Stone Circle new home with new faces
96 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
All Welcome 
All welcome to Kvarsheim members! Loosely backdated to June 1st through June 7th. Starting vague while her thread with @Taktuq is still ongoing.

The new Systir of Kvarsheim explored its territory with wide eyes and an insatiable curiosity. After being guided to the pack's land by Taktuq, Vale mostly kept her head down as she learned the lay of the land. Encountering numerous scents that she would eventually put faces to as she wandered from Kvarsheim's meadows to its forest.

Today Vale lingered near the stones. The monuments standing tall and unmoving, she stood outside of the circle. Ears perked despite the quiet day being only disrupted by a gentle breeze. Walking the circumference of the circle with a slow stride, she quietly marveled the monoliths.
I was a rover, an outrider, a silver tongued devil. I was inflicted and I was broken. I've been many things.
865 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Gunnar didn't know the new wolf well. Had seen her in passing. But today he found her watching the stones with open curious gaze. He said nothing at first. Slowly padded upon her, but kept his distance. He didn't wish to startle her. He gave a soft little chuff.

Taktuq knows more of the stones, but she tells me it is sacred place that those who came before lay there in their final rest.

He dipped his muzzle down and looked beyond her with keen golden gaze. Warm and soft as it always was. Only to return to her face. I'm Gunnar.
<i>Set and Avatar from JAVA</i>
96 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
The intrusion to her contemplation was a polite one. An offering of knowledge to answer questions she had yet to ask. She turned to face the man who had spoken with a polite smile upon her face. Closing the distance that been offered, she came to stand near the elder wolf. 

I'm Vale. She looked back to the waystones. A slight sway to her tail. Her eyes trailed across each stone. Tall, grand, and mighty. A crown of stone from a time unknown to her. Recalling the graves she couldn't suppress a shiver. I'm glad I didn't walk across the ground within then.

Facing Gunnar, the inquisitive gaze that she previously directed to the stones was now upon him. Does Kvarsheim stand to protect this place? The Modir told me that while it's peaceful now, there used to be conflict in the valley.
I was a rover, an outrider, a silver tongued devil. I was inflicted and I was broken. I've been many things.
865 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Gunnar didn't know how well this she wolf knew the history. And he found it fascinating. Perhaps that was in part of his old age. He wondered sometimes where they may lay him which stone would he fall under. But that was for the pack to decide when his time came.

Well met Vale. Gunnar chuckled. I imagine they'd have forgiven you the small trespass as we would have. You didn't know.

OF course we will protect what is ours if we must. But we prefer peacefulness. But if there were to be a time when we would need to make a stand. I imagine we all would. I do not recall, but it was probably after my time absent. I left the teekon for many years before I came home. But Taktuq would know.
<i>Set and Avatar from JAVA</i>
96 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
Vale's tail wagged gently. Well met indeed. Her head tilted as the old wolf answered her question. You left for a time? Vale stopped to ponder what kind of life Gunnar had. His pelt was a testament to his age. Silvered by time. Thinking back, was it her mother or father that called gray hairs wisdom streaks? Well, that didn't quite matter, she had the chance to ask questions, after all.

Was there a reason you came back? She could understand leaving home. And truly she imagined that he had grown homesick. Although, a rude little thought spurned a furtive glance to the stones. Well... He was old. But that had to be asking too much!
I was a rover, an outrider, a silver tongued devil. I was inflicted and I was broken. I've been many things.
865 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He nodded his head. He had, for a long time actually. He hadn't been quite 2 and hadn't come home until he was well into his eight season. Had his mother not wanted to come back, honestly he wasn't sure if he would have. But he was glad he had.

I did for about goodness. 7 years or so.

He frowned in thought and then offered a sad slow smile. Yes. My mother wanted to die on teh grave my father lay. So I accompanied her. And now here I am. I will lay down when it's time near the stones.
<i>Set and Avatar from JAVA</i>
96 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
Vale's smile faltered. Settling into a neutral expression as she gave Gunnar's words a moment to process. Perhaps the rude little thought had some merrit. It was still incorrect of course. Sitting down, her eyes took to switching between Gunnar's as she thought. Seven years was a long time. What life did he have outside of the Teekons? Was he content to have left it?

That is very noble of you, she remarked after much consideration. Her head tipped. She believed it to be true, but there was much more that could have been. If only she had the right words. Selfless? Perhaps that was a good one. It was fitting. A compliment to the warmth he greeted her, a stranger, with.

I'm sorry to hear of your loss, for what its worth. Inevitable it may have been,  it was a grief she was familiar with. Would you say that your return has been worth it, overall?
I was a rover, an outrider, a silver tongued devil. I was inflicted and I was broken. I've been many things.
865 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He saw her faltering and knew it was heavy what he had spoken. But frankly he had long made his peace with it.

It was only what a good son who loves his mother should do.

He miased his mother, but she had lived well. And he liked to think he would live well too. Her next question. He thought of Takyuq who carried the future and his own children. The wolves he'd met, hopefully changed their lives.

Yes it has been.
<i>Set and Avatar from JAVA</i>
96 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
Sorry for the wait!

The corners of Vale's mouth turned upwards once again. Her tail gave a little thump to the ground. So long as it was worth it. That's good. 

Vale wasn't sure if she could appraise her own time in the Teekons quite yet. Next to Gunnar, she might as well still have been a babe. From what she knew, it was uncommon for wolves to have lived as long as he did. Next to Taktuq, Vale was just a girl. The modir had much on her shoulders but carried it serenely as far as Vale could tell. Even when meeting Bridget and Evander, she was just a simple stranger. Uncertain in her own way, but their worries seemed far greater.

But they all had been kind. She hoped to act similarly. Although, there was much to learn.

Her ears twitched and she straightened her posture. If you don't mind me asking, is there anything more I should know about Kvarsheim?
I was a rover, an outrider, a silver tongued devil. I was inflicted and I was broken. I've been many things.
865 Posts
Ooc — Danni
no worries

Gunnar smiled, closed his eyes for a minute. Happy in the space and glad to have new faces. Ear titled forward, steel grays opened again.

He hummed softly in thought. We are very family oriented. We try and help ewch other out. I prefer peaceful approaches to all things, but if we must show strength we do.

We have many children who will need to be taught different skills.
<i>Set and Avatar from JAVA</i>
96 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
Vale nodded along as she listened. Mind drifting to Taktuq, the mother would soon be occupied with her newborns. I don't think I have much to offer by way teaching, but I'll try to help the best I can.

Her head tipped. I know Taktuq is expecting, are there more children I have not seen yet? I haven't done much for socializing. 
I was a rover, an outrider, a silver tongued devil. I was inflicted and I was broken. I've been many things.
865 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Gunnar smiled sweetly and shook his head. Everyone can teach something. Something as small as manners can go a long way.

Gunnar nodded. A female named Inkeri and our Nornir Tauris.

i think this is dated long enough that he would know that.
<i>Set and Avatar from JAVA</i>
96 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
Well, I can't disagree on the value of manners. Vale remarked with a light chuckle. Her smile held, but it went without saying there would be a lot to do in the coming months. It was late in the year relatively for pups. 

Keeping any trepidation at bay, she continued, That can be a lot of pups. A handful but they will at least have a number of peers their own age.

She regarded Gunnar with a thoughtful expression. Have there been plans for future seasons made yet?
I was a rover, an outrider, a silver tongued devil. I was inflicted and I was broken. I've been many things.
865 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He chuckled along with her. No, manners were good. And if he had his way. He and Taktuq's children would be so.

He shook hia head. We have a few caches built, but we need more. And we need a larger scale hunt soon.
<i>Set and Avatar from JAVA</i>