Decidedly, Nasamik would lead the hunter @Chakliux to her ulax.
Later, they could set the other rabbit within the cache. But for now, she wished only to enjoy his company.
Within, she beckoned him. Placed neatly along the floor, soft furs created a generously sized bed. The snowshoe girl lowered herself carefully upon one end. The remaining space was left open with invitation for him to take.
Normally, she would not be so keen to open her bed to a man that was not her betrothed — yet in this case, she felt there was no harm. At least, not yet.
Later, they could set the other rabbit within the cache. But for now, she wished only to enjoy his company.
Within, she beckoned him. Placed neatly along the floor, soft furs created a generously sized bed. The snowshoe girl lowered herself carefully upon one end. The remaining space was left open with invitation for him to take.
Normally, she would not be so keen to open her bed to a man that was not her betrothed — yet in this case, she felt there was no harm. At least, not yet.
Perhaps we share one and leave the other to return to the cache later?Finally she gave her thoughts, returning to their motherly, northern tongue.
January 17, 2023, 04:34 PM
"yes." chakliux tossed the rabbit into the corner. "later."
given what he thought was open invitation, the seal-hunter wasted no time in embracing her with his scarred arms. his muzzle sought the base of her ear. "you are sure?"
he thought nothing of betrothal or wives, only the pleasure of being invited into the ulaq of a beautiful woman.
given what he thought was open invitation, the seal-hunter wasted no time in embracing her with his scarred arms. his muzzle sought the base of her ear. "you are sure?"
he thought nothing of betrothal or wives, only the pleasure of being invited into the ulaq of a beautiful woman.
One of the rabbits discarded, he made haste to join her, an arm being thrown over her shoulder.
For a moment, Nasamik found a desire to lean within his embrace and simply remain, but she did not.
Instead, she gave a small nudge to his shoulder.
A piece when then be torn from the carcass—the amount she knew she had the stomach to eat. Chakliux was left with the rest.
For a moment, Nasamik found a desire to lean within his embrace and simply remain, but she did not.
Instead, she gave a small nudge to his shoulder.
Eat.She prodded gently, ignoring both his question and the heavy eyes that bore upon her.
A piece when then be torn from the carcass—the amount she knew she had the stomach to eat. Chakliux was left with the rest.
January 17, 2023, 04:51 PM
but he was not hungry for rabbit!
chakliux did as bid, eating heartily and lifting his eyes to hers from time to time, watching her eat.
the seal-hunter wondered if he was the first man she had taken into her bed. but chakliux did not truly care. he was honored to have received her favor, and finished his portion quickly.
chakliux did as bid, eating heartily and lifting his eyes to hers from time to time, watching her eat.
the seal-hunter wondered if he was the first man she had taken into her bed. but chakliux did not truly care. he was honored to have received her favor, and finished his portion quickly.
January 17, 2023, 04:56 PM
He did not eat slow, nor did she. Perhaps it was nerves, or the knowledge that another watched her eat and sat so close doing so.
Once her muzzle and paw had been cleansed thoroughly, Nasamik found a warm gaze upon Chakliux. She did not shy away from his embrace, but nor did she seek it closer. A proper distance for their circumstance.
Once her muzzle and paw had been cleansed thoroughly, Nasamik found a warm gaze upon Chakliux. She did not shy away from his embrace, but nor did she seek it closer. A proper distance for their circumstance.
Tell me of yourself, Chakliux. Your mother's village... your hobbies... maybe even your plans for the future, should you have them!A better way to become acquainted with one another, and to rid her of her aching nerves.
January 17, 2023, 05:51 PM
he had not come here to say a hundred words!
"my mother is k'os. my father is waking shark. my mother is a spirit-walker," he explained, sobering somewhat. "i am a hunter, and a good one. and i like to wrestle. to fight." he grinned toward nasamik. "i also enjoy this." he hoped to turn their talk back to why she had surely invited him here.
"one day i will build a lodge and take a wife. or maybe two." he shrugged. "what of you, nasamik? tell me your want."
"my mother is k'os. my father is waking shark. my mother is a spirit-walker," he explained, sobering somewhat. "i am a hunter, and a good one. and i like to wrestle. to fight." he grinned toward nasamik. "i also enjoy this." he hoped to turn their talk back to why she had surely invited him here.
"one day i will build a lodge and take a wife. or maybe two." he shrugged. "what of you, nasamik? tell me your want."
January 17, 2023, 05:57 PM
He explained many things, but did not have much joy in his tone. Nor did he speak of northern tongue.
Softly, she leaned a bit closer, nose pressing against his forearm as a small, contented laugh escaped her.
Now her eyes found his, searching. That itch to give in to her yearning lingered. But she couldn't push herself to do it. It felt wrong, while all at the same time, it felt right. This felt right. But was it really?
I come from a mother, Sukari, and father Kesuk. They raised me as hunter, as it was the same for all women of my mother village.But he wanted mostly to know of her wants; her desires.
Softly, she leaned a bit closer, nose pressing against his forearm as a small, contented laugh escaped her.
Like you, I want husband. And to hear the puttering of children within our ulaq.
Now her eyes found his, searching. That itch to give in to her yearning lingered. But she couldn't push herself to do it. It felt wrong, while all at the same time, it felt right. This felt right. But was it really?
January 17, 2023, 06:07 PM
ah! chakliux thought he understood.
nasamik was not a seal hunter woman. and so perhaps she thought there was taboo upon this. he faced her with brightberry eyes. she wanted assurance that she was desirable as wife.
"you are beautiful. any man would be pleased to have you at his lodge, nasamik."
nasamik was not a seal hunter woman. and so perhaps she thought there was taboo upon this. he faced her with brightberry eyes. she wanted assurance that she was desirable as wife.
"you are beautiful. any man would be pleased to have you at his lodge, nasamik."
January 17, 2023, 06:26 PM
He spoke words of flattery and assurance. But it was not enough.
Warm eyes turned to pleading ones.
She wanted him, but she knew she could not have him. Not now.
Warm eyes turned to pleading ones.
I do not want just any man to have me in his lodge, or him in mine. If we were in my mother village, this would be forbidden.And yet she had still brought him here.
She wanted him, but she knew she could not have him. Not now.
January 17, 2023, 06:34 PM
chakliux scoffed, but was flattered by how she used the word lodge now, not ulaq. "it is not forbidden in my village. in fact, when a man is trader and he comes to visit, he is given hospitality by a woman of the village, who sees it as an honor even if she is married! if she brings children after that, they only add to the village and are considered a good omen for good trading."
January 17, 2023, 06:38 PM
He explained a way of his village. They saw this action differently. And because of it, Nasamik was saddened.
She pushed away from his embrace now, ears flattening in response to the sting his words gave.
She pushed away from his embrace now, ears flattening in response to the sting his words gave.
I am not a woman to be traded between man's bed. I was raised to be hunter, and wife, and mother.— not a brood mare to be tossed around with no intent of being married.
January 18, 2023, 12:11 PM
now she was upset! chakliux wanted to jump to his feet and point out the insult she had given to the women of his clan.
instead he loudly clicked his tongue, sunberry eyes warm upon nasamik. "if you knew the pleasure between men and women, you would know it is a good thing. a wonderful thing! and that it should be shared often. seal hunter women are still wives and mothers. we simply do not believe our bodies belong to anyone but us."
his gaze glowed; he reached to touch her.
"let me show you."
instead he loudly clicked his tongue, sunberry eyes warm upon nasamik. "if you knew the pleasure between men and women, you would know it is a good thing. a wonderful thing! and that it should be shared often. seal hunter women are still wives and mothers. we simply do not believe our bodies belong to anyone but us."
his gaze glowed; he reached to touch her.
"let me show you."
January 18, 2023, 12:22 PM
(This post was last modified: January 18, 2023, 12:23 PM by Nasamik.)
According to the traditions of his village, it was not a shameful thing to accept man without first being married.
She found this difficult to grasp, but did not argue it.
Seal women were still wives and mothers, but they did not give themselves to only one man.
Let me show you.
He loomed closer, and she did not resist or shy away. She held her breath in tight for a moment, waiting to see what he might do.
She found this difficult to grasp, but did not argue it.
Seal women were still wives and mothers, but they did not give themselves to only one man.
Let me show you.
He loomed closer, and she did not resist or shy away. She held her breath in tight for a moment, waiting to see what he might do.
January 18, 2023, 04:48 PM
Mature Content Warning

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: heavy suggestion
emboldened by the fact that nasamik did not draw away this time, chakliux kissed both of her fore-ankles. then the insides of them. he glanced up at her with a grin. "your lover should be slow with you, like this."
he looked into her eyes, trying to see if she had enjoyed that, touting his experience against a tender fear of rejection.
he looked into her eyes, trying to see if she had enjoyed that, touting his experience against a tender fear of rejection.
January 18, 2023, 04:52 PM
Chakliux kisses at her ankles, both inside and out.
But he did not yet continue.
He eyed her carefully, curiously.
She had enjoyed it, and did not wish for him to stop there.
But he did not yet continue.
He eyed her carefully, curiously.
She had enjoyed it, and did not wish for him to stop there.
What else should a lover do?She purred drawing the outer portion of his ear with her nose.
January 18, 2023, 05:07 PM
shall we do a timeskip or fade? <3
chakliux smiled softly, his voice dropping into a husky octave. "he should look in your eyes. he should kiss you on your forehead," and demonstrated.
"and your cheek."
a laugh; his arms went softly around her. "do you want me to show you the rest, nasamik?"
"and your cheek."
a laugh; his arms went softly around her. "do you want me to show you the rest, nasamik?"
January 18, 2023, 05:12 PM
let's timeskip! ^^
That smile. Oh, how she was drawn in and captivated by it! She couldn't dare to look away!
More kisses followed. Her forehead. Her cheek. It was endless affection! The ceaseless warmth inside of her grew, making her want more.
His arm came around her again, and this time, she leaned close into him, muzzle nosing beneath his chin.
Show me all of it, Chakliux.Soft, entrancing, pleading, demanding. Her voice was all of these things. All and more.
January 18, 2023, 05:21 PM
for all his faults and pride, chakliux was attentive. women did not invite selfish men back to their sleeping-places.
winded but not yet tired after, he lay and looked at the roof of her lodge. it was a fine place. and she lived her alone. he turned his cheek and lay his eyes on her soft snowshine body. "do you understand now, nasamik?"
winded but not yet tired after, he lay and looked at the roof of her lodge. it was a fine place. and she lived her alone. he turned his cheek and lay his eyes on her soft snowshine body. "do you understand now, nasamik?"
January 18, 2023, 05:30 PM
Content beyond belief. Tired, almost— but relaxed more than anything.
Nasamik lay against the man, head sprawled across his forelegs.
Then he looked to her and spoke above the silence. Though she did not move, her lips sounded into words.
Nasamik lay against the man, head sprawled across his forelegs.
Then he looked to her and spoke above the silence. Though she did not move, her lips sounded into words.
I do.
January 19, 2023, 02:10 PM
chakliux smiled in satisfaction. "maybe i will come again to your sleeping-place," he offered, "if you will let this man return." he too had enjoyed himself; the prospect of having consistent pleasure in nasamik's arms was a delightful thought.
"that is how a seal hunter loves," chakliux said quietly, gripped by some sort of contentment as he relaxed beneath her warm figure.
"that is how a seal hunter loves," chakliux said quietly, gripped by some sort of contentment as he relaxed beneath her warm figure.
January 22, 2023, 04:59 PM
He wanted to come again. This made Nasamik smile.
Her cheeks and eyes both grew with warmth as she finally found his face.
Then he mentioned seal hunters again, and that of love!
Her cheeks and eyes both grew with warmth as she finally found his face.
Yes,She cooed softly, offering a small kiss to his cheek.
My blessing to return is with you.
Then he mentioned seal hunters again, and that of love!
Seal hunter loves well.A chuckle, before she leaned back into him.
January 24, 2023, 04:15 PM
"then i will visit another night," chakliux declared. he rolled from the sleeping-place and went out into the brisk cold air and new snow.
"hunt with me again, nasamik," he urged in a delighted voice, turning to look at her over his shoulder with a sway of his tail.
"hunt with me again, nasamik," he urged in a delighted voice, turning to look at her over his shoulder with a sway of his tail.
January 26, 2023, 08:07 PM
Rolling upon her back as he moved to approach the entrance of the den, she set her gaze upon him, tongue lolling in semi-awe of the odd angle.
He wanted to hunt.
He wanted to hunt.
Again? Aren't you too tired?She teased, knowing full well he was not. For he were, he wouldn't have invited her out again.
January 28, 2023, 02:14 AM
nasamik arched in the shadows and suddenly chakliux thought no more of the hunt.
"i am not tired, woman!" he scoffed in faux annoyance, kissing her stomach and rumbling a low note against her fur. "but now i do not want to leave your ulaq."
ready to love again, until the sky paled.
"i am not tired, woman!" he scoffed in faux annoyance, kissing her stomach and rumbling a low note against her fur. "but now i do not want to leave your ulaq."
ready to love again, until the sky paled.
January 28, 2023, 02:23 AM
Not tired, he said.
Eyes narrowing playfully, she pawed at his legs.
Eyes narrowing playfully, she pawed at his legs.
Prove it...A soft croon; a plea, maybe, tongue then reaching to swipe a kiss upon his chin.
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