Redhawk Caldera the memories come and come
413 Posts
Ooc — delaney
All Welcome 
kivaluk's nerves are rattled; from the run-in with kigipigak to the task kukutux has given him.

the task in and of itself, on the surface, did not seem hard. but it required this trip to brecheliant on his lonesome, meeting with her parents ( again ) and telling them that he was not only courting their daughter but asking what work or gifts they wished of him to prove himself.

worthy of her. worthy of their acceptance of him.

his steps slow and come to an eventual stop a respectful distance away from their borders.

a deep breath is taking, though it does little to steel his nerves; but he tips his head back and calls for @Maia and @Eljay all the same.
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia smiled at the newcomer as she arrived, waving her tail in a friendly way that invited him closer. Eljay would likely be along! She’d been with him only a short time before, but had split off to give the borders a quick walk before she returned home. She thought she might catch Glee or Frolic on the way, but the call had come before she could try.

Hello! You’re… from Moonglow, yes? She thought she recognized it, but it had taken her a moment to put two and two together. They must have been from close to know she and her husband! Had Chickadee sent him? Why hadn’t she come herself?

A dozen questions immediately flashed across her mind, but she forced them down. He seemed young and nervous, and the last thing he needed was an interrogation. Is everything alright? That would have to do, at least to start!
413 Posts
Ooc — delaney
it is chickadee's mother that arrives first, though in their brief visit here the first time, they had met perhaps briefly; a glimpse and quickened introduction if any at all. he'd been chickadee's guard, that time, not intended and he didn't expect any of her family to have spared him much of a second glance.

hello, he greets at her approach; bowing his head in proper submission. desperate to make a good, real first impression. their approval of him was so important, in so many ways.

yes, i am kivaluk, their first hunter. he introduces with formality, including his rank though he offered her the translated version of it instead. his nerves were beginning to eat at him again and he takes a deep breath, not realizing that he was perhaps not helping the fact that she thought something might be wrong.

what? no! no, nothing's wrong. he's quick to assure her, offering her a sheepishly apologetic quirk of his lips. i'm here on tradition, a nervous clear of his throat is given. i'm courting your daughter and you and your husband's approval is very important. to chickadee and to me. i've come to prove myself worthy to be her husband by offering my services to you as hunter and warrior.

he felt sure he was not doing a good job at explaining the tradition, that he lacked the eloquence in which his mom had spoken the words to him. it only occurs to him with soft, flushing horror that he'd forgotten the deerskin he was supposed to bring them in his nerves.
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia remembered him enough to know where he came from, but not nearly enough to expect what he said next. She was blindsided, and at first her mouth went dry as she stifled her immediate reaction. Courting? Marriage?

Chickadee had never mentioned it. It was impossible for her not to worry about this and for it not to sting. The space between mother and daughter felt suddenly wider, and it was maybe worse given how close by she lived. Was it her fault she hadn’t wanted to talk about it? It had to be. She was just so busy with Eljay, with Bronco, and Teya, and the kids…

She realized she hadn’t spoken and was standing there shell shocked. Sorry, I’m just… that’s great! I’m… I don’t think, well, are you sure? If this is what Chickadee wants, then of course, we’ll be happy for her. Maia replied, swallowing her feelings alongside the lump in her throat. If she loves you, I think that’s all we’d want to see.

She was Auspex now and wasn’t about to get upset about something as silly as this! Maia knew, when she told @Eljay, it would likely be a different story later. She could always be honest with him. But this was clearly important to this boy and her daughter, and she wasn’t about to do anything that could come close to messing any part of it up.
413 Posts
Ooc — delaney
it was probably a lot, kivaluk reasoned, this news. especially this news coming from someone who was not her daughter. someone she didn't really know. she appears stunned into silence and kivaluk watches as the shock morphs from her face at her uttered apology.

but this had been his task.

bring the news to them, prove his worth.


did chickadee love him? did he love her? certainly, there was a great potential that he could — and did — love her but ...that wasn't something the two had shared yet: those three magic little words.

Kivaluk's ear crooks and he considers if it was better to remain silent on that or not.

still... kivaluk hedges. i will bring you some meat. for your caches. he didn't outright admit that he'd forgotten the gift, but instead forms a contingency plan on the fly, hoping that this goodwill gesture might help to warm them to him.
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Her answer seemed to throw him a bit, though he didn’t visibly show any discomfort. Maia wondered immediately if her answer had been rude. She’d forgotten how… different… the ways in the mountains were.

Did Chickadee want this? Why hadn’t she said anything? Maia searched her memory for any mention. Eljay had said a young man visited with her last time, but going from that to marriage…

Maia swallowed her doubts and smiled at Kivaluk warmly. It didn’t matter how she felt. She had to trust that her daughter knew the life she wanted, and that when she was ready, she would come home. Perhaps Maia could stop by for a visit herself too. It had been a long while since she’d left Brecheliant’s borders.

That would be fine. We’d really appreciate that, as long as it isn’t too much trouble. It seemed important to him that she allowed this, and she wouldn’t be rude enough to deny it twice. With so many young mouths to feed, they could always use the extra help, and he seemed like a nice young man. Eljay had been right about that.
413 Posts
Ooc — delaney
if she notices kivaluk's reluctance to answer her question in regards to love, she doesn't capitalize upon it. internally, kivaluk is still nervous it would be circled back to but externally, an easy, boyish grin tugs at the edges of his lips when she accepts his offer to give them some meat.

it's no trouble at all. i'm happy to do it.
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
He didn’t seem offended or bothered by her initial reluctance, and Maia relaxed some when she recognized this. She did still feel that they should return the favor if they could.

I’m glad that she’s found a home with you. She seems happy. At least, to the best of her knowledge. Maia hadn’t seen her daughter recently enough to know for sure, but Kivaluk seemed considerate. Despite the slight pang at finding out the news this way, she didn’t see any reason to worry. (And yet, as a mother, she would anyway.)

Maybe someday soon I can come and visit. I… had a good friend, once, on the Moonspear. But I haven’t met anyone over that way in a long time. She smiled, a knowing glint entering her gaze. Once you have a family, it’s harder to wander like that. The look was twofold. She wondered if she’d have grandchildren sometime in the year(s) to come - her first!!! - and she knew her plans for this year did not involve more children. For the first time in years, she might be able to make a few trips this spring.
413 Posts
Ooc — delaney
i love your daughter very much, kivaluk admits then, speaking the words aloud for the first time; hoping that he may put to rest any further worries that maia might've held. he would speak them to chickadee herself (soon!); but at the moment it felt prudent to tell his truth to her mother.

there was more, he wanted to say. how she was his sun and his moon and his stars, his heart ( all true! ) but he bites his tongue, wanting to save those truths for chickadee and her alone.

of course! kivaluk is quick to agree. you will always be welcomed in moonglow. it was not his place, perhaps, to offer such things but she would be his family soon and so he does offer it, without shame or hesitation.

i am not a wanderer, kivaluk admits; an outlier in his family, it seemed to him. our children will only give me further excuse to stay home. he admits with a sheepish chuckle.
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
It might be hard for Maia to let go, but she couldn’t view Kivaluk anything but favorably when he admitted this to her. The romantic in her sighed, thrilled that her daughter had found someone who seemed to genuinely care about her. It was fast, and maybe too soon to know, but Maia had always tried to assume the best in others. In this case it was easy to let herself believe him.

You are always welcome here too, then. As part of the family. Grandchildren and all. It was so strange to think, and to say! She didn’t feel old enough to be a grandmother. Sometimes she still felt too young to be a mother.

We… we don’t have a lot. But anytime you need anything, our home is open. I’ll make sure they know. Maia felt embarrassment flood her, and she hadn’t been sure she should admit the first bit. She loved Brecheliant with all of her heart, and was so proud of what they had built. She just did not want him to offer so much and expect to get the same in return. A safe place, a meal while he was here, and healing when it was necessary were a few of the things they could provide. Stories too, but she didn’t think they would be interested. Her stories weren’t anything special enough to compete with real gifts.
413 Posts
Ooc — delaney
thank you, kivaluk says earnestly; though it does not feel enough to encompass the relief and joy he feels. though it was only with her mother, her acceptance is enough for kivaluk.

a soft pang in his heart is given as she admits that brecheliant doesn't have a lot to offer, thinking of the mass scope of the moon packs. moonglow was the original and all the others branch offs from kukutuk's hearth. i will speak with my mom but i feel confident enough to tell you that you and yours are welcome at moonglow. anything you need.

they would be family soon, after all!

kivaluk takes a breath.

i will be back shortly with some fresh meat for your caches. i will see you before the sun sets.
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia nodded. Be safe. It was better that he came back with nothing than overextend himself in the attempt. She’d already as much as said this, though, when she insisted he owed then nothing but her daughter’s happiness. So she’d leave it with well wishes.

Maia watched him go after farewells with a mixed welling of emotion, bubbling to the surface now that she was safely alone. Happiness that he seemed like such a nice match. Sadness in the clear mark of the moon packs that she saw over him like a shadow.

She was being dramatic. She needed to let go.

With a small sigh, she continued along the borders. She would stay nearby that evening so that she could meet him when he returned.