Ocean's Breath Plateau i'm a rebel just for kicks
153 Posts
Ooc — metic
All Welcome 
takes place during the same time as this thread

each night anaa left to sing the death songs for rolayne and panuk's mother. which left each night open for acrux to brew a plan to sneak his brothers back to the spear. he did not consider the repercussions of his actions. act now, ask for forgiveness later. 

as his mother left to join rodyn for their song, acrux stirred from a fake slumber to nudge @Maggak in the side. he would need a confidant, someone to aid him in his plan, and he trusted no one more than his pale counterpart for this.
"atkan aleut"
26 Posts
Ooc — xynien
She's trying to stay hidden but feel free to notice her!
Nasamiituuq had seen the other children, the ones she did not know. She'd wanted to say hi, but — but what if they didn't want to say hi to her? What if they didn't like her? So instead she'd trailed after them at a distance, watching from afar while the darker of the pair slept.

Just as she started to gather her courage, he stirred! Nasamiituuq was startled. She backed up quickly, hiding herself in a patch of undergrowth with heart beating fast in her ears. Suddenly she wished very much that anaa was with her!
83 Posts
Ooc — Twin
gonna have maggak take notice of nasamiituuq in the next round!

Maggak was, admittedly, a bit of a goody two-shoes.
She did as anaa asked, always dutiful and dilligent; she had even begun to help her more and more with daily tasks back home in the village as her limbs grew longer and her brain got smarter. She did not shriek, bite, kick, yell; squabbles with Acrux were rare. She was a good girl!
And so it absolutely upset her that she could not join in on the funerary hymns.
She had begun to grasp the reason for this, yes; her aunt — the alleged mother of Panuk and Rolayne — had gone to the land of dancing lights. She knew well not to speak the name; she knew well to bow her head, to pay her respects. She knew the purpose of the death songs. And with all of that in mind, why could she not participate? It ruffled her greatly!
And she also knew that she did not, in fact, want to leave Panuk and Rolayne in this barren land of stinky fish smell. They belonged to her and Acrux and anaa.
All of these matters, in Maggak's objective opinion, were reason enough to disobey.
The press of cold nose to her rib brings a slow blink to jadestone eyes, and she peers up at her brother with the release of a soft, high-pitched yawn. She swore she saw it in his eyes, the hatching of an idea — an idea she now found herself wholly immersed in. Her lip pulls upward into a mischievous, wordless smile as if to say: I'm in.
153 Posts
Ooc — metic
maggak stirs and greets him with all he needed to know. words were not necessary between them, all it took was the silent share of a mischievous glance for him to know she would support him. he gave a nod to her gaze, determination set firm across his features. 

unaware of the eavesdropper listening close by, acrux fell flat to his haunches before perking up with a quiet, "we can't leave our brothers here." the adults seemed unrelenting in their decision that the younger boys must remain here by the sea. he thought no amount of begging would come to change their mind, which left them with only one other option.

"we must sneak 'em back home before anaa or another adult finds out." he looked to his sister then, curious if she would agree with his plan of action or had another idea he had not thought of yet.
"atkan aleut"
26 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Nasamiituuq watched them for a time, nerves fraying more with each passing second. And just when she thought that maybe she ought to leave, the boy spoke! She did not understand much of what he said, unaware entirely of the situation with Rolayne and Panuk.

But she did recognize the words that meant they were doing something bad. Something that their mother would not approve of! Nasamiituuq could hardly believe it! She rose in the abrupt and eager manner of any young tattletale, turning to scurry off in search of @Vairë! What else was she to do?
83 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Acrux was on a track and Maggak had now grabbed hold of the wheel. You're right, she nods swiftly in surefire agreement, paws splayed as she stretches her legs in front of her. This place is stinky, and they don't even know anyone here! Besides that guy Rodyn, she supposed; but he could always come to visit them, right? I think I saw a good way outta here. You get the boys, n' I'll lead the way. Y'see that big bush? I'll wait over there. 
Shifting up to her feet, she waddles forward a few paces before she sneaks around a patch of nettle; paleness comes in handy when blending in with nature.
And that was when she saw her.
Another kid, around her age, one she'd never seen before — and just as Maggak's eyes drifted over her pudgy figure, she began to skitter away awfully suspiciously. HEY! she whisper-shouts, toddle turning to a rapid speed-walk in an effort to catch up. Get back here!
153 Posts
Ooc — metic
they were both in agreement, the boys belonged at the spear. maggak took charge, and acrux willing let her lead in the planning. he'd grab rolayne and panuk, and they would all meet maggak by the bush, perfect. the first step was laid out, now all they needed to do was put their plan into action. 

he briefly wondered what would happen if they collided with an adult, but didn't have time to stress about the possibility before a sharp HEY! was propelled into the air. 

baby blues snapped in the direction of their unwelcome meddler just as she'd begun to scurry off. was this one of the cousins that had been mentioned? eh, it mattered little. whoever she was, she needed to keep her trap shut of whatever it was she may have overheard. 

where his sister shifted to a speed-walk, he switched to a full on sprint. he would not have some blabbermouth go on to ruin their plans and keep their family apart. "ya better stop 'fore i make ya stop," he warned in a hushed growl as he barreled towards the unfamiliar girl.
"atkan aleut"
26 Posts
Ooc — xynien

If she'd been nervous before, Nasamiituuq was terrified now. She looked back over her shoulder at the other children, eyes wide — and promptly tripped over her own feet. She hit the ground face-first and went ass over teakettle into the sand, flopping onto her chest with an audible oof. For a moment she was dazed.

Then she remembered what was happening and bolted with a high, piercing shriek that seemed like it would never end.

Where was anaa?!
331 Posts
Ooc — Box
Let me know if this isn’t okay! She reasonably wouldn’t ignore Nasamiituuq so I decided to pop her in here

Her ears snapped to the side.

She knew that voice. Vairë turned swiftly from the sea, where she had been languishing, and raised her lips in a snarl. That was her daughter, she knew, and a fire began in her gut. The fur on her shoulders spiked high, and Vairë bayed like a hunting hound as she began to steadily make for her daughter.

Moontide should be safe. Why was Nasamiituuq screaming?

There, she could see her, and the prowling forms of a white coated and silver coated cub.

Her niece and nephew.

Vairë’s lips fell over her teeth, but her fur did not lay flat as she barked, hoping to stop the two in their tracks as she made her way over.

What is the meaning of all this? Incredulous, maybe, because she was very much not aware of the current tension.

83 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Thud thud thud thud SCREECH
Maggak's heels dig into the dirt as the shrill yap that could only be known as a mother's furious demand causes her to reel and pivot. Frozen still, eyes bugged so wide they might just pop right from her skull, she slowly turns her head to find the source of the noise.
A strange woman. Of course.
I wasn't gonna hurt her, Maggak crows defensively, prickly eggshell furs at her nape bristling. she was gonna ruin our plan!
She turns then to Acrux, an unsure wriggle to her nose as her eyebrows rise. Her face contorts into an expression that can only be described as a plea: help me out here!
153 Posts
Ooc — metic
the strange girl did stop, though not in the way he anticipated. she went for a tumble, and acrux came to a screeching stop as he watched the girl go face first into the dirt.

with heart thumping loudly in his ears, he open his mouth to ask if she was ok only to be met with an ear splitting scream.

he tottered after her again, still intending to make her stop when the sharp tongue of an adult halted him where he stood. ears splayed back as he swept up alongside his sister, a defensive puff of fur slithering up the length of his spine at the woman's tone.

"yeah!" he chimed in after a glance towards maggak. "she was snooping on us," he answered back as he shot the girl a condemning glance. this was all her fault!
"atkan aleut"
26 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Her mother appeared, and Nasamiituuq burst into tears. She ran to her, clinging desperately to her flank. Anaa, She whined, wincing with each exclamation from the other children. Her own voice was soft, plaintive. Th-they're sneaking. They're doing something bad!

And then they had chased her. Nasamiituuq was beginning to work herself into a fit of hysterics, her breaths ragged and too fast, her sobs breaking into hiccups. Her mother was here, but still she could not seem to calm herself.