Stone Circle the air is dense as my back sticks to the leather
Mother Overlord
2,653 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Master Ranger
Sorry all the other threads drained me haha. <3

Valette smiled at Polaris when she told the news. It was wonderful news that she found her family! "That is so good to hear that they are alive,' she returned to the female. She was unaware that there was more at hand, but perhaps that was for the better. She stepped away from West, looking at him apologetically. She eyed 'sorry' at him, sometimes she kind of forgot that he was her big son and that such things embarrassed him. She didn't mean to, she just wanted to show him that she loved him.

"That sounds so good, West!," she grinned. "Do you remember any landmarks you've seen? Maybe I remember them from my days of traveling," she commented. Valette had been quite the traveler when she was younger. One might not realize that now, but the female had stopped after getting her first litter and becoming the sole leader of Easthollow.
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RE: the air is dense as my back sticks to the leather - by RIP Valette - June 14, 2020, 02:03 PM