Moonspear Hello
551 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Ajei had done the tasks given to her. Her visits had gone smoothly mostly. Now she was digging onto the healers dens. Pulling the used furs from inside. Sweeping any dirt and nastiness out the door.

And as such she was covered in dust and grime. The white of her fur a grey cast. A streak of dirt along her cheek and a paw print over her eye in dirt where she has rubbed at it.

She was sweeping the dirt out with her tail. Singing aoftly as she did so. A cleaning song. Kukutux had taught her.
153 Posts
Ooc — metic
it was a song that halted the boy's steps, the voice's owner one who he'd never heard before. he'd been aware of the two yearlings who had joined them, and though his exact relation to them was unknown, he knew them to be family. 

and so with the thought that it would be proper to official meet them, acrux turned from his trail to go and greet the girl with a pretty voice. he was not far off, and once she came to view he offered a soft "hello," as a greeting.
"atkan aleut"
551 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei looked up through the grime. The dirt on her face a stark reminder that she had been cleaning. A small shy smile. To see a boy painted in greys and whites.

Hi. I hope I wasn't disturbing you. I'm Ajei.

A sweep of her tail, but it brought up more dust. So she quickly stopped woth a delicate laugh and a softly uttered. Oops.
153 Posts
Ooc — metic
she lifted her head decorated in the debris of her work, and acrux lifted a paw to motion toward where a smudge of obvious dirt clung to the girl's cheek. "you've got a bit of dirt just there." he moved closer while she introduced herself, a cloud of dust forming between them. 

he swung a foreleg through the air to clear the dust off before introducing himself with a soft smile, "i'm acrux." baby blues glanced downwards toward where she'd been working, a tilt of his head given out of curiosity. "what'cha working on?"
"atkan aleut"
551 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She smiled and rubbed at it. Further putting it into her white cheek fur. A shift of her paws.

I was so absorbed in my task.

Ajei looked around the healing ulaq. She had done quite a bit, but there was still more. She motioned towards the entrance.

Would you like to go where theres no dust.

She laughed delicate and quiet. Oh I was just cleaning the healing ulaq's out. They were a little dusty.
153 Posts
Ooc — metic
she moved to wipe away the smudge on her cheek only to end up adding to it. he let out a soft chuckle but did not pay the dirt any mind during the continuation of their conversation. cleaning out the healing ulaq? he turned to glance at the work she'd done and felt a sense of determination sprung anew within. 

"would you like some help?" he asked with a gentle tilt of his head. he owed this place his recovery, the least he could do was help tidy it up for the next injured individual. however if she refused he would not step on her toes.
"atkan aleut"
551 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei would need to pay a visit to the river and soon. She was dirty and dusty and kinda gross. She wondered if she even smelled a little. She tried to sniff herself discretely.

She blinked and her face teansformed into a broader smile. I would love some help.

Woukd you like to continue dusting, or should we take some of the furs to be washed?
153 Posts
Ooc — metic
and so help he would! "we should probably dust now then wash us and the furs later," he answered with a playful tune. didn't make much sense to go wash up anything now just to go back and dig again. "how about you keep digging there, and i'll start over here?" he asked with a paw lifted to point at the opposite end of where ajei had started. 

he waited to see if she had any renditions to his game plan and if not, would move to begin digging away at the end he'd tasked himself with.
"atkan aleut"
551 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A soft laugh and a gentle nod. That sounds like a good idea to me. It will be nice to cool off as well. I hope you didn't have any pressing plans today. Are you a healer too?::

Ajei quickly shifted into her spot, dusting a little less vigorously so as to not stir it up so much. As she waited patiently for his words while they cleaned. This one was kind. 

Ajei found happiness in the small tedious things. She didn't mind doing such work, truly she didn't. It made her feel helpful and less idle and gave her purpose. She liked domestic tasks.