Redhawk Caldera But at dawn
s t i g m a t a
440 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
All Welcome 
Please let @Puffin post first! Dated for the 26th Feb
Rowan wanted to venture out again to find more members.
He wanted to go back to that big crater he'd met Collision at.
Puffin had mentioned being a scout, so he'd asked her along so they could get to know each other. Rowan needed to socialise more. He was always a quiet child, and still a quiet adult.

Though as they travelled and laughed, he realised that upon the lip was a scent.
Strong and full. A pack scent.
"Oh," he quietly mused, "I didn't know a pack had moved in."
He looked up, then sniffed again.

Her scent laced these borders.
His eyes widened as he slipped into a defensive stance, looking around warily, his heart starting to thunder.
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One lie is enough to question all truths. 
30 Posts
Ooc — Kate
He had come to her with a promise of adventure and that was all it took to get Puffin out of her brief funk.  Her heart renewed with opportunities on the horizon, she didn't even mind that they had to wake up at the crack of dawn to get there.

The rising sun at their backs, they set off.  Puffin was playful, often darting across wide expanses of the snow-covered prairie and then back to Rowan, despite the strain it would put on her on their return trip to have drained so much so early in the day.  Speaking of him, her traveling companion was kind but a little quiet for Puffin's taste.  She made a mental note that on their way home, she'd throw some more icebreakers his way.

But she didn't have to wait that long.  The closer they got to their destination the more he opened up.  After a pleasant but ultimately superficial discussion Rowan mentions that a pack had moved in, and then froze up like someone slapped his mama.  His expression changed, his eyes grew wide, and Puffin's did too.  What's going on?
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Unsuspectingly, Eljay was patrolling the borders that day. Ever since the incident on Moonspear Eljay'd felt the urge to run to Maia. She felt so far away. He was a coward, however, and this event had shook him to his core. At the moment he had seemed... alright. Now, though, he felt like his whole world had changed. Reverted, somehow, back to a younger, more fearful Eljay.
In lack of the courage to go out and visit Maia, he patrolled, hoping every moment that he would see her somewhere along their borders.
When he happened upon the two visitors, one of them looked very spooked and one of them was looking at the spooked wolf. The former of the two looked afraid, which in turn caused Eljay to instinctively look around for signs of danger.
He found none, but remained wary as he approached the two strangers at the pack's borders.
Hi, Eljay greeted them as he approached. His body was neutral and not as confident as he would've liked — influenced by the one wolf's defensive and spooked expression — as he drew closer and greeted them with a friendly, though somewhat nervous smile.
Can I uhm... Is there anything I can help you with? God, he sounded like a helpdesk rather than a wolf who lived here; as if they were here to service strangers. Hopefully these strangers were friendly, he thought to himself, so that he wouldn't look like a total fool.
s t i g m a t a
440 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
A quiver shook him, his body still rigid.
Puffin too, tensed up, but only because of him.
"She's here."
His eyes darted around again. Someone emerged. 
It wasn't her.

Rather, it was a man who looked very much the opposite of that witch. 
"Is that loud woman around? With the bright reddish stripe?"
Rowan swallowed, licking his lips nervously. He tried to relax; this one wasn't trying to kill him on sight. He was here, and so was Puffin.
Rowan swept the area again before lifting his head, trying to relax a little more. But nothing will take off that edge until he was far, far away.

"I wasn't aware another pack had moved in..." He wanted to explain more, but didn't feel like uttering the words. Retelling the story of how hated he is by that woman for no reason he can find in himself.
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One lie is enough to question all truths. 
30 Posts
Ooc — Kate

Puffin was entirely out of the loop.  She?  Who was she?  Rowan wasn't being entirely forthcoming about this, not that he had the time — before she had a chance to ask who he meant and why the mysterious her presence mattered, another wolf emerged in front of them that seemed just as confused as she did.  He asked if there was something they could be helped with, and Rowan shot off asking more questions about the woman that (for Puffin) just seemed to confuse her more.

She shook her head.  We're from Ivory Rose, and our pack just settled out East, she explained, as her frustration tempered her fear.  She wasn't a leader, but she also wasn't about to get chased off of this guy's doorstep because they hadn't bothered to explain themselves.  I'm Puffin.  This is Rowan.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay was about as out of the loop as Puffin, and blinked as the spooked wolf asked her if 'the loud woman' was around. Loud woman? Even at the description Eljay didn't immediately realise who. Did he mean Fennec? Her stripe wasn't bright, though. Bright red, bright red... Niamh? It wasn't bright either, but honestly, she seemed the likeliest 'loud woman' to be referenced. Towhee did cross his mind, but her stripe wasn't as prominent (somehow he thought that this was a stripe on the back, and now his brain had a hard time deciding otherwise) and she wasn't really loud, was she? At least, not compared to Niamh or Fennec.

Loud woman? Eljay blinked while he processed all of the information, and then he said, We have several. Eljay grinned sheepishly as he realised what he'd said in the face of these total strangers. Sorry, I mean, several who have reddish fur. I don't know? Do you know her name? Are you looking for her? Eljay looked about ready to call for whoever they were looking for, happy enough to get out of the situation of border guard.

The other of the two seemed less confused, and it was a breath of fresh air for Eljay to have someone who seemed a bit more present and explained who they were and where from. Ivory Rose, huh? Where did you you guys settle? Eljay asked curiously. I'm Eljay. This is Redhawk Caldera. We uh, we're the same wolves who used to live here. It didn't even occur to Eljay they might not have been around when they'd last had the Caldera claimed, though.
s t i g m a t a
440 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
He bit on his tongue, trying to stop him from losing his shit.
Maybe she was dead, or just something from his imagination.
This man didn't seem to know what he was on about, and Puffin seemed pretty miffed at his babbling.
He wished Zeph had been up for the trip too.

Rowan took a steadying breath and yawned, trying to chill the fuck out. Trying to tell himself he wasn't going to be attacked again. "No." He murmured. "She just attacks me whenever we run into each other..."
She really did hate him, and he could understand her with the war and that, but that was years ago, and he wasn't even a Melonii! Not by blood anyhow.
"Sorry." He murmured, giving an apologetic look to Puffin.

"We settled in Blackfeather Woods, I grew up there."
He sucked in a breath, knowing that revealing he'd taken the name of Blackfeather was enough to piss that woman off. He willed his heart to stop hammering so hard, to try and fight the urge to run.
Rowan wasn't willing to fight these people - one had helped his mother. And over a stupid war that happened way too long ago? No way.
So Rowan waited and tried not to balk from these borders. He should try and mend whatever scars his beloved home had left on these wolves. 

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One lie is enough to question all truths. 
30 Posts
Ooc — Kate

Puffin thought Eljay's remark about all the loud women in their pack was supposed to be a joke, and laughed for what was a very detectable moment in an otherwise tense discussion before she clamped her teeth down on her tongue to make herself stop.

Her focus was now on Rowan's response (and her throbbing tongue).  The more that was said, the less was revealed to her and the more questions she had.  There was a woman that attacked Rowan every time they ran into each other?  And he hadn't thought to mention this to her?!  She blinked owlishly at his apology and blathered a quiet and nearly unintelligible Mmuhh, in response.

While Tux had done a good job of informing Puffin about what made Drageda good and bad, and how that had impacted him as an individual, he had carefully chosen to omit names and places.  Because Puffin didn't know _anything_ about Blackfeather Woods, she knew nothing of the possible danger they were in.  To her, it looked like Rowan had once again taken the reins and straightened things out, and that was good enough for Puffin's annoyance to sink back below surface level.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
One of the two started to laugh, though Eljay didn't blame her; he hadn't intended to joke, but he knew that the way he said it was kind of funny. For someone who didn't know anything about the context (and it seemed she didn't have a clue what was going on) he imagined that it must be confusing and hard to read the situation. He decided to ignore her because in Eljay's own experience of doing embarrassing things, that took pressure off another person the best. He couldn't keep himself from shooting her a quick smile though, hopefully with enough friendly energy so that she knew he didn't think poorly of her for the slip-up.

His focus easily shifted back to the spooked wolf, who said that he wasn't looking for her. Then why did he..? Oh. Eljay blinked, looking surprised to hear that someone from his pack would do such things. He couldn't imagine anyone would attack unprovoked. Oh, he said, blinking, growing confused now as he wondered what this wolf was even doing here if he 1) had been attacked previously by a wolf from this pack and 2) was definitely not looking to reunite with said wolf. Why even show up? But at least it explained why he looked so spooked.

Soon a few questions were answered; he mentioned that they settled in Blackfeather Woods. Now if he hadn't mentioned growing up there, Eljay might've just nodded and then said that maybe they'd want to like.. change the name or something. But when the wolf said that latter bit, a frown fell over Eljay's face. He sized up the other, as if trying to gauge how old they were. Youngish, he supposed when he thought of it. Maybe around Weejay's age? It was a bit of a shock for him to realise that Weejay was so.. adult already. He was still her little girl, after all.

He wondered if this wolf was somebody's little boy, still; somebody who'd been there during the wars.

Eljay swallowed thickly as he banished the bad memories from his one visit to Blackfeather Woods. Oh. Well. I... That sort of explains it..? It was a little weird to stand here and chat amicably like this if these were the old Blackfeather Woods wolves' descendants. They seemed friendly enough, however. Eljay glanced from wolf to wolf and said, It... There's been a war between our wolves in the past, years ago — between Redhawk Caldera and Blackfeather Woods.
s t i g m a t a
440 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
He barely shifted when Puffin laughed, too on edge to try to feel anything over than tense.
At least she seemed ok.
And he didn't take badly to her, even giving her a smile.
At least this man was nice.

But Rowan didn't miss the change in him. Didn't miss the shift in his eyes as he once saw them as wanderers from another back to potential threat.
"I didn't know that the Redhawks lived here before, I just thought you all lived past the mountains..." He glanced to the peak that had glowed when the moon was cleaved in half. That must be more than seven nights now.
"I don't know why you had the war, but my pack isn't like them. We seek to protect all who ask for I needed after that woman brutalised me."

There didn't seem to be a surface scar, but he could still feel the wound in his flesh. And the terror in his heart.
He held the man's gaze, not with malice, but with inner strength. 
"I just don't think she would agree," he mused quietly.
What can he do to prove himself to her? To all of them?
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One lie is enough to question all truths. 
30 Posts
Ooc — Kate

Eljay's smile put her at ease, causing the last of Puffin's unease to slip away.  There.  Was that so hard?  Everything was settled now, and they could go bac—

It was in the middle of that thought that Puffin began to realize where the severity and tension was coming from.  Eljay had tensed back up, and went to explain that there had been a war between Redhawk Caldera (which she assumed must be what their pack was called) and Blackfeather Woods years ago.  Something about this struck Puffin, and she suddenly began to question everything.  Were these the packs that dad had told her about?  And... which side were they on?!  Paled and shaken, her mouth parted slightly.

Now she had too many questions, and she wasn't sure if it was an appropriate time to ask them.  Had Drageda been involved with this?  Could Eljay or Rowan tell her where Dragoncrest Cliffs was?  She shoved them down for now, quickly seeking to rectify the situation.  If none of us want to fight, then why don't we just ... do that?  She didn't see why grudges older than her parents should matter to her.  We don't have to set up an alliance.  But we could at very least establish some peace.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay shook his head when the other said that he didn't know the Redhawks lived here. We moved back here. We used to live here, until Blackfeather Woods... He trailed off, trying to remember if he remembered that correctly. He was pretty sure it had to do with the unsafety of being around the Woods wolves. It seemed ironic that both the Blackfeather wolves and the Redhawks moved back just in time to see each other, though the irony of this was lost on Eljay, since he didn't really know the specifics.

It put Eljay's mind at ease to know that their pack wasn't like the old Blackfeather Woods. If he grew up there, he would know, right? Eljay felt a little irked when the man said that he needed protection because of something that one of the Redhawk wolves had done to him. He didn't remember all of the specifics, but he knew that some of the Blackfeather Woods wolves'd done horrible things to Redhawk wolves, too. They were the ones who'd hurt Wiffle, way back when, before he and she were together.

How did they dare come to Redhawk Caldera's borders and accuse them of things? Eljay felt unusually prickly after this comment, though he hated feeling that way. It showed on his face though, as it fell from its previous demeanour into a frown. I'm sorry, but — well — y-you can't just come here and accuse our wolves of being... Brutish? Unreasonable? Violent?

He said he didn't think the woman would ever agree. Some of our wolves were hurt by the old wolves of Blackfeather Woods. You were hurt by our.. whoever it was. But it's years ago now, and you say you don't feel uhm, feel the same as they did. Eljay looked at the girl as she piped up to suggest peace, and he nodded, getting less annoyed again. Yeah, I agree. As long as you're not the same as they were, then it should be alright. He smiled invitingly then, hoping that the girl's companion felt the same way.
s t i g m a t a
440 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
It was like watching something squirming under the surface of a marshmallow.
The kind face contorted with doubt and disliking for his words, trying to find what was right. What should be said, and yet holding back what he wanted to say.
He sucked his teeth, holding his mouth shut.
He'd just say something stupid and childish.

"I'm not accusing anyone." He replied as calmly as he could will his voice to be.
"That's just what happened." And he was pretty over the fact of being butthurt, he just didn't want it to happen again. 
Yes, his family -- no, Maegi's family had hurt others. But he wasn't related to her (as far as he knew). He just saw her as a maternal figure. Like the father he never had (yes, he did find out what one of those was).

Then that squirming doubt - or whatever it was - left the Redhawk's face and he finally seemed to accept Rowan wasn't here looking to restart a seemingly 500-year-old war.
"Do you think we could have some sort of..agreement? To stop history repeating or something?"
That might put them at ease.
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One lie is enough to question all truths. 
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
posting again since Puffin is inactive now. maybe we can finish it soon? :)

Eljay found it hard to believe that one of Redhawk Caldera's wolves would simply 'brutalise' someone without reason. He found it hard to talk to someone who said they did not accuse anyone, merely spoke the truth, but then said things in a — to Eljay — exaggerated manner. After all, he still stood in front of Eljay now, so he couldn't have been that brutalised. Or maybe his nose was off.

Either way, Eljay decided that it was best to just not respond to this comment, because he just couldn't find the right words. Instead, he focused on the agreement to not let it happen again. Yeah. That seems like a good idea. I'm not a leader here, though... But if you speak to any of our leaders later, you can say that you talked to Eljay. He'd already shared his name, but Eljay knew well enough that it was easy enough to forget someone's name into the meeting.
s t i g m a t a
440 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
Rowan's ears flicked warily, still listening for the banshee's caterwaul as she charged in to kick his head over his ass again.
But it didn't happen, and the only thing keeping Rowan here was Puffin's solid presence.
But Eljay agreed that it was a good idea...and he'd have to talk to their leaders.
His lips tightened. Meeting more of the pack was just another chance to run into that woman again.
Maybe she'd died tragically. He'd have to ask the Daedra for that.

"Yeah..I'll come back another time." When he wasn't ready to run away. He shouldn't run away but what else could he do? Sometimes shit didn't go his way, and it seemed Rowan always got his ass kicked by women.
"Thank you," he finished weakly, glancing to Puffin to see if she too was ready to leave.
They turned, and rowan took off, not wanting to linger for another damn second on their borders.
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One lie is enough to question all truths. 
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
It did seem like a good idea for the guy to return another time, when he had the time to process all of this. Hopefully it would be a more positive meeting that time. Eljay wasn't easy to agitate, but even he felt a little on edge. He couldn't imagine how it must've gone if Niamh or Towhee had gone to the borders.

For now the situation seemed diffused. Eljay just smiled as he was thanked, however weakly, and said, No problem. I hope our packs can have a better understanding in the future. It was in all of their best interests, after all, so it seemed like the best step forward to take.

As the pair of them took off, so did Eljay, eager to leave the borders. After turning around, he totally intended to tell Towhee, Phox and Niamh about this meeting — however, before he got to that all hell broke loose and it entirely skipped his mind amidst all of the stress and responsibility on his shoulders.