Redhawk Caldera from birth we've been like brothers of different mothers
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All Welcome 
Paging @Maia ! Dating this to about 2 days ago as that’s when I should have gotten it up but -gestures to entire situation- that.

When he came, it was running.

The ferocious gallop of a horse, swift paws, a form made wry with travel. His legs thundered harsh against the terrain, his ears laid to his head as he thought of what was to come of this.

This warning he would need to pass.

The question he..needed to ask. Aquillius wavered with his thoughts, his head ever turning towards that distant mountain as a compass turns towards true north.

His heart hurt. His head hurt.

He looked forward. He threw his head back, and sent up a howl.
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
we can keep this short if need be <3 I’ll keep being slow for a while

The urgent howl on the border sent her coming as fast as she could, arriving (breathing heavily) soon after. She slowed as she approached to try and catch it some, but she’d still be winded when she reached him.

Sorry, who… what’s wrong? Who are you? She asked, her tone full of mostly concern and very little suspicion. What had happened to make him call like that?
191 Posts
Ooc — Box
Post 100 just for u!

A woman appeared, jogging towards him with all the urgency his call warranted. He breathed a little noise, tongue pulled from his maw to lick across his nose.

I am known as Aquillius, from Akashingo. He breathed.

I bring dire news. He adjusted his posture, trying to gather the mein of a militant man.

The pharaoh has ousted a high ranking member of the mesa, the Jodai, and named him traitor. We do not know of his whereabouts, but Akashingo hungers for his blood.
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia was visibly startled for a moment when he spoke of dire news, then immediately both confused and concerned. It sounded like this wolf was in a lot of trouble, but it also sounded like a situation that was pretty far from their borders.

Oh. Um. Maia hesitated, trying to piece something together that would be tactful. That’s terrible. Brecheliant doesn’t want any trouble, especially with Akashingo. Is there… anything you need from us?

She wasn’t sure why this news was being brought. Did he think they were hiding someone? Because the last wolf to come from Akashingo had been Lilitu, and they knew she was no longer here. Maia waited, shifting a bit uneasily.
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He shook his head, anxiously shuffling in place.

No ma’am, this is merely a warning of a dangerous individual. He looked left, then right, then lowered his voice.

And what the Mesa will do to find him. Makono wanted him dead. Aquillius had no say in that.
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She didn’t know what to do with his distress as a leader, but the mother in her couldn’t just let him leave. She might not understand the threat posed to Brecheliant but he’d clearly run long and hard to get here and deliver this warning. He wasn’t so young that he shouldn’t be doing such things alone, but he was young.

I appreciate the warning. We’ll be on the lookout, but I can’t promise we’ll turn away a wolf in need unless he poses a threat. So they would just need to be extra careful of outsiders and ensure they were not a danger. If Akashingo faulted them for helping a stranger, they would need to remember how one of their own had stayed within the forest a while back.

Let me get you something to eat, at least, before you go back. You’re welcome to rest here too, if you like? He could stay near the edge of the territory and would be safe from most things, though she would not let him in near the pups. She didn’t want to risk it (or Bronco and Teya’s defense).

if you like, you can wrap this!