Moonspear i'm a child at the grown-up's table
256 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
He couldn't get up to much mischief, being so young, but the urge was there.

@Nasamik was a constant presence, and sometimes @Chakliux would come by to check on them or to deliver meat for his wife. At those times the boy would be the focus of their attention and he basked in it, utterly unaware of anything but the warmth their bodies gave to him.

The most recent development was of the ambulatory nature: he'd discovered his front feet and had been suckling on them between meals; then, kicking his hindquarters out and worming a little, he learned there were two more limbs. He could be found now playing with the light, which he could feel but not see, in the mouth of the den.

Raiyuk's little toes splayed and made shadow-puppets against a far wall.
186 Posts
Ooc — Decay
Once a quitter, more still babe, Raiyuk became more active.

Nasamik enjoyed watching these new things, laughing a bit when he suckled at his toes.

My silly boy, She murmured softly, keen to the seal tongue, as she had been learning from Chakliux.

Reaching for him, she pulled him close against her leg, intent upon washing him gently.
1,051 Posts
Ooc — ebony

his son's eyes had opened.
chakliux listened to the small sounds. he sat at the denmouth with @Quennell and showed the young warrior how he was carving a piece of bone into a toy for raiyuk.
"when he is older, we will take him hunting," he said in a satisfied grunt, pushing it toward quennell for inspection.
256 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
A tugging at his tail, then his foot, and he was moved close to his mother.

A wide-eyed look! A little purr as he reached for the shadows that were now farther, and stretched taller. He cooed and tried to wriggle back to his place, but his mother's reach was too strong; and then his father came, and the sound of his voice soothed him.

Raiyuk turned his nose towards the door and saw Chakliux upside-down, and babbled some mimicry of the sounds between the adults.
186 Posts
Ooc — Decay
The child's bath finally finished, Nasamik would soon let him go. She would even give a little nudge, inviting him to roam a bit if he so pleased.

He will make a fine hunter. Especially with your guidance, and that of Kannoyak.
1,051 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"and he will have your kindness, nasamik."
chakliux set his eyes warmly upon his woman, showing her in quietude his delight and his pride in her. their loss was great but they had this strong son between them in spite of it all.