Two Rivers Isle Work is what you are when you're breathing in and out
Two Rivers Isle
i’ve been the archer, i’ve been the prey
471 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Eshe was feeling nauseous due to morning sickness and had used up all her watermint the previous day. Instead of asking @Ingiullik for more, she decided to avoid bothering her and set out to search for it herself. She headed through the territory towards the lake, convinced that was where the herb would be, all the while trying hard not to throw up her breakfast.

She came across Winterbourne in her search, and she slowed as she approached him and greeted him with a shaky chuff and a wave of her tail. Despite needing the watermint more than anything at the moment, she believed it would be rude to disregard him. H-Hey, she called, licking her lips as her mouth flooded with saliva. H-How's it g-going?
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RE: Work is what you are when you're breathing in and out - by Eshe - June 15, 2024, 12:57 PM