@Zephyr sorry if this whole thread is rusty since idk how to write him yet. LOL
Lacoste stood in unfamiliar land, as he often had in the past many months. After time each place blurred together until none could be told apart, and so this lake, this valley, gave him a sort of devaju. As if he'd seen the same scene over and over again, playing in his head like a broken record. He was used to it though, and he'd found the lifestyle to suit him well. Stay too long in one place and you make enemies; build a club of heartbroken women in any land and it was time to move on.
Stopping at the water's edge, he leans down, sniffs, takes a sip. Cold as fuck and not especially satisfying, but water was water, so he took plenty of greedy gulps before finally pulling his head away, licking his lips. Silver eyes boredly scanned the empty landscape as if looking for entertainment, or anything that was even a smidgen beyond totally mundane.
Normally, he might have paid no mind to the stranger at the lakeside — but apparently he and @Kratos are recruiting members or something. He's still wary of the idea, but if they can find wolves who will actually listen and obey, he thinks maybe it'll be worth it. So that means talking to people.
He glances at his mate beside him, then turns toward the figure ahead, pace picking up as he finds more confidence in his decision.
He glances at his mate beside him, then turns toward the figure ahead, pace picking up as he finds more confidence in his decision.
You look bored,He says as he draws closer and catches sight of silver eyes set into a dual-toned face, tone as void of emotion as ever. No one ever taught Zeph how to recruit, okay?
common|| « french »
April 01, 2020, 01:11 AM
Zephyr is supposed to be the one good at words and shit, since he did manage to charm he-who-must-not-be-named, and well, technically recruited Kratos, too, once upon a time to run with his ragtag group of two. Now that they are officially on the hunt, the red-and-black male expects his mate will likely do the heavy-lifting when it comes to conversations and swaying—Zephyr seems to know what he wants more than he does, at least.
So he follows along, easing back when they approach the stranger and giving an encouraging nod-gesture with his chin as the silver looks back at him. The stranger in question couldn’t be much older than them, around the same-ish age, the color of raven feathers and russet. An eyebrow arches upon the hound’s face.
So he follows along, easing back when they approach the stranger and giving an encouraging nod-gesture with his chin as the silver looks back at him. The stranger in question couldn’t be much older than them, around the same-ish age, the color of raven feathers and russet. An eyebrow arches upon the hound’s face.
hello here to just be useless & loom

April 01, 2020, 01:20 AM
Soon there were two of them, strangers- a little grey woman and a larger man, colored in rich reds. Lacoste asked the universe for entertainment and it presented itself.
When the former speaks, Lacoste takes a minute to look her over- silver eyes that reflected his own, big ears. Not exactly his type, but he would take whatever distraction he could get. Still, she seemed attached to the male beside her- which was all well and good, because he wasn't that interested anyways.
He pays a glance to the latter, his arched eyebrow, before casting his attention back to the coywolf.
When the former speaks, Lacoste takes a minute to look her over- silver eyes that reflected his own, big ears. Not exactly his type, but he would take whatever distraction he could get. Still, she seemed attached to the male beside her- which was all well and good, because he wasn't that interested anyways.
He pays a glance to the latter, his arched eyebrow, before casting his attention back to the coywolf.
I am bored.He responds,
You guys gonna entertain me somehow? Cause otherwise, I'm moving on,He chuckles with a shrug of his shoulders.
April 01, 2020, 01:34 AM
His hackles ripple as the man looks him over, spiking a little more fully at the response he's given. Under normal circumstances he would have been offended; to be treated this way in front of Kratos inspires no small amount of ire.
I can kick your ass. Entertaining enough?The words are flat despite the irritation flashing through him. The last thing he needs is to embarrass himself further in front of his mate. Especially since he may well end up needing his help, if he should lose this potential fight.
common|| « french »
April 01, 2020, 01:45 AM
Beggers can't be choosers.
Course Kratos has no qualms providing figurative entertainment. He's always got a lust for shutting others up, and wouldn't mind moving along either. In this case, he has to dig his heels in if only for the sake of Recruitment. Except, Zephyr is a spitfire as much as he is ice. He prickles up, flaring a temper that isn't keen on the subtle disrespect.
Course Kratos has no qualms providing figurative entertainment. He's always got a lust for shutting others up, and wouldn't mind moving along either. In this case, he has to dig his heels in if only for the sake of Recruitment. Except, Zephyr is a spitfire as much as he is ice. He prickles up, flaring a temper that isn't keen on the subtle disrespect.
All yours,he hums—hell, if this guy isn't entertained, at least Kratos is. Not every day he gets to see what Zephyr's learned from a different perspective. He circles around him, brushing against his hip with a sneaky nip and plopping down in the snow a short distance away. Postured to relax, yet prepared to shoot up akin to an unexpected sniper round.

Apparently he's done something to piss off Miss-Little-Big-Ears.
Without warning, fangs suddenly bared from the sheath of black lips. Lacoste pounces like a jungle cat, hoping to tackle the small opponent onto her back.
Damn, chilllll...He urges even as the red man goads her on.
Don't you wanna get to know me first before we wrestle?He jokes with a wink, but already he's striding towards the coywolf with confidence. Kratos hangs back, which is enough signal for him that this would not be a two-on-one. Okay, so maybe this wasn't his first choice for entertainment, but he'd take whatever he could get.
Without warning, fangs suddenly bared from the sheath of black lips. Lacoste pounces like a jungle cat, hoping to tackle the small opponent onto her back.
rolled in tabletop, zeph will win :P
April 05, 2020, 01:30 AM
Ugh. His ears flatten, disgust overwhelming him for a moment at the other's words. Part of him is glad for the coming fight, and another part doesn't want the stranger to touch him at all now. Still, it'll be worth it if he can win, so he moves to meet the challenge regardless. Avoiding the dark wolf's first attempt at pinning him proves easy; he darts to the side, then goes back in to deliver a stinging bite. Not hard enough to draw blood — there's still a small chance the man could prove a worthy recruit — but enough to hurt. From there, it's a matter of focusing on keeping out of reach.
common|| « french »
April 05, 2020, 01:44 AM
Relax and enjoy is what Kratos wanted to do; yet the shitbag makes a terrible mistake. Lips peel back, irritation flaring red hot as Kratos gets back to his feet. He circles, predatory eyes zeroing in on the blue-black male. For now, he refuses to disrespect Zephyr and ruin his spar, but once it is over with, the boy better run.

April 05, 2020, 02:17 AM
The little creature moves to the side swiftly, coming in with pearly fangs to meet him. Meanwhile uglyface in the back stands up on his feet, and suddenly Lacoste isn't so happy to spar anymore. If this became a two-on-one he'd tear the little grey bitch's throat out the moment he got the chance. He wasn't interested in unfair advantages and would prefer to fight one-on-one; the girl was pretty but not pretty enough to risk his life to spare- no woman was worth the trouble.
Teeth meet his flesh, his only reaction is a slight wince. He snarls, glassy eyes darting to the man in the back like a warning to stay the fuck away, before his gaze comes back to Zephyr. For the most part, the little coywolf does a good job of dodging his attacks. Not the most offensive, but wearing down his energy- still, Lacoste manages to get a bite in at her shoulder, a tiny taste of blood satisfying him like a vampire. He backs away then, waiting for an attack from the girl for now.
Teeth meet his flesh, his only reaction is a slight wince. He snarls, glassy eyes darting to the man in the back like a warning to stay the fuck away, before his gaze comes back to Zephyr. For the most part, the little coywolf does a good job of dodging his attacks. Not the most offensive, but wearing down his energy- still, Lacoste manages to get a bite in at her shoulder, a tiny taste of blood satisfying him like a vampire. He backs away then, waiting for an attack from the girl for now.
April 24, 2020, 03:48 PM
gonna pp a bit to close this since i've been struggling with this thread + lacoste is inactive, apologies for the hold up! @Lacoste if you want a new thread for a second try i'll be happy to post one <3
The blow to his shoulder slows him, slows time, and the fight seems to stretch for hours after that. The stranger's endurance is impressive, pushing Zephyr's to its limit; by the end, he's exhausted and a little bloody, but victorious. As he steps away from the stranger, he notes that he'd left no major wounds — though the streak of black-and-red barreling past him makes him wonder briefly if his mate will change that. Kratos seems content to simply chase the stranger away, however. He returns to Zephyr's side quickly, and the silver boy resigns himself to the thorough cleaning his wounds are about to receive.common|| « french »
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