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Given to Avicus by New Snow on January 20, 2023
Falls of the Hinterlands · anima
I love how Avicus just. Is wholeheartedly Avicus. Amazing character
Given to Leshen by Qiao on January 19, 2023
Fairspell Meadow · the twice-invoked
loool ew a hot hole in the snow
Given to Avicus by Prophet on January 19, 2023
Falls of the Hinterlands · anima
Given to Qiao by Leshen on January 19, 2023
Fairspell Meadow · the twice-invoked
nooooo LOOOL *insert gob's "i've made a huge mistake" gif*
Amazing LMAO
Given to Vairë by Lestan on January 19, 2023
Firefly Glen · fair and flighty love
Given to Nazli by Ramesses on January 19, 2023
Lion's Head Mesa · [m] signet
Given to Nazli by Gucci on January 19, 2023
Lion's Head Mesa · [m] signet
oh wow another reply to signet well i'll check that la- *sees the [m] added to it* *breaks fingerbones clicking the link too fast*
Given to Alaric by Talamasca on January 19, 2023
Firefly Glen · Come, come to your brother (thou shalt not die)
This was a great thread even though Glaukos is a derp! TY!
Given to Aventus by Arielle on January 19, 2023
Phoenix Maplewood · laugh, cry, forget nothing and think many things of it
"a man who saw monsters in shadows and gods in monsters" ugh my heart
Given to Aventus by Hereby on January 19, 2023
Phoenix Maplewood · laugh, cry, forget nothing and think many things of it
wow tysm for breaking my heart chelsie </3 (iloveaventusiloveaventusiloveaventusilo)
Given to Ancelin by Aventus on January 19, 2023
Phoenix Maplewood · laugh, cry, forget nothing and think many things of it
Given to Ramesses by New Snow on January 19, 2023
Lion's Head Mesa · [m] signet
such beautiful and creative visuals. love it!
Given to Ibis (Ghost) by Hereby on January 19, 2023
The Sunspire · Dance
wtf thsi was such a good birth post??!?!?!???? omg have i been sleeping on ibis all along??????? *reads more*
Given to Arsenio by Hereby on January 19, 2023
Northstar Vale · aranea
*bends in the wait head in hands sobbing outright* how the fuck is this entire longass akashingo->mereo->epock plotline so good aughh i'm gonna be unwell i came here for wolf roleplay not a full length george rr martin book (that's a lie this is exactly what i'm here for ty teo for being one of the writers that'll give me burned corneas from how hard i'm staring at the screen <33333)
Given to Fennec by Hereby on January 19, 2023
Redsand Canyon · proximus
*starts punching random walls* this! is! so! good!
Given to Germanicus by Hereby on January 19, 2023
Redsand Canyon · proximus
Given to Myrmidon by Sialuk on January 19, 2023
Firefly Glen · beauty and the beasts
he is precious. ;_;
Given to Sialuk by Bridget on January 19, 2023
Moonspear · lovers walk
“She has many scars, but she heals well.” - I really love Sialuk and how you write her <3 she speaks so poetically and I cannot get enough of it!
Given to Skaigona by Daniil on January 19, 2023
Wheeling Gull Isle · chichplei