Fox's Glade they said that they found it in the basement
Mother Overlord
2,653 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Master Ranger
Valette dipped her head. The male sounded rather civil compared to his looks. Hence why she relaxed a bit more in his presence. "A medic?," she asked and then smiled. "We are in need of a medic so that would be great for Easthollow if you could provide that," she admitted. Some might hide that from a new wolf but Valette had been wanting a healer for Easthollow for so long. Perhaps then Stark would have been better and he wouldn't have left. She was saddened by the idea that this Alarian couldn't have been on her path earlier.

It reminded Valette of the time Steady passed before she was able to have pups. It wasn't meant to be. Perhaps Stark and she were also not meant to be. The female pushed those thoughts away for another time. "That is good to know. We do mainly hunt on the bison in our territory. Not all wolves are familiar but the pack will show you on hunts," she offered. Valette dipped her head again. She looked forward to meeting his friends. That would mean that they would have three new wolves in their ranks. A lot of new ones to keep an eye on but Valette decided to give this man the benefit of the doubt.
Messages In This Thread
they said that they found it in the basement - by Alarian - October 18, 2018, 10:13 PM
RE: they said that they found it in the basement - by RIP Valette - October 24, 2018, 11:17 AM