Two Rivers Isle want me want me want me
27 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Pack Formation 
For @Eshe!
She was nearly past the worst of her morning sickness. Nausea hadn't plagued her for days, and lately, she felt a strange sense of vitality. Now that she wasn't spending her mornings abed and miserable, she felt a new drive to find a good place to whelp. She and Winterbourne had already looked at several sites, but she wondered now if a woman's opinion might help her decide.

She stretched, ridding herself of a faint twinge in her back. After that, there was nothing to stop her from conquering the world. She set off at a jaunty lope in search of the woman she hoped to call her friend.

"Eshe!" she called as she drew near.
i’ve been the archer, i’ve been the prey
473 Posts
Ooc — Chan
While Eshe was relaxing outside her den and nibbling on watermint to alleviate her morning sickness, she perked up upon hearing Ingiullik calling her. Despite feeling queasy, she forced a smile as Ingiullik approached, struggled with saliva filling her mouth and her stomach churning, but managed to get on all fours to greet her.

I-Ingiullik, she greeted, licking her lips and speaking slowly. How're you?
27 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
T-T pls excuse this post I am working on it

Immediately, Ingiullik felt a little bad for disturbing the other woman. Clearly, she was not feeling her best. But her hunger for female companionship overrode her guilt; she channeled her compassion into a smile rather than graceful retreat.

"I am doing well!" she replied, her tail wheeling in hopeful encouragement. "I wondered if there was any task I might help you with — I know there must be much to be done before... Well!"

She did not want to comment on their shared state, despite how obvious the curve of her own belly might be. Eshe was not as far along as she, and she did not want to cast any poor luck by mentioning it too early.