AW, close to Kvarsheim but not close enough to be officially on the borders! Open to anyone!! <333
Sovereign found she enjoyed her time thus far as a lone wolf.
Nobody to bow down to, nobody to give orders
Nobody except Ensio and herself...
But, loneliness was its own demon.
Though Ensio was welcome company, she often wandered from him, even if only for temporary periods.
The morning was soft enough, the sky was still a semi-dark blue with the promise of the coming sunrise.
Eastward, she could smell a claim...
Curious, the yearling prowled in that direction for a bit, but she stopped before she got close enough to smell a border of any kind.
Their scents were strong and plenty, and Sovereign did not particularly feel like almost getting herself killed a third time.
So, the pale Princess stayed well enough away, attempting to be considerate of the claimed land on the near horizon.
Sovereign began to turn herself away, but her gaze lingered on the monolithic stones standing like sentinels keeping guard over their inhabitants.
Awed, but hesitant, the girl decided to keep her distance while exploring the Glade, attempting to be mindful of getting too close...
The Only Thing They Fear Is You
July 30, 2023, 02:35 PM
he'd caught a whiff of feminine perfume among the summer breeze, and he being that of the typical male creature, changed his course to seek out the scent's source. it led him through an open meadow brimming with blooming wildflowers and pollen speckled skies. he proceeded to then have a sneezing fit as he pushed himself through the blossom minefield, his steps quick and skillful as if he were running from an enemy in battle.
allergies could go and suck it.
with only mildly irritated eyes, alphus continued his pursuit at full speed. the stranger's scent was soon joined by a great deal of others, though these were of design, of purpose. claimed land. his steps slowed and his focus heightened. a flash of tiny porcelain in the distance caught his attention, and with a shift in wind it revealed this was who he had been seeking out.
"helllooooo," he called out as he pranced towards her with a cheerful smile. it was only as the distance between the two bodies closed that he realized just how fucking huge she was.
mommy? sorry. mommy?
allergies could go and suck it.
with only mildly irritated eyes, alphus continued his pursuit at full speed. the stranger's scent was soon joined by a great deal of others, though these were of design, of purpose. claimed land. his steps slowed and his focus heightened. a flash of tiny porcelain in the distance caught his attention, and with a shift in wind it revealed this was who he had been seeking out.
"helllooooo," he called out as he pranced towards her with a cheerful smile. it was only as the distance between the two bodies closed that he realized just how fucking huge she was.
mommy? sorry. mommy?
July 31, 2023, 12:43 AM
The snow-furred girl was calculated in her steps, slow.
Her head remained level with her shoulders for most of her excursion thus far, until she heard from afar, an approaching voice.
Sovereign turned her gaze with a raised head for her new company, only to find a man.
One smaller than her and Ensio, at that!
His size was not necessarily new to her, after all Arlette was also on the smaller side too! But in her entire young life, Sov had never seen a man so short...
It was kinda cute.
But, as Sov watched the man register her, she noted what looked to be some sort of awe in his gaze.
She blinked at him with some modicum of confusion at his expression, offering her own voice after a long, very awkward moment of silence.
What the fuck was she supposed to say aside from that?!
Sov didn't know, she wasn't exactly good at making new friends...or any kind of romance.
The yearling stayed where she was for now, though she positioned herself to face him more than she had been.
She also didn't consider that while she was fully grown, the rest of her hadn't exactly caught up yet, and that it might ruin her initial ''charm''
Her voice, for one, still had slight traces of puphood yet to be left behind, manifested in the slight high note laced within gradually-deepening tones as she aged.
Her head remained level with her shoulders for most of her excursion thus far, until she heard from afar, an approaching voice.
Sovereign turned her gaze with a raised head for her new company, only to find a man.
One smaller than her and Ensio, at that!
His size was not necessarily new to her, after all Arlette was also on the smaller side too! But in her entire young life, Sov had never seen a man so short...
It was kinda cute.
But, as Sov watched the man register her, she noted what looked to be some sort of awe in his gaze.
She blinked at him with some modicum of confusion at his expression, offering her own voice after a long, very awkward moment of silence.
What the fuck was she supposed to say aside from that?!
Sov didn't know, she wasn't exactly good at making new friends...or any kind of romance.
The yearling stayed where she was for now, though she positioned herself to face him more than she had been.
She also didn't consider that while she was fully grown, the rest of her hadn't exactly caught up yet, and that it might ruin her initial ''charm''
Her voice, for one, still had slight traces of puphood yet to be left behind, manifested in the slight high note laced within gradually-deepening tones as she aged.
The Only Thing They Fear Is You
July 31, 2023, 02:33 PM
I saw you removed the tag buuut since it's in view of the stone circle- hope this is ok! lmk if you'd rather me delete c:
There’s a ruckus just off the border. Because, of course there is. Peace and quiet didn’t exist these days. Plainly in view are a pair of wolves falling in a familiar smitten sway, the one she’d danced before with the man who called her sunflower and who hadn’t touched her since, and now that she’s all frumpy and awkward-looking he probably didn’t even want to anymore.
The alpine ridge along her back flares as she trudges for them, tail held high and belly swinging like a cannon with her step.
“There’s consequences to that, you know,” she stops short, voice sharp. “You two wanna fuck off to somewhere private and not in view of our sacred site? We have kids here.”
July 31, 2023, 09:15 PM
(This post was last modified: July 31, 2023, 09:16 PM by Andrealphus.)
his pace slowed until he stopped a respectable distance off from the yearling, tail offering an outgoing swish. by appearances alone he thought her admirable. she towered over him to the point he fear he might get a crick in his neck if he stared for too long. she had a youthful flare to her complexation, and her voice that of an evolving adolescent. she was still young, though he imagined she was around the age when kid's started to fly the nest and assumed that she had recently dispersed.
he parted lips to ask a question when he swore he could have felt the earth shake beneath him. he turned to catch sight of what he thought was a hippo approaching...oh wait, it was just a pregnant woman. she came barging in with her balloon belly and raging hormones and unwanted words. ah, mothers everywhere collectively ruining his fun.
he leapt a few paces away before turning back towards the pair, honeyed eyes dancing between the two of them. one was sculpted like a greek goddess, the other like a beached whale. he opted to remain where he stood, silent yet curious of what would come from the interaction between the three of them.
he parted lips to ask a question when he swore he could have felt the earth shake beneath him. he turned to catch sight of what he thought was a hippo approaching...oh wait, it was just a pregnant woman. she came barging in with her balloon belly and raging hormones and unwanted words. ah, mothers everywhere collectively ruining his fun.
he leapt a few paces away before turning back towards the pair, honeyed eyes dancing between the two of them. one was sculpted like a greek goddess, the other like a beached whale. he opted to remain where he stood, silent yet curious of what would come from the interaction between the three of them.
August 02, 2023, 02:02 AM
Fine with me! <333
Sovereign heard another coming before a voice cut through, unwanted and haughty.
The yearling turned to look upon the very pregnant woman with amber-hues sharper than a razor's slicing edge, an unwavering stare like that of her own mother, whom she willed the image of into herself.
In the back of her mind, her puphood full of combat and disciplinary training began to creep forward.
Steady yourself...think beyond this moment. Think about the future you carve if you let your pride win out...will it be worth it to make more enemies than alliances?
The consequences of getting into a brawl with some haughty pregnant bitch didn't seem like much in the moment, but as the youth thought more about it, she realized at the end of the day it would be better to pick her battles and move on, for this was not a battle worth fighting.
The yearling's gaze softened noticeably before she let out a soft exhale and dipped her head once to the pregnant woman "Please, forgive the intrusion. I did not think we were so close as to cause any disturbances." She offered to Tauris, voice a bit sheepish, but kind and genuine regardless.
Holding up a paw as if it say one moment whilst she faced Tauris, Sovereign looked briefly to the man "Shall we go elsewhere, or will I find you later?"
Now was his moment, maybe unknowingly, to decide if Sov would attempt to make friends with Tauris and Kvarsheim now, or if she could swing by with an apology gift at a later time.
The Only Thing They Fear Is You
“You got business with Kvarsheim?” she barks, annoyance showing on her face, “talk. Otherwise I’m sure you and 'Mr. Chatty' can find some way to entertain yourselves on the other side of that hill,” she gestures with a grunt.
Yeah, maybe a part of her was envious. This girl was tall and pale and still had a figure and hadn’t forever shackled away her years of youth. Even in this moment Tauris didn’t mind being an example of what happens when you give in to impulses. It was a charitable teaching opportunity, if anything. She lets her paw stamp like a broody heifer just for the drama of it.
Yeah, maybe a part of her was envious. This girl was tall and pale and still had a figure and hadn’t forever shackled away her years of youth. Even in this moment Tauris didn’t mind being an example of what happens when you give in to impulses. It was a charitable teaching opportunity, if anything. She lets her paw stamp like a broody heifer just for the drama of it.
August 14, 2023, 10:19 PM
sorry for the wait on this, last post from me. if you'd like sovereign and alphus to have a thread at a later time, just ping me in one <3
he remained silent, only blinking as words were exchanged. he could practically smell the judgment wafting off the expecting mother. that, or she needed a bath.
he turned when questioned, eyes glancing off in a direction away from the borders they had apparently so rudely teetered too close to. "you can call for me when you get done here, i'll be around." whatever would have come from his meeting with the pale beauty was spoiled now, no point in trying to save it while the killjoy was here.
he gave a glance towards the childbearing grinch before parting lips to let out a teasing "bye bye, ms. sunshine." and with that he was out, not bothering to stick around for any further remarks.
August 15, 2023, 11:01 PM
Sovereign remained impassive and poised in the face of miss-pregnant-grinch as she barked a question with annoyance.
Her mother's temper broiled underneath the surface, but the yearling did not allow it to show through the sheepish exterior she had already woven.
Not worth it, not worth it...
An ear cupped for the man's words before he excused himself from the situation.
Oh boy, alone with a temperamental pregnant woman...
Again in a show of her own (vastly greater, in her opinion) maturity, the princess offered a half-hearted and soft smile "I'll be on my way as well." the yearling wuffed as she turned away from Tauris, deciding to trail after the male's own path, unless the mother-to-be stopped her for some reason, but Sov was intent not to stick around for any passing remarks.
Her mother's temper broiled underneath the surface, but the yearling did not allow it to show through the sheepish exterior she had already woven.
Not worth it, not worth it...
An ear cupped for the man's words before he excused himself from the situation.
Oh boy, alone with a temperamental pregnant woman...
Again in a show of her own (vastly greater, in her opinion) maturity, the princess offered a half-hearted and soft smile "I'll be on my way as well." the yearling wuffed as she turned away from Tauris, deciding to trail after the male's own path, unless the mother-to-be stopped her for some reason, but Sov was intent not to stick around for any passing remarks.
Exit Sovereign! I would love another thread sometime, both of you! <333
The Only Thing They Fear Is You
August 15, 2023, 11:12 PM
She is relieved when the pair of aimless vagrants scatter into the hillside, having much more impertinent things to attend to. Like a good nap, for one. But before hauling herself back into the valley she squats to saturate the ground with her mark, kicking up the moist soil with her hind legs to waft it into the air.
That aught to keep them out.
That aught to keep them out.
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