Ouroboros Spine Hello rain
179 Posts
Ooc — Vami
For @Ajei. Other tags for reference.

Autumn had come. The leaves changed from green to brown, gold, yellow and red. Red that reminded him of Ajei's coat. It was the first time he had seen the season before. Far more colorful then summer, yet not as vibrant as the vast greens. 

This day, the cool wind howled, mingling with the rolling of thunder. The sky a solid shade of grey and the rains had fell evenly for hours now. 

Arrluk fished, as he did to often. In the shallow waters, the fish were still, hovering over the own makeshift dens under the water. With the beating of rain on the water, it hid Arrluk's strikes and he struck so again and again, until sucess gave him three fish. He would gather them by their tails and would gift them to the mouthes of each ulaq - first to @Vairë and her pups, second to @Kivaluk and @Chickadee and the last fish he carried to the ulaq of @Shikoba, Inutsuk and Ajei. 

It is here that he sought to capture the attention of the russet and auburn girl.
[Image: 7nCi.gif]
522 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She had not sought him out. Trusting that he would find her when he was ready to speak of hia ventures. After he spoke to his parents and sorted through his thoughts.

He would find her on the floor of her families ulaq exuberantly chewing on a bone. But she would finally see him and meet his gaze with a bright smile.


She'd waste no time rushing to greet him with a hug and snapping green eyes to smell where he had been. 

It is so good to see your face.
179 Posts
Ooc — Vami
It is good to see yours as well. He smiled, moving his head around her shoulder to hug back and then lifting his head back up so that she could fully look over and examine him. In these months they were growing so much into themselves as they approached their full first year of life. 

It's good to be home. Arrluk had been reluctant. He had not wanted to go on the venture, being particularly one which was content to remain among his group and family. And yet, as always, his mother had been right. It was a trip while he didn't exactly want to take, he had needed to.
[Image: 7nCi.gif]
522 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He was not the boy who had left and a sharp pain slid into her chest. Would it be the same when Massaraq came back. A revolution of difference. That she would continue to feel young as they became men.

 A yawning pit of silence opened up. And she did not know what to say. Before she had existed in silence of her own amd those she loved, but now. She felt apart.

And yet she would not ruin his homecoming with her own selfishness and worry. She would smile brightly. 

I am glad you are home! You must tell me of your adventures! Of the sea you saw and the rivers and all the faces. Yes? Do you want to go for a walk or stay here?
179 Posts
Ooc — Vami
There was a silence there, for awhile. Quiet, savor the pitter patter of the rain and a distant rolling of thunder. The water dripped from Arrluk's pelt. There was a sadness there, hidden by a sudden smile. 

We can walk, if you dont mind the wet? He said, placing a small smile on his lips as well, his white-streak brows furrowing. He hoped the time away from one another hadn't changed them, yet as they grew, a change was sure to come. One which Arrluk had not quite placed yet...
[Image: 7nCi.gif]
522 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei had hoped she hid her thoughts well, but she was not foolish enough to believe she had. Hoping and believing two different things. And she knew Arrluk so in tune with those he cared for like her would notice, but she was determined to make this a good homecoming.

She laughed, soft and trilling as it always was and nodded. You know I don't mind the rain. It washes everything so clean and makes it so fresh. No promises I won't jump in a puddle near you though. I havent quite outgrown that.

She stood to the delicate paws her mother had given her. Now much smaller than Arrluk. He must have grown so much in such a short time. She had to look up at him now. And where there had been still ounces of baby fat. He was now hardlined with his parents athletic grace.

She nudged him with her nose, her green eyes twinkling in delight. For no matter how sad she was for change. He was still one of her dearest ones. And she was so pleased to see him again.
179 Posts
Ooc — Vami
No promises I won't splash you right back. He said with a playful smirk, this one more sincere then the smile which he had forced to his features buy moments ago. 

Then into the rain they went. It still remained to fall gently. The thunder which came was distant and rolled smoothly over the low mountains. Soothing, calming... Arrluk found happiness listening to it as he walked along Ajei's side. It seemed in the time he had been gone, he had only grown more. He wondered how tall @Kassuq had become. How much more muscle @Massaraq had put on that sturdy structure. 

Did I miss all that much while I was gone?
[Image: 7nCi.gif]
522 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Laughter thrn. Louder than usual, but she nudged him hard in the shoulder. Bring it on moonson!

Rain fell upon them like angel kisses. Leaving small cold spots that then grew warmed as their bodies dried it. Ears perked towards thunderous mountains and green eyes grew hazy with thought. A small peaceful smile in the moment. Rainstorms were beautiful and a reminder. Even the sky had to scream sometimes.

She shook her head. Not really. I traveled a bit myself. Moonwoman visited the moon packs, heart brother Rodyn came.
179 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Arrluk laughs. Moonson! Your on, Starfire! He nicknames back and nudges into her the same as well. Star after her mother, like moon of his own and fire for the rich red tones in her fur, ever the more vibrant against the white of her undersides. Such the same where his colors looked to deep of night and bright as new snow due to the heavy contrast of his markings.  

Ajei mentioned her own travel and then Arrluk added after, I didn't go far myself, honestly. South to the pack there, over the mountains west and up and found the sea again. I know where is a whole world out there to see, but all I really cared about was coming home... He spoke, a soft smile on his features. I think the only real travel I would like is between the Moon packs, to know my family. It's growing so fast! He was only just a whelp not long ago himself and already he had little nieces and nephews and mother now called him man.
[Image: 7nCi.gif]
522 Posts
Ooc — Danni
S he made a soft mm with her maw. Then nodded. I will take it.

She liked this name. Though it felt too big for her. She didn't feel like a star or fire. But she would accept it from him.

Red ears tilted towards him. Green eyes on his face as he spoke. All her attention to him in the moment. As was always.

Ajei nodded. I prefer home too. I like moontide to visit and the spear too. But i will probably never go far..

She lifted her face into the rain for a moment. Closing her eyes against the onslaught enjoying the freshness. Then a serene smile. There will be more born this year. You will be uncle again!
179 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Arrluk nodded, feeling the same about not wandering off. So many did. Arrluk would be that constant presence, like his father, like his mother. Moonglow had its forests. Moonspear had its great and impressive mountain. Moontide had open air lingering with salt from the ocean not far. Between them, Arrluk felt he had all he ever really needed. 

Arrluk, especially in this stage of his life, didn't think there would be a time when he might found a moon tribe of his own with a new mate at his side. 

Oh? His ears perk with an interest, shaking out his coat as they walked and arching his back to the rains. I know Kivaluk and Chickadee are a thing now... He mused. Maybe Vaire too? But with who? As far as Arrluk knew, she had not taken another mate. Then again, Arrluk didn't know the specifics. Pairings, courting, bride prices... these were things Arrluk had not quite yet set his mind to.
[Image: 7nCi.gif]
522 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei hardly saw her brothers. Both always out and beyond. Her father too. Oh he was there in the outskirts more than for Mojag it seemed and yet she didn't know him.

Ajei had only turned her mind to mates twice. Once when Seal had asked her if she had a crush. And when moonwoman had asked her if she would like to marry someday. She was of thr opinion. If it were fir her, it would come. As all her other little blessings had.

Yes he already goes for her bride price soon. And I do not know if Vaire has another, but she is pretty and nice. She will probably find someone to stand with her.

Ajei tilted her nose into the spray. But also used a paw to dash a small puddle towards Arrluk.
179 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Ajei spoke out the bride price. Then she spoke about his older sister. Arrluk still felt like he needed to spend more time with her first litter. Hopefully, maybe, her mate would return... But Arrluk had been made aware with time and age that in was often a common thing for men to walk out on their mates. All was fun and games until pups were screaming for milk.  

Arrluk didn't speak more about it. His attention honed in on Ajei when she splashed water from a nearby puddle into his direction. Arrluk snorts, shaking out his coat again to spray water in all directions. Then he stomps, splashing effectively her and himself right in the face.
[Image: 7nCi.gif]
522 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei hadn't really met hardly any of Vaire's children. She felt a little ashamed. For someone who loved the moonpack so much. She knew very little of its inhabitants except a select few 

Ajei laughed in delight and then shock as the cold spray splashed over her head. She was much smaller than him so what had hit him the face had drenched her. She shook her own fur. Aiming in his direction.
179 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Arrluk woofs, then growls in mock aggression as she shakes out her firey colored coat. He dances, bounding around her and prodding her with his nose in the side and dodging away, insinuating a game of chase.
[Image: 7nCi.gif]
522 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Fade here new one sometime? Thank you <3

Ajei gave a yip and bent her front torso down. Red plume waving in the air. 

She would spring at him all dainty paws and graceful limbs. Knowing he'd outpace her but trusting him to be fair