Otatso Wetlands I didn't want to leave
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
@Bellatrix <3 , north of Swiftcurrent, south of Otatso

Arlette made her path west to the mountain range. She wanted to go over the sunspire mountains and follow her path to... well she didn't know. Arlette had visited Easthollow and then wandered in the wrong direction. It was alright, she had the time. She wondered if there might be a pack that would suit her, or if she would spend her life roaming like this. She had no ties, not that she was aware of at least. Easthollow was gone, the saints were gone together with Fury. Her children... she hoped they found a good home.

Arlette noticed that she was covered in mud from her trek through the wetlands. Luckily she was met with a stream. She waded into it. The water was cold but refreshing. The pale female pulled herself out on the other side, the side of the ember woods. She noticed smells, a pack's smell further. Maybe she shouldn't get to close, she didn't want to be in trouble. She gave herself another shake, getting that water out of her fur.
96 Posts
Ooc — delaney
bellatrix does not stray too far from swiftcurrent creek: because she does not have much reason too, because of the soft roil of her stomach ... unusually unsettled over the past few mornings.

but she holds fast to the idea that taking a small trip outside of the creek might help.

she pauses for a drink at one of the cleaner rainwater puddles, munching on a bit of grass; dull gold gaze rising at the sound of footfalls. it does not necessarily sound like an approach but the commander lifts her head all the same.

a familiar figure catches her eye and her breath stills in her throat. mama? she calls out.

bellatrix is pregnant since april 19th
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
sorry for the delay! Work got my mind swamped

Arlette moved along the stream, a little curious about the pack that was settled here. She had not been paying a lot of attention to her surroundings. The other wolf, a younger female, had gone unnoticed for a moment. Until she was was closer, and she saw the dark shape move. She stilled instantly at the sight of the other. Merrit, no. Stark. 'Mama'. Arlette instantly knew. Mulberry! She jolted forward with a whine. "My baby!," she cried out.

She trotted up to her. So big, and.. so adult. Arlette was so glad to see her. She was alive! She didn't doubt that she was, but she also looked so good. She smelled of a pack, of a home. "You look well," she spoke and approached for a greeting. Her children were not completely lost. "So grown up as well," she admitted, looking at her with nothing but admiration and pride. Her tail was wagging. Arlette hoped her daughter wasn't too resentful to her, but if she was she understood.
96 Posts
Ooc — delaney
no worries! <3

my baby!

a soft whine slips from betwixt her lips as arlette draws nearer.

it is good to see you, mama. words threaten to tangle in her throat, escaping; breathless. fluttering unspoken is her fear? hope yet that fell in line with her being 'grown up'.

how have you been? bellatrix asks instead, finding it easier to focus when the attention isn't on her.

bellatrix is pregnant since april 19th
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
The whine was enough confirmation that Mulberry was glad to see her. Arlette stepped closer to nose through her fur. She smelled different but that was just that Arlette hadn't seen her in awhile. "It is good to see you too, Mulberry," she returned instantly. She wished to know everything, just so curious about her life now. If she was happy, she hoped she would be happy.

"I've--- I guess I've been okay. I took a hard loss when Fury died," she admitted. So much loss she had to endure. "But I wanted to come back and see if I could find familiar faces. I guess I did," she smiled softly at her. "How have you been?," she asked, her tail gently wagging.

"Is your pack nice?," she asked as well. The question was probably a little redundant because she figured her daughter wouldn't be in a pack she didn't like. She at least had found a home.
96 Posts
Ooc — delaney

though it is her given name, she almost flinches to hear it now.

it is not who she had become in the time spent maturing, learning and leading.

she thinks to tell her mother that, but refrains thinking it may be unkind to tell her that mulberry had been buried for a long time.

she speaks of fury and death — news to bellatrix — who, unfortunately, feels nothing at the news. no relief. no remorse. no guilt for leaving the saints. a stain upon her in these wilds, she cannot help but feel knowing of their infamy and the wolves out for their blood.

i have ... been. it is not much of an answer: but it is the only one that she can give.

the creek is a good home. again, not exactly a real answer. i suppose they are, but i am not close enough with any of them. a making of her own choice.

bellatrix is pregnant since april 19th
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette looked at her daughter. She had the feeling that she hadn't liked that she called her Mulberry. Maybe she was just imagining it. She didn't know what happened in her daughter's life, she had not been as present as she wished she had. A regret. But nothing she could change about that now. She could relate a lot to her answer. She had been as well. She just... existed. But other than that.

"I'm glad that it has been a good home to you," Arlette spoke. The mother wished she had close friends but it seemed she hadn't, not within the pack. That concerned her a little but who was she to comment on it. Perhaps she had been part of that, that Mulberry hadn't made close contacts with anyone. "It is really good to see you. I plan on staying in Teekon. Do you mind visits from me, or would you rather I stay away?," she asked. Arlette wished she could visit but, if Mulberry didn't want her around she could understand. "All answers are okay," she assured her.
96 Posts
Ooc — delaney
the question that her mother poses to her is like a thousand little knives piercing her heart. to have the choice to tell her mother to stay away is not one that bellatrix felt any child should have.

no, please visit. bellatrix whispers, voice almost choking on the words as she rushes to get them out.

the commander might've done well for herself without her family: but it had required changing everything about herself.

and though she didn't regret who she had grown to become, she still wanted her mother to be in her life.

and then a quieted admission, i am pretty sure i am with child.

bellatrix is pregnant since april 19th
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette felt so relieved at that. It was probably also shown on her face. She didn't mind that. Her tail got some life back into her. "That is-- I like that too," she smiled. She was glad. So glad. Though her daughter's next words did startle her a little. Arlette knew little of her relationships or life, but by the sound and smell of it she didn't have a mate. No-- That didn't matter. Arlette only blinked once. "Congratulations!," she smiled, her tail wagging. She wasn't going to be anything like her mother. She trusted her daughter and her choices. Though she did hope it was an actual choice. But that were details for another time.

"Then I should definitely stick around. You know to give you all the answers you might need," she smiled. She wanted to support her daughter. "I would like to support you in any way I can," she said. Mulberry didn't know about her miscarriage, about how she ended up with Derg. But most of all how she lost the faith in her own mother. It was a sad story, but if asked then she would tell. Arlette looked at her strong daughter. "How are you feeling about being with child?," she asked then.