Stone Circle red spider lily
43 Posts
Ooc — Van

Kristjan had chewed his mouth bloody again.

His baby teeth seemed to be falling out by the handful, and his exposed gums suffered the consequences as he continued to chew through his feelings on the matter of his father’s death. He lay in view of the great stones now, not close enough to see Gunnar’s grave but enough to see the tall slate tops of the majestic circle. It was colder this day than it had been in days previous, and a swirl of fallen leaves tumbled around him in a brisk wind.

He soaked his mouth on a torn piece of sodden deer pelt, his lips and the ragged pelt stained red.

Symbolization of the title flower · Abandonment, loss, separation, death, and the cycle of rebirth; commonly referred to as the Flower of Death
614 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Fig made his way through the territory, headed to the borders. He had made a habit lately of taking a path that lead him through the stone circle and Gunnar's grave, watchful for packmates that could use a word of comfort in this time of mourning.

That day, he came across one of Gunnar's children. The sight was not one he expected, though. Nor was the scent—blood, iron and pungent. Fig moved a little quicker to bring himself to the young boy's side, looking over the scene with concern that was held in check by the fact that he saw no open wounds. Just bloody gums and a pelt that appeared to be substitute for a sponge.

"Are you alright?" Fig asked gently, hoping not to startle the youth.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
Fenn is welcome at all times and will in fact make me sad if she doesn't show up.
43 Posts
Ooc — Van
Kristjan looked up at the soft voice, too morose to be scared anyway. Reflexively, his tail wagged a little at the prospect of company, though it stilled as the words spoken seemed to register with him. He looked down at the chewed-up bit of deer pelt and could see the blood there, even with his not-so-good eye. Shamefaced, he pulled his ears back and kept his head down.

I’m okay, he lied sullenly. A more upfront pup might’ve accused Figment of asking a stupid question. (Of course, I’m not alright! What about not having a father makes anything alright?) And the angry part of him did feel this way, but sweet Kristjan was simply not the kind of boy to say such things aloud.
614 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
The lie was plain for anyone with eyes to see it. Fig knew that being alright was far out of the reach of Gunnar's children just yet, but the boy deserved the chance to speak for himself. He eyed the blood and came closer, settling onto his haunches a few feet away to give him space.

"You're bleeding," he commented, "Are you in any pain? I'm no medic, but my sister taught me a few basic remedies." As far as he knew, the pack had no official medic. He ought to ask Tauris about that.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
Fenn is welcome at all times and will in fact make me sad if she doesn't show up.
43 Posts
Ooc — Van
Kristjan shook his head. It does not hurt. This, at least, wasn't a lie. Mamma says my teeth will grow back and then they will not fall out again unless I am very rough with them. But then she says they will not grow back if I lose them again... He started to babble, possibly attempting to avoid talking about the blood, or about what was really bothering him.

Whether this subterfuge was foiled or not, Kristjan would take away from this encounter a desire to openly show concern for others, just as Figment had done for him.

we can revive this at any time so you can get another post or two in for your counseling trade! <3