Moonsong Glacier Songs We Don't Hear on the Mountain
216 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
All Welcome 
Massaraq moved quietly across the land, it was hard to feel any sense of urgency but he moved with a purpose and swiftness born of a habit he had never corrected. He needed to be away for a little while and yet his heart on a tether he could not bring himself to go far even in spirit. Not much of a hunter he had gathered the tines of a shed antler and set them across his back, the prongs shifted uncomfortably along his skin with each movement but it was not so long a journey. When he reached the borders he hesitated, when he had visited Moonspear he had been with his anaa and when he had been carried to Moontide half unconcious. He was not at all sure how he wished to approach when the closer he came to others the more his breath began stealing away. The visit had seemed a much better idea ensconced in Moonglow.
Sword of the Morning
551 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Dutch had not met Massaraq before, but the scent of Moonglow reached him before he came up on the man. By the time he had him in his sights, his tail was wagging in friendly greeting.

"Peace be," he called out, trotting closer, but slowing his approach when he drew nearer. "What brings you here?" he asked, and then, before Massaraq had time to answer, he asked, "Are you hungry?"

He looked tired, Dutch thought. And like he needed to lay down his burdens and have a long rest. Dutch did not ask if he wanted help with these things, however; not all men took kindly to such things, and certainly not many young men.
216 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
The freindly greeting soothed the pinprick of worryi n him. Even when travelling abroad he had not felt nervous in the presence of others and yet there was a tiredness that fell over him, like a fog cloud when he tried to speak. His own tail wagged low and he tipped his head. "Peace and well met." He did not know the wolf but he had heard of Morningsong and knew that it was no longer led by his sistraa.

Realizing he had not introduced himself he added. "I'm Massaraq of Moonglow and I thought to visit and bring these as a gift." He shifted his front paws to display the antlers, swinging them off his shoulders so they were upright.  At the question he was about to deny, but a rumble of his stomach gave him away. "Errr....Yes. But I haven't brought anything but my skills to trade." He offered, though he knew that his hunting may not be worth the food, perhaps he could help them with something else.