Swiftcurrent Creek Eat me
7 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
All Welcome 
Poor Denton Deer here is old. Luckily for your pack, that means a meal! But, he won't go easily! PP of scratches and minor bites are acceptable.

Denton made his way slowly towards the edge of the river. His joints ached in ways they never had before, his muscles were tight and less flexible, and he simply didn't have the energy he once did. This past mating season had been brutal on him, and the antler puncture wounds and scratches told the silent story. While he hadn't sustained life-threatening injuries, the younger, more agile and fit, males had won the battles. He was on his own now, choosing to travel further away from the rest of the herds to avoid any more battles. 

Coming to the river, he lowered his head to take his fill of the water. Several minutes later, he lifted his head to take a look around. He didn't see any dangers as of right now, and he needed to take a rest. He moved a few feet from the river bank and lowered his body to the ground, tucking his legs underneath him. His head remained upright to keep a lookout.
206 Posts
Ooc — Mai
This time around, Ensio was bound and determined to make this work. After all this time, finally, here he was. Still at Sovereign's side, in a new home. She had close connections here in the form of @Arlette. Family. A woman whom he vowed to try and forge a relationship with, to keep the bond with his friend thriving.

Swiftcurrent seemed established and stable. He allowed his guard to relax slightly. He tried to identify their faces by memory and scent. Filing them away for later, making a mental note to set aside time for each of them. He couldn't be a lingering shadow like he had in his previous packs. Not if he was serious about change, as a boy growing into a man.

The Duskfire took his time in exploring the corners of his new home. The sound of gently flowing water a tune often accompanied in his ears. It was a thriving, diverse land. Perfect for attracting all sorts of creatures. He had been exploring, lost in painting a mental map of the territory, when an opportunity presented itself.

A stately specimen of a mature white tail buck. A full rack of eight point antlers, crowning him as a once formidable champion. Ensio could tell the male was slightly past his prime, but he no less alert. As a single wolf, he stood little chance in taking on such a beast. Even with the slight, shallow punctures dotting his hide. He doubled back the way he came, but didn't go far. Softly, in his deep voice he called out into the distance, hoping someone might be close enough to hear his message.
i’ve been the archer, i’ve been the prey
473 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Eshe had heard about the pack’s newest members through the grapevine, and had meant to seek them out before now, but she’d gotten busy and sidetracked. Thankfully, the opportunity to meet one of them presented itself while she was out collecting herbs. Without hesitation, she stopped what she was doing, and sought the man who’d requested help.

He was a large man who almost rivaled Arric’s height, and, thankfully, this made him easy to spot from afar. His silver hair also acted as a contrast against the surrounding greenery.

Hey, she whisper-whuffed as she approached, her tail flagging high. I can help, she offered, stopping at his side. I’m good at chasing. She stopped then, briefly wondering what he thought of her suggestion; was she too bossy? It’d only been a suggestion, but Eshe worried that, somehow, she’d already made the wrong impression.
The Shieldmaiden
277 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Sovereign too heard the call of Ensio and swiftly made her way to her companion, noting the presence of another who she hadn't met yet. 
The pale behemoth whisper-chuffed her greeting to them both as she arrived with a few sways of her plume. 
Only hearing the tail end of the silvery femme's offer, the Princess gave her own to the party in a soft tone, "I can act as a distraction if needed, pull attention to myself so you both can sneak up on our quarry?" She suggested, looking between Eshe and Ensio for their input on how they'd do this.
The Only Thing They Fear Is You
206 Posts
Ooc — Mai
He glanced back in the direction of the deer, hopeful that his soft call hadn't startled it. It would be a shame if the hunt was over before it even began. Soon enough, a pale silver and white woman appeared, extending an offer. He would have done a double take, struck by the similarity in their coloration, if not for the hunt. 

He managed a small smile, tail swishing gently at his heels. "I'll take any help I can get. Thank you." Then his dear companion Sovereign showed up, having heard his call as well. "Thanks for coming to assist, Sovereign." He cleared his throat, looking a tad sheepish. "It has been quite some time since I partook in a large game hunt like this." He looked towards where the deer had settled again. "He's a large male. Just past his prime, I would say. So he might still have some fight left in him."

"Sov, you can draw his aggression if need be. We can try a pincher move, while you, miss, drive him towards us." He looked at Eshe, with slight hesitance, to see if she found this agreeable.
i’ve been the archer, i’ve been the prey
473 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Sovereign arrived soon after, and Eshe regarded her with a bob of her head. She felt dwarfed in their company, which rarely happened due to her middling size, and it only added to her anxiety towards the situation. Hopefully, they wouldn't mind her inexperience; she'd only participated in group hunts on a handful of occasions and hadn't been much help.

When Ensio took the reigns, Eshe did her best to follow along, and when he looked at her, she froze. I, uh, yeah, she responded awkwardly. Just as long as you explain what a "pincher" is ...
The Shieldmaiden
277 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Sovereign was all for the plan forming between the three of them, but Eshe brought up a valid request - an explanation as to what a Pincher was.
The pale behemoth herself did not know what he meant, and so Sov offered Ensio a look that suggested he explain, for all their sakes. 
It was a benevolent and brief stare from her golden hues to his own, but she shrugged softly and offered her voice just in case she needed to say more than just nonverbal cues. 

"I agree, honestly...What is a Pincher move?" She looked briefly to Eshe before her attention once more returned to Ensio, where she felt her cheeks beginning to get warm underneath her fur the longer she looked at him....

Sovereign forced the affections down immediately, for the sake of the hunt and the hopeful success between the three of them and the quarry some ways off from them.
The Only Thing They Fear Is You
206 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Both women needed clarification on what, precisely, a pincher move was. He hadn't stopped to consider they might not have known. "Oh, um right. I had no idea you guys weren't aware. Sorry 'bout that." He shrugged, letting it roll off his shoulders.

He kept alert, one ear turned in the direction of the deer, while he explained. "A pincher move is a simple tactic. It requires a minimum of three individuals to pull it off. One of us blocks off the left side, the other, the right. And the third lies ahead in wait, while the previous two drive the prey towards them." His eyes met their own, to verify they got the idea. He smirked slightly. "I saw my mom pull it off once in a hunt, way back when I was much younger."
i’ve been the archer, i’ve been the prey
473 Posts
Ooc — Chan
It made sense when he explained what a "pincher" entailed. Ahh, she acknowledged, picturing what he said in her head. So I'll be the first to chase him? she asked, looking between the two other wolves to clarify.

I can do that, she confirmed with a nod.
The Shieldmaiden
277 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Sovereign listened with an appreciative, soft smile as Ensio explained the tactic.
Two chasers, and one that lied in wait. 
Simple enough, she thought.

Eshe voiced her willingness and to this, the pale Princess offered a firm nod of her own agreement. 
"Let's do it." She said, filled with Determination.
The Only Thing They Fear Is You
206 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Sorry for the overdue reply. We are free to skip Denton a few more rounds via permission from Mary Ellen.

"That's right." He confirmed for Eshe. "Sovereign, you take the other side. I will run up ahead and lay in wait while you drive him towards me." He looked at both wolves to see if his suggestion was to their liking.

As a male, Ensio was probably the sturdiest among them. Possibly matched by Sovereign, but he had never actually gone up against her to see how their own strength measured up. If neither of them had anything else to add, he turned to vanish ahead into the distance, where he would wait.
i’ve been the archer, i’ve been the prey
473 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Eshe nodded, now fully understanding how Ensio intended the hunt to play out.

Sounds great, she replied. Just let me know when you’re in position, and we can get this started.