Firefly Glen Quiet now, you're gonna wake the beast
186 Posts
Ooc — Decay
To where @Chakliux said he would wait, Nasamik went. She did not leave him waiting long.

She knows. Though, she did not like it.

The pale woman stood, staring upon the man who had named her wife. She wanted to know his plans. Now that she had agreed to follow him, she deserved to know this much.
1,051 Posts
Ooc — ebony
taking liberties, lmk if not good!

chakliux had stayed through the night into the early hours of morning with @Kannoyak
when he woke, nasamik had come to him. the seal hunter looked at her with a solemn gaze. "we are going to village moonspear." he did not say that he would leave her there.
"kannoyak, come and look at nasamik." his eyes warmed. "she is one of our people. and he is one of ours," he said of the white hunter. "she will be a fine wife."
to nasamik he looked now.
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The man approached at the side of his pale brother.

Kannoyak looked to Chakliux’ wife with intensity. The plum color of his stare did not linger upon her for too long. He knew better than to gawk at another man’s woman. She carried their young ones, as well. From what he could see, the seal hunter had done well for himself. She would bring beautiful offspring into the world. Their family would be great.

You have picked a good wife, Chakliux.

A polite smile was offered to the woman.

Take whatever you want! >w<
186 Posts
Ooc — Decay

Confusion filled her.

And what of Sialuk? Do you not fear she will turn you away as well? 

Then when another approached, Nasamik did her best to offer a smile of warmth. But she was hurting in many ways. It was hard to put on this act.
1,051 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"i fear nothing," chakliux said in a colder tone than he meant. he took a breath. "for now, i cannot hunt. i must heal. sialuk once offered me to come to the mountain. we will go there first, to see what she says."
he did not look toward kannoyak yet, but relaxed his posture. "you have made me your husband. now you must trust that i will do well for us."
186 Posts
Ooc — Decay
In his words, she must have faith. Nasamik knew this.

Inhaling faintly, the woman would nod. Though, the breath almost ended in her falling flat upon her side. Before we begin our trek, I need a moment to sit... And without waiting for his understanding, Nasamik slunk down upon her haunches, eyes falling to stare upon the ground.

Breathe. She reminded herself, feeling the wave of nausea flood her inners and face.
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The girl looked weak with worry. Kannoyak hoped that she understood – they were seeking a better place for her and Chakliux. They were going to make sure they had a home for their pups. She should not worry herself to sickness.

The other man spoke to her and offered a reminder. She had made him her husband and now she must trust him to make the right decision for their family. This was the way of a man. Kannoyak could see no fault in him. It was not his place to comment on the matter and so he held his tongue, thoughtful. The plum of his eyes watched them hungrily.

Might have... messed that up. Skip over me unless he's talked to? ;w; Sorry... so so sorry.
1,051 Posts
Ooc — ebony
congrats on 100 posts heretic! <3 also i think ur all good teo!

chakliux did not have sympathy because he did not understand. she would be a fine wife and if they must make their own claim, then she would have two hunters to bring her meat.
he did not care if kannoyak looked long on nasamik, or if she came to favor him. it was not his way to care, and he meant to make her into a seal hunter woman. no more sunshine words or ways.
the man crouched close to nasamik, light-headed and wavering with his own pain.
"we will wait until you are ready, wife."
he used the seal hunter word for that.
186 Posts
Ooc — Decay
OH, thank you!! I hadn't even noticed! ^^

In a moment, it had passed. 

They could wait no more. For the longer they did, the closer they remained in the sights of Moonglow.

I will be fine... Though she still trembled, Nasamik made herself to stand, reaching to steady her husband. Kannoyak, come. Help me with him. Whether he wanted the assistance or not, she would give it. As wife, this was now her responsibility.Even if Sialuk will turn us away from a home, I will not let her dismiss an injured hunter. She will heal you. 

Nasamik would not have it another way.
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The woman found new fire within her spirit. This was an admirable thing. She intended to make sure that her husband was cared for. Chakliux should have been proud at the coupling he had made.

Kannoyak listened to the woman’s word. He moved to support his brother hunter, strong shoulder offered. They would get Chakliux to the mountain and the raindrop woman would heal his wounds. He must believe this. He could not be wrong about the wolves of the moon villages. Kannoyak believed they were good and they would prove themselves to be, his spirit told him so.

A nod was given to Nasamik. He was ready to begin their journey.
1,051 Posts
Ooc — ebony
last for me!

nasamik found more strength than chakliux in this moment. she spoke with resolution, even ordering forth the man she had just met. the seal hunter managed a brief laugh before he leaned on kannoyak.
the only sign of pain he would show was the tension of his jaw.
otherwise he was silent, face immovable from its mask of cold determination.