Duck Lake A real go getter
Humble not Meek
212 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Shadow kissed paws and freckled face slipped from the borders of Kvarsheim and the rising tempest of emotions. Sven ran recklessly through the land towards the large lake. Stocky paws beating a rythmn on still cold ground. The small brushings of grasses tickling the pads as they tried to push through. Meet the sun.

He skidded into the edges of the lake shore like a flame covered four wheeler. All legs and paws and wild eyes. A smile of both delight and absolute devilry on his face.

He tried to be quiet for his siblings, humble as his mother asked, but there was a wildness to him. A reckless energy that crackled in his heart. He wanted to do great things and be known for none of it.

Slate eyes narrowed in on the now plump ducks that had flown in from the south. He had unsettled them so for now he'd watch. Lull them back into a calmer place and then strike.
446 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Lilitu's mind wasn't on hunting but for relaxation, and she was engaged in a quiet stroll around the lake when her eyes caught sight of gray amongst the reeds at the water's edge. She took a deep breath in, gauging the scent. Wolf.

He was hunting, perhaps—waiting for the ducks to come closer. She was loath to interrupt him, and instead sat a short distance away, barely blinking, waiting for the next move in this primeval game.
Humble not Meek
212 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Sven was oblivious to the other wolf that walked on silent paws around the edges of his quarry. Instead he watched them with a light of flame flickering in those grey eyes.

Saliva pooled beneath his tongue and he waited. Watched. Shoulders low, body in stalking position.

It felt like forever, as they resettled. He stood still. Quiet. Waiting. Patience was a virtue taught at his fathers paws.

 Finally, he burst forward. Grabbing the nearest about the throat. It beat him with a wing. Poked his eye, but he won. It lay in a pile of plumage and blood at his feet.

The others taking flight. But he knew they wouldn't get far. He'd try for another once he caught his breath and his adrenaline slowed.

rolled a success in tabletop :)
446 Posts
Ooc — mercury
The young man's hunt was successful, and she silently cheered him on, face breaking into an unconscious smile. She came closer, pawsteps muffled by the loud murmur of flapping, fleeing wings.

Once within calling distance, she chuffed his way, giving him a warm expression.

Well caught, she said, pitched just loud enough for him to hear. I'd love to help catch more if you'll have me.

It had been too long since she'd hunted wth another, and she was craving company just now.
Humble not Meek
212 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A chuff was heard nearby and ears twitched towards it. Silver gaze fell on a she wolf standing beside.

She dazzled with brilliance like stars. Coat of moonbeams amd shadows. 

His first instinct was to cover his prey and growl, but he fought it. That was not diplomatic or kind. So instead he put a smile to his face and met her one eyed gaze. 

His stomach twisted at the empty eye socket. Revulsion and fascination warring and screeching in equal measure. He had to swallow quickly a sudden onslaught of saliva in his mouth. The scars he could handle Father had many. 

His revulsion was forgotten and happiness, pride, taking it's place when she spoke.

Thank you! He weaved his tail in delight behind him. It had been impressive hadn't it. But oh it didn't do to be prideful, one must be humble. His tail slowed just a little at the thought. He felt as if he were disobeying his mother by being so proud.

So he cleared his throat and nodded. I'd love some help.

He turned to look at the other ducks that still flew or ran some slowly settling, but still on high alert.

We have to wait for them to calm down correct? And then go after again? Or. Well I've only ever hunted by myself mostly. So you may need to help me.

He felt his ears fold to his head. A little self conscious.
446 Posts
Ooc — mercury
She caught the slightest reluctance and chalked it up to her disfigurement. It was okay. The boy was kind enough, and she nodded, folding herself closer, down low.

Yes, we'll wait until they settle down, Lilitu murmured, smiling. She watched the beating wings, slowing. . .slowing. Slow.

There was a group of them particularly relaxed, and she nodded toward that direction—a small inlet of the pond, where they snapped at greenery underneath the surface.

Let's get 'em, she whispered, and began to stalk ahead.
Humble not Meek
212 Posts
Ooc — Danni

Her disfigurement had been part of his reluctance, but it was also his own personal war with how he felt and how he felt he should act. But that was always a point of contention with the poor boy. It was irksome.

Sven sat with her, motionless, but every fiber of his being wanted to jump forward and chase and grab. He even had to touch a paw to his muzzle so he didn't bark and yelp in excitement. He practically vibrated. 

He followed behind her. Adjusting his limbs and paws to the way she held hers. Watching closely to learn.
Because he was raised speaking both Icelandic and English. He has a slight accent when he speaks English
76 Posts
Ooc — Laur
Joining with permission to PP Lilitu <3

It was the sudden chorus of honking ducks taking to the sky in a panic that drew Pukei in, equal parts curious and hopeful. The beaver she had caught with that man from the mountains had only sustained her for so long, and her stomach rumbled greedily for another hearty meal.

She approached the lake carefully, first watching the flock of birds that were slowly finding their way back to the waters and settling, before two voices stole her attention.

Noting the freshly caught duck that lay a few feet away from them, Pukei licked her lips in anticipation. Perhaps she could somehow convince them to split it three ways? The two seemed friendly enough with each other that she chanced creeping closer, realising they too had resumed hunting positions. They were going for another? Even better.

She approached the two strangers from a distance away, but the long grass obscured her body save for the two rounded ears poking out from the greenery. She lifted her head and grinned, hoping she didn't put them – or their targets – on alert. I'm friendly! I want to help! The smaller group of ducks loitered in the shallows between herself and the other two hunters, putting them at an advantage of an ambush if they accepted her help.
Humble not Meek
212 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Sven turned to meet the other wofl that popped out of nowhere. A small smile. He motioned with hus head. They could join too. Maybe instead of one fat duck they could get two.

He looked around and changed his position to ambush. Then waited for a sygnal from either one of the others. He would then burst from cover and run as fast as he could in hopes to succeed.
Because he was raised speaking both Icelandic and English. He has a slight accent when he speaks English
76 Posts
Ooc — Laur
Rolled a fail for Pukei ;_; Feel free to do a roll for Sven!

What seemed to be the younger of the two accepted her presence with a small smile, and the older, darker woman met her gaze with a firm nod. She noted the missing eye with a wince of sympathy; a gruesome, stark contrast compared to the boy's cute smattering of freckles that marked his own features. Pukei wondered briefly if this was a mother teaching her son hunting techniques and she had intruded on their bonding time, but the growling of her stomach in anticipation had her not dwell too much on the thought.

Lowering herself back into obscurity, she turned her attention once more upon the ducks, peering at them through the tall grass. They hadn't seemed to have taken notice of the hunters, or if they had, they seemed to not care. Their mistake.

Now. The scarred woman gave the signal and the three wolves burst fourth from their hiding spots. Pukei immediately bounded into the shallows of the lake just as she had done when hunting the beavers. The birds scattered, some taking to the air, others towards the shore. One faltered in front of her as it took flight, and the girl seized her chance, hind legs finding purchase in the muddy ground below the water before she launched herself at the duck.

Unlike her previous hunt, however, Pukei was not successful this time. The bird wheeled mid-flight, smacking her face with it's beating wings as she completed an ungraceful, bounding arc from the bank, splashing down into the deeper waters face-first.
Humble not Meek
212 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Also a fail but thats alright

Sven didn't know eother one of these ladies. But he was pleased that they had helped him. And they had one. He'd give it to the newcomer.

There was the signal and he was off. But he was so startled when the duck beat the newcomer around the head. He missed his chance and instead wanted to make sure she was okay.

He raced towards the edge calling out. Are you okay?

kona? er allt í lagi?
Because he was raised speaking both Icelandic and English. He has a slight accent when he speaks English