Neverwinter Forest don't let the doctor in.
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Ooc — Stevie
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"No, bro, you're totally missing the point," Penn said, exasperated, "That's what I said after the eagle attacked me. And I feel like at that point, I was totally within my right." He looked at his conversation partner expectantly then, knowing he would absolutely have to agree.

The bobcat stared blankly at him from its perch on a limb overhead. For whatever reason, when Penn had approached to say 'hello', it had hissed like he'd set it on fire and rushed up the tree. Baffled, Penn had followed it, shouting reassurances until he'd been forced to stop his pursuit since climbing trees was somewhat beyond his ability as a canine.

That hadn't stopped him from lying down on the grass below and pursuing a nice chat with a new friend, though. In some roundabout way, they'd gotten to the scar that stretched across Penn's back from his left shoulder to his right hip. Since you weren't here sooner to hear the whole story, I'll give you the TLDR version--The eagle was enjoying a meal, Penn wanted to share, the eagle did not.

Penn frowned at the lack of response from his new bobcat BFF. "You would say that..." he grumbled with a roll of his eyes.
High Sage*
653 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He slid down the mountain. A jaunty step in his gait, breaking out in dance every so often. A song on his lips. And a impish light upon his evergreen gems. He stopped to hit the high notes and then brought it back down, before he heard voices.

A grin that curled around and lit up his eyes further he stepped into view. Taking it all in

. Cats are such difficult conversation partners. They only talk to ya when they feel like it and usually they never do. Rude if you ask me. I'm Alaric Willow.
529 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Penn turned to look at the stranger as he approached with a witty quip on his tongue. The Blackthorn smirked at the comment. He ran right along with the joke without skipping a beat.

"I know, I guess I just hoped it would be different this time, ya know?" he replied with a heavy sigh. His tail wagged in the next beat and he pushed himself up onto all fours for a proper greeting. "Penn Blackthorn. Nice to meet you, man."

Penn glanced up at the bobcat again as it began to growl, obviously stressing over the fact that now there were two wolves at its door instead of just one. "See how that just went down? When you meet someone new, you introduce yourself. That's how you make friends," Penn lectured as the bobcat hissed once again. He shook his head as he turned back to Alaric, "Like it goes in one ear and right out the other."
High Sage*
653 Posts
Ooc — Danni
This one was right up Alaric's ally. Funny and sarcastic. So often he couldn't find those that could keep up with his impish nature. It was nice and also a bit of a new challenge.

I know what ya mean, but you know what they say, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. He teased and quipped. A twist of his tail and a hearty laugh. 

Well Met Penn Blackthorn.

Alaric gave a sage nod. Thick headed. No time for it. He looked up at the cat and frowned. Poor form, sir. Poor form.
529 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Penn, admittedly, had not made very many friends in his life. Not with other guys, at least. For whatever reason more often than not, his first instinct when meeting another male was to figure out what their buttons were that he could press to set them off and then just start pressing like mad. He didn't seem to have that problem with women--he had lots of lady friends. Guys, though? Guys typically wanted to murder him for reasons that were perfectly fair.

But, Penn had done a lot of growing the past several months. He was now able to say that he had exactly one male friend in the world. And perhaps, he was about to make it two.

"Come on, let's go do something cool, far away from this lame-oid," Penn said to Alaric as he stood, shooting a disdainful glance at the bobcat before he began to walk away (assuming Alaric decided to follow). He liked these woods he'd found himself in--it was peaceful and quiet here. Perfect for disrupting.

"So, you from around here?" Penn asked conversationally.
High Sage*
653 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric could understand the sentiment, but he also was one that you couldn't push too far. He usually just acted nonchalant and free. And it made the pusher angry in return. But oh well, was his usual thought.

Alaric chuckled. Sure thing. He traced over the youth, wondering if he realized what kind of wolf Alaric was. Was he an adrenaline junkie too, he doubted it. Where Alaric liked to push that line between tragedy and fun, between heaven and hell, not many were the same.

I just moved into the area. I live on the Spear. He lifted a paw and then pointed with his nose towards the moon spear.
529 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
It was nice to just walk through the words and have a chat, especially with someone who didn't seem like they were about to explode in rage at any moment. Not that he particularly minded when Fennec did so--he was used to it, and he'd always rather admired her fearlessness when it came to expressing her anger. But it was still nice to not be in danger of it.

"No kidding?" Penn commented, his gaze following the gesture to land on the mountain in the distance, "I'm traveling with a couple of companions and they're actually visiting your pack right now." He had stayed behind for reasons that were understood pretty much only by Fenn. He still hadn't met her son yet, and perhaps that was why she... you know what, I can't explain why he's not with them. Let's skip this part.

In any event, he didn't mind being left behind. He knew once the trio was united, he'd probably feel like the third wheel.
High Sage*
653 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric was the type to not take much personal. Because well he just didn't. He was not afraid of expressing himself, he just usually did it comically and without causing an issue.

Alaric blinked. Ah Lady Sialuk will meet them at the borders or Njord. They seem to be the two to answer any summons. I will if I am in the vicinity, but i'm a storyteller and healer, my skills are better used anywhere other than the borders.

Are you enjoying it around here so far?
529 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Alaric began to share names of the wolves he ran with. He had to try not to scoff at Lady Sialuk, knowing entirely too well that it would be considered rather rude. He wondered why wolves ever insisted on such titles. Then again, he'd also never understood why wolves were always so obsessed with rank.

"Yeah, it's a nice area," Penn answered, "I actually was born in the valley West of Moonspear. I've spent a lot of time wandering around these parts."
High Sage*
653 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Wouldn't that wolf be chuffed to know that Alaric up until recently had not belonged to a pack and held the same thought process. Even now he was still holding to that in a way, but the difference was he knew when to be respectful and how to be mannerly. He had to be, because it was how he made his living. If he had been harsh and cruel and showed that he didn't respect others, well he could hvae been killed or chased away and he wouldn't be a very good trader.

Alaric studied him with interest. Seems a lot have been. I am a recent transplant. Until recently I was a traveling tradesman, storyteller and medic.
529 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Penn listened quietly, finding the information to be interesting. He knew of storytellers and medics, but tradesman? That was a bit unfamiliar to him. He wondered what it meant to be a tradesman, and took a moment to consider it himself before asking.

"What exactly does a traveling tradesman do?" Penn asked. He had his suspicions about what it might mean and he was interested to know if he was correct.
High Sage*
653 Posts
Ooc — Danni
There was much to be said about tradesman. The question became what did he wish to share. Alaric didn't mind sharing some things, most of the time. Then every so often he got in an ornery mood and just didn't want to share. He hadn't decided how he felt today yet.

I would trade goods and services, usually my healing, my herbs, stories for food and a place to rest. Sometimes things I've made or found or hunted.
529 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Penn nodded along, understanding better now. He had done things similar in his travels. He'd never considered what title he'd put on himself to describe it, but tradesman apparently was a good one.

"Interesting," Penn replied thoughtfully, "I've never really thought about putting a title on it. I used to do something similar, mostly hunting. I don't know much about healing—just enough to not die from it when I get banged up on the road." He grinned. Truth be told, he did very little to keep himself alive. He somehow just kept on surviving, even situations he thought for sure would've been the end of him.
High Sage*
653 Posts
Ooc — Danni
There were times that Alaric had traded his flesh for rest. But he hadn't minded all that much. Except that one time.....that wasn't good. A shake of his head, pushing the thoughts out of his head.

Alaric chuckled. Healing, is. Well it's not easy and there's just something i like about it I prefer helping little ones over adults. I've found that often times the adults are more unreasonable than the kids truthfully. It's ridiculous really. But I like all of it. The cultivating of the herbs, the helping whomever it is to feel better. And well I figured as often as I got hurt. It was better for my mom if I learned how to clean myself up.
529 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Penn found his attention wandering a little as Alaric spoke. Not that he was boring, only that the conversation lead his mind to some heavier topics. Things he didn't really want to think about, but that refused to be denied.

But we'll get to that some other time.

"Yeah, I like the getting hurt part better myself," Penn said with a grin, "Since it's usually the result of some fun activity."

He tilted his head towards the sky then, taking note of where the sun was to see how much time had passed since he'd left Fenn and Killer. "But hey, thanks for the chat. I need to get back to my friends, though," Penn said, turning to Alaric to offer a kind nod of his head, "Maybe I'll run into you again sometime."

Penn paused to hear whatever Alaric had to say in parting, then headed off into the woods to see how the duo had faired in the Spine.

felt like a good place to wrap up! <3
High Sage*
653 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Fine with me. Thank you for the thread. I apologize if it was stilted. I'm still learning about Alaric :)
Alaric was used to mind wandering. Honestly, it was usually a good thing in his line of work especially if he was telling a story and their minds were making it come alive.

Alaric laughed and nodded. Exactly.

Alaric chuckled. Yea see you around.