they could have something. They're sorta similar to us I think. What are these dying symptoms you have?" She wasn't trying to scare the girl, just bluntly telling the truth. And the fact that the girl had managed to reach water and presumably drank from it made Paeon believe she wasn't directly at death's door if at all.
356 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
I don’t mind either way! I’ve been mildly slow with her <3 so can fade or continue easily

She got into Tierra’s good books immediately with the reassurance that Tierra looked ‘pretty good’. She perked up immediately, and visibly, despite still feeling miserable. She really looked okay?

Well, duh. They looked way worse after, obviously. She didn’t really pay attention but she was sure it was true. She and Minne were badasses.

Everything hurts. And I think I’m gonna barf, but it’s not like I ate anything. Most of her hurt, some parts more than others, but her stomach was the unbearable part.
-Signing.- | Speaking. | -Signing & speaking.-
185 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Paeon did think it pretty badass to have fought 3v1 against a group of coyotes. Of course, she didn't know the true circumstances or the fact that Tierra was not alone. Which would have been comparatively less cool but far from boring.

"Unfortunately nausea is a... sorta... reverse of a cure-all. It's a common symptom of many conditions. An upset stomach. High levels of pain... pregnancy. You're not carrying a mini mercenary are ya?" she asked with a small chuckle.

"I could try and find something for you for the pain... or the nausea... or both depending on what I might find" Paeon said eyes up and to the right in thought.
356 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Oh, fuck no. There’s nothing living in me cept me. Tierra visibly blanched and felt a roll of nausea at the thought of it. Little alien things that could, like, eat her from the inside or some sick weird stuff like that. Her mom was insane for ever being willing, and so was her sister and anyone else who chose to let a guy infest them with, like, literal parasites.

Yep, she was…. Nope. She managed to turn aside before she lost what little breakfast she’d managed to keep down so far, along with most of the water she’d just drank. Ughhhh. This was. The literal. Worst. Now whoever this was probably thought she was some kind of gross freak. This was, like, the opposite of cool soldier problems.

Are you, like, a doctor or something? She asked after a moment’s pause to make sure she was done. Yuck. At least she was close to the river so she could rinse the taste out while she waited for an answer.
-Signing.- | Speaking. | -Signing & speaking.-
185 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Good to fade here?

Paeon giggled. The girl's distaste around the thought of pregnancy was humorous. Perhaps it was because of how vehemently she turned down even the possibility.

But with another expulsion of her insides, Paeon thought that the time for fun could wait a bit. "Yeah, at least I can be one for you" she wasn't sure if she would give herself the title of an official doctor at this point. "Do you think you have the strength to follow me for a bit? I know of a place where we can get you some herbs for the nausea. We can also see if there might be something for the pain."

If the girl did have the strength, she could get the medication faster following Paeon. Otherwise, if needed Paeon would run her own fetch quest and return soon after.
356 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
If she were a wolf used to pushing through, Tierra probably would. Instead she looked at Peon beseechingly, succeeding with flying colors in looking pathetic. Could you bring them here? She felt terrible, and moving was going to hurt, and she already ached just lying here. No way did she want to make any kind of trip if she didn’t have to.

If Paeon insisted, she could probably goad Tierra into going, but if she was willing then the girl would let her cater to her. She’d likely try her best to catch a nap while she was gone. Maybe after she would feel a little less like death.
-Signing.- | Speaking. | -Signing & speaking.-