When Elwood finally arrived home, his paws carried him automatically to the whelping den. He arrived there with lowered head and tail, but was only greeted with stale scents that indicated that it had been at least a few days since Finley, Lagan, and Liffey had been occupants. He froze, fear gripping his heart, and it took a few deep breaths to realize that they had likely relocated to the rendezvous site. Still, it was with trepidation that he made his way to the hillock that marked the crest of the Alphas' and Betas' home.
Here, he could smell his mate and children and allowed himself to relax, though only momentarily. He still had terrible news to share, and he winced preemptively as he imagined the expression on Finley's face. Rather than call for his family, the grieving father shuffled his feet, ignoring the persistent hunger pangs in his stomach.
September 01, 2016, 08:50 AM
(This post was last modified: September 01, 2016, 08:55 AM by Peregrine Redhawk.)
Maybe he should have known that devouring babes fresh out of Magpie's cursed womb would give him the runs. But Peregrine hadn't anticipated it, nor the sheer intensity of raging buttsickness it would entail. He spent nearly an entire week shitting his brains out all day, every day, and then struggling to get enough food and water to avoid dying. Only for the cycle to repeat in an endless loop. By the end of it, he was physically exhausted and smelled like ass puke.
He hadn't strayed far from the rendezvous site during the throes of his dead baby disease and he was there when a tired-looking Elwood padded into view. The Alpha sat up from where he was chilling in the longer grass at the clearing's edge, pausing to study his friend's face before snatching a dead rabbit from a nearby stockpile and approaching the Beta. There was no Lucy in sight, which didn't bode well.
He said nothing, just set the food gently at Elwood's feet, then backed up a few paces—twice as far away as usual to spare Elwood the disgusting odor—to take a seat and lend an ear.
He hadn't strayed far from the rendezvous site during the throes of his dead baby disease and he was there when a tired-looking Elwood padded into view. The Alpha sat up from where he was chilling in the longer grass at the clearing's edge, pausing to study his friend's face before snatching a dead rabbit from a nearby stockpile and approaching the Beta. There was no Lucy in sight, which didn't bode well.
He said nothing, just set the food gently at Elwood's feet, then backed up a few paces—twice as far away as usual to spare Elwood the disgusting odor—to take a seat and lend an ear.
September 01, 2016, 06:57 PM
Had it not been for Liffey's sudden shriek of "DADDY!" interrupting the otherwise quiet afternoon, Finley might not have known her mate had returned. His call had become a part of the dream she was having in an effortless way that her daughter's screech could not. Her eyelids fluttered apart to spy the little girl sprinting across the terrain. She lifted her head in alarm, only to catch scent of Elwood. Her eyes widening, Fin leaped onto all fours and dashed after her daughter.
The pair came upon Elwood together. Liffey smashed herself happily against her father's legs while Fin slowed and searched. The realization that she was missing sank like a hot stone into the pit of the Blackthorn's stomach. Her face contorted in misery and she closed her eyes to steady herself for a minute before they snapped open again and set hard upon her mate's face, ignoring Peregrine's presence altogether.
"I'm going," she said, her voice leaving no room for argument, "I will find her." She took a breath, frustration welling in her. She would not tolerate any arguments against it this time. Elwood had failed. Finley would not.
Her eyes flashed across his face again. "Did you learn anything?"
The pair came upon Elwood together. Liffey smashed herself happily against her father's legs while Fin slowed and searched. The realization that she was missing sank like a hot stone into the pit of the Blackthorn's stomach. Her face contorted in misery and she closed her eyes to steady herself for a minute before they snapped open again and set hard upon her mate's face, ignoring Peregrine's presence altogether.
"I'm going," she said, her voice leaving no room for argument, "I will find her." She took a breath, frustration welling in her. She would not tolerate any arguments against it this time. Elwood had failed. Finley would not.
Her eyes flashed across his face again. "Did you learn anything?"
September 04, 2016, 11:05 PM
It took a moment for Elwood to register Peregrine's approach. His gaze was out of focus as he trained it on his friend's dark silhouette, and he was thankful for the silence that was offered in lieu of questions. Had he been able to, he would've offered a grateful smile to show his appreciation for the food that Peregrine had deposited at his feet; but not only did he feel that his cheek muscles had lost their ability to move upward, but he was anything but hungry.
If he thought he was miserable up until that point, he didn't know the true meaning of the word. The instant Finley and Liffey arrived, Elwood's heart crumbled. He managed to pull Liffey close to him as she hugged his leg, almost in a desperate attempt to cling to his one remaining daughter, and he avoided looking Finley in the face. He couldn't. Her words dropped coldly onto his shoulders and he nodded, knowing that there was no other response.
"Did you learn anything?" she pressed, and he felt like he was being accused. "Black wolf. Red eyes. I think Shrike is still out there looking," he said somberly, studying Finley's toes.
If he thought he was miserable up until that point, he didn't know the true meaning of the word. The instant Finley and Liffey arrived, Elwood's heart crumbled. He managed to pull Liffey close to him as she hugged his leg, almost in a desperate attempt to cling to his one remaining daughter, and he avoided looking Finley in the face. He couldn't. Her words dropped coldly onto his shoulders and he nodded, knowing that there was no other response.
"Did you learn anything?" she pressed, and he felt like he was being accused. "Black wolf. Red eyes. I think Shrike is still out there looking," he said somberly, studying Finley's toes.
September 05, 2016, 08:23 AM
Never too far from mommy's side, he was just in time to catch what she said, which caused his heart to lurch in his throat. Daddy leaving had made Eljay feel stressed, but mommy leaving was just not possible. Normally, Uncle P's presence would've made Eljay feel a little uncomfortable, but in the present situation he barely even registered his uncle as he raced forward.
"Mommy, please, no!" Eljay cried out. "The pups need you!" Mommy couldn't leave. She'd left before. She'd got hurt before. He didn't want mommy to ever leave again, and what if something'd happened to Lucy and the same would happen to mommy? Eljay felt tears come up to his eyes as he pressed his face into mommy's fur and started to sob, ready to whatever it took to make her give up her madman's search and stay.
"Mommy, please, no!" Eljay cried out. "The pups need you!" Mommy couldn't leave. She'd left before. She'd got hurt before. He didn't want mommy to ever leave again, and what if something'd happened to Lucy and the same would happen to mommy? Eljay felt tears come up to his eyes as he pressed his face into mommy's fur and started to sob, ready to whatever it took to make her give up her madman's search and stay.
September 05, 2016, 09:20 AM
If Elwood had anything to report, he didn't get a chance before Finley arrived with a bumbling Liffey in tow. Peregrine remained silent, eyes crinkling slightly as he watched his niece greet her father. His jaw then tightened, gaze flicking upward at Finley's curt words. The Alpha's lips parted but he refrained from saything anything, not sure what to say.
And then Eljay shot onto the scene, screaming for his mother not to go, and he couldn't help but remember why the boy would have such a strong reaction. Suddenly feeling very much like he was intruding on a Blackthorn family meeting, he shot both Elwoods a sympathetic look, then Finley a more consternated one, before silently retreating. He did not go far, in case he was needed, but he would give them their privacy.
And then Eljay shot onto the scene, screaming for his mother not to go, and he couldn't help but remember why the boy would have such a strong reaction. Suddenly feeling very much like he was intruding on a Blackthorn family meeting, he shot both Elwoods a sympathetic look, then Finley a more consternated one, before silently retreating. He did not go far, in case he was needed, but he would give them their privacy.
September 05, 2016, 09:37 AM
(This post was last modified: September 05, 2016, 09:39 AM by Finley.)
bye bye fammy! <333
Black wolf. Red eyes.
Fin grimaced as she nodded. It was not much to go off of, but she was determined in that moment that it would be enough. Her eyes grazed her mate's face. She felt compelled to say something to him, to reassure him that she wasn't angry with him that he had failed. But the words didn't come, nor could she force even a smile. She simply looked at him and took a breath.
And that was about all she could manage before Eljay came tearing into the scene. Fin braced herself against the impact, shutting her eyes and shifting her ears tightly back against her skull. His words fell on deaf ears as her mind had been made already. She would not risk sacrificing the life of one child for the peace of mind of another, and so Finley growled a low warning at her eldest son and nudged him away from her before stepping away towards the Eastern border.
September 05, 2016, 08:35 PM
Peregrine backed away, presumably to give the family some privacy, at almost the same instant that Eljay arrived. The youth had apparently heard enough of the conversation to know that Finley was leaving; the transformation from young adult to wailing puppy was almost breathtaking, and not in a good way. He tried to cling to Finley, but she warned him with a rumble and then marched away, her pace determined and resolute.
Normally, Elwood might have reached out to comfort Eljay and offer his some son solace, but he couldn't make his legs move. He remained rooted to the spot, staring after Finley with his lower lip pinched between his teeth.
Normally, Elwood might have reached out to comfort Eljay and offer his some son solace, but he couldn't make his legs move. He remained rooted to the spot, staring after Finley with his lower lip pinched between his teeth.
September 06, 2016, 05:32 AM
The growl was unexpected and confusing, and Eljay stumbled back, flattening himself to the ground with tail tucked between his legs. Ears flattened against his skull he licked his lips submissively while he looked up from the corners of his eyes to his mother, who gave him little time to react. "Mommy, please," Eljay wailed as she made to leave, but she paid him no attention. He remained on the ground sobbing, wishing that daddy would do something but finding himself hardly able to blame daddy for something he himself wasn't capable of either.
So he could do nothing but watch her leave while tears streamed down his cheek, after which he broke down entirely and hid his face in his paws while he heaved with heavy sobs that reflected the pain inside.
So he could do nothing but watch her leave while tears streamed down his cheek, after which he broke down entirely and hid his face in his paws while he heaved with heavy sobs that reflected the pain inside.
September 06, 2016, 08:00 AM
I wasn't sure if you were still playing Liffey, Stevie, so I apologize for skipping and/or making assumptions here. FEEL FREE TO SLAP ME!!
He meant to hang back unless called, though as he heard Eljay's cries of protest devolve into heart-wrenching sobs, Peregrine couldn't help himself. He slunk back onto the scene, eyes sweeping over the frozen Elwood, the crumpled Eljay and... "Where's Liffey?" he asked in mild alarm, breath momentarily catching in his throat. Surely she hadn't gone with her mother. His one good eye then spotted her, still close to her father and partially hidden by his leg. He huffed a sigh of relief.
Peregrine then moved toward the weeping Eljay. He wished he knew what to say. Finley's actions of late left him at a loss for words. He supposed she was only behaving in character, though he had to admit it felt very off kilter these days. He sighed, peering down at the top of his nephew's head. Finley was many things—crude, awesome, fierce and foolish—and that included a mother. Of course her penchant for wandering off and picking fights with bears would translate into dropping everything, mate and son included, to find her wayward daughter.
"I wish I knew what to say," the Alpha said dumbly after a few minutes of awkward hovering. Then something clicked and he hastily added, "She'll come back. And knowing how stubborn she is, she won't come back without Lucy." Only after the words left his mouth did Peregrine realize the other implication: if she didn't find her, Finley might never return. He froze and swallowed, hoping he hadn't just further triggered the bawling yearling.
September 07, 2016, 09:37 PM
The Alpha's sudden question caused Elwood to start, although a quick glance down revealed that Liffey was still securely attached to his leg. It was almost like he couldn't feel her there, but he pulled her closer even as Peregrine spotted her and subsequently moved towards the slumped Eljay.
Elwood's gaze followed Peregrine. He listened as Peregrine attempted to comfort Eljay, speaking the words that he should have but couldn't. His tongue felt dry and oversized, his throat parched and rough as sandpaper. He swallowed and then, hoarsely, agreed. "He's right," he managed to say, although he had his own doubts. Of course, he wouldn't voice them to Eljay; any number of things could happen to both Lucy and Finley, but he was unable to dwell on such dire thoughts for fear of a breakdown similar to his son's.
Elwood's gaze followed Peregrine. He listened as Peregrine attempted to comfort Eljay, speaking the words that he should have but couldn't. His tongue felt dry and oversized, his throat parched and rough as sandpaper. He swallowed and then, hoarsely, agreed. "He's right," he managed to say, although he had his own doubts. Of course, he wouldn't voice them to Eljay; any number of things could happen to both Lucy and Finley, but he was unable to dwell on such dire thoughts for fear of a breakdown similar to his son's.
September 13, 2016, 06:14 AM
Eljay knew that Uncle P was just trying to make him feel better, but it somehow wasn't hitting home at all. He sobbed and sniffled, feeling terrible, and looked up at Uncle P when he spoke. Eljay wasn't so sure — the world outside was full of pain, and Eljay was too afraid that mommy wouldn't come back; like last time. It brought back all sorts of memories of a year ago, when he had last lost mommy.
"I gotta go too," Eljay sniffled, but he didn't move, staying on the ground; perhaps because he knew he couldn't. The puppies needed him and daddy needed him, and he was too terrified to go out there alone to look for mommy. He looked at the ground, at his paws, feeling like a terrible coward and wishing he was braver so that he could go and find mommy and Lucy both back home.
"I gotta go too," Eljay sniffled, but he didn't move, staying on the ground; perhaps because he knew he couldn't. The puppies needed him and daddy needed him, and he was too terrified to go out there alone to look for mommy. He looked at the ground, at his paws, feeling like a terrible coward and wishing he was braver so that he could go and find mommy and Lucy both back home.
September 13, 2016, 09:23 AM
He winced, realizing he had put his foot in his mouth and only made matters worse. But at least Elwood agreed with him and, after a moment, Eljay seemed to calm a little. Enough to speak anyway. Peregrine immediately frowned and shook his head.
"No, Eljay, we need you here," he said simply, exchanging a look with Elwood over his son's head. "Liffey and Lagan need you here," he elaborated. "You're our only sitter. Aside from your mom and dad, I trust you the most to look after the pups and make sure nothing happens to any of them."
"No, Eljay, we need you here," he said simply, exchanging a look with Elwood over his son's head. "Liffey and Lagan need you here," he elaborated. "You're our only sitter. Aside from your mom and dad, I trust you the most to look after the pups and make sure nothing happens to any of them."
September 16, 2016, 12:02 PM
Had Elwood been less numb, he would have been surprised by Eljay's statement. Of course the boy wanted to be with his mother, but in this case it would require him to venture outside of Redhawk Caldera -- and that wasn't something Eljay did often or willingly. Elwood tried to force his tongue into motion and form a proper reply, but all he could manage was to shake his head.
Luckily, Peregrine was still as loquacious as ever and provided the answer that Elwood couldn't. He met Peregrine's gaze thankfully, his own expression softening ever so slightly in a demonstration of appreciation as the Alpha male attempted to placate the young Blackthorn and convince him to stay.
Luckily, Peregrine was still as loquacious as ever and provided the answer that Elwood couldn't. He met Peregrine's gaze thankfully, his own expression softening ever so slightly in a demonstration of appreciation as the Alpha male attempted to placate the young Blackthorn and convince him to stay.
September 23, 2016, 06:01 AM
Eljay knew that he couldn't go after mommy, but he wanted to more badly than anything else in the world. With a sorrowful expression he looked at Uncle P, wishing to say something but finding himself unable to. Instead he sniffled, sucking in little sobs as he willed the world to be less unfair. He looked at daddy, who looked frozen, uncertain, and it made Eljay feel worse; if daddy didn't know what to do, then how could Eljay ever?
Eljay moved over to @Liffey and nosed her, unsure how she was doing under his breakdown. "C'mon, let's go home," he mumbled and he sniffed a couple of times, glancing at daddy and waiting for him to unfreeze so they could head on home to check on Lagan; it was all they could do for now. Wait.
Eljay moved over to @Liffey and nosed her, unsure how she was doing under his breakdown. "C'mon, let's go home," he mumbled and he sniffed a couple of times, glancing at daddy and waiting for him to unfreeze so they could head on home to check on Lagan; it was all they could do for now. Wait.
October 03, 2016, 08:00 AM
Peregrine felt a hollow sense of relief when Eljay didn't argue with him or insist. Before long, he was gathering his little sister and looking to his father, his intentions clear: they would go find Lagan and likely lay low somewhere as they waited for Finley and Lucy to come back. The Alpha swallowed quietly but remained motionless, bobbing his head at them and waiting for them to make their slow departure before he turned and loped in the opposite direction. He had been sick and useless but he would make up for it by supporting the remaining Blackthorns. Right now, that meant he would hunt for them again, bringing them food so they didn't have to take an eye off the two remaining pups for even one moment.
October 03, 2016, 08:19 PM
Even if he wasn't happy with the circumstances, Eljay seemed to get his emotions at least partially under control. Elwood felt like he was looking at his son through a haze, but he was able to recognize that the eldest Blackthorn was stepping up for his little brother and sister; he bravely gathered Liffey and began to guide her home.
Elwood moved to follow, though his feet felt like they were made of lead. He did pause long enough to shoot what he hoped was a grateful glance in Peregrine's direction; he wasn't quite sure if his expression could convey any of his feelings properly. And then he shuffled away, trailing behind Eljay and Liffey.
Elwood moved to follow, though his feet felt like they were made of lead. He did pause long enough to shoot what he hoped was a grateful glance in Peregrine's direction; he wasn't quite sure if his expression could convey any of his feelings properly. And then he shuffled away, trailing behind Eljay and Liffey.
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