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Given to Rosalyn by Indra on February 11, 2018
Stavanger Bay · Love is just a game
I'm giving this karma because of your attention in resolving the karma-bug -- but also because I really enjoy threading with you. I'm SO thrilled to see Rosalyn back in the game and love reading all of her salty commentary esp re: Sandpaper (all totally deserved). Looking forward to more SALTINESS and rap songs!
Given to Laurel by Indra on February 11, 2018
Bearclaw Valley · oh holy ghost, how have i wandered so far from my home?
This karma is like 10000 yrs overdue! Thanks for playing the best sibling ever. I remember how excited I was when the puppy players were announced - you always have the most dynamic, multi-dimensional characters and you never pass up the chance to give them believable flaws - it makes them so riveting and believable as *real* individuals. Cicero is another one of my all-time favorite characters to read. ANYWAY Idk if there's a character limit on these things, but I am so glad I have the opportunity to thread with you again and I can't wait to see what mischief these two hellions cook up.
Given to Reigi by Xan on February 11, 2018
Bearclaw Valley · Now you know, all you need is me
Reigi is amazing. I know I'm constantly saying how much I love her and think she's a cool character, but like, that doesn't fully get across how great you play her. She's such a deep character with a great capacity to learn, and you play that so well! There are some players that would never be able to work with a non-verbal character with so much depth to and care put into them—but you've got it down. You and Reigi are both absolutely amazing, and I'm glad I have the chance to thread with you as often as I do. ???
Given to Ich'aak by Reigi on February 11, 2018
Wapun Meadow · i can feel your teeth on my paper-moon skin
wow, that last paragraph is breathtaking. i love it.
Given to Dune by Ich'aak on February 11, 2018
Ouroboros Spine · out of the races and onto the tracks
BORK back!! sry about ur rabbit :/
Given to Ich'aak by Dune on February 11, 2018
Ouroboros Spine · out of the races and onto the tracks
Given to Illecebra by Mawk on February 01, 2018
Stone Circle · Everything I regret but you're not one.
Given to Aries by Olive on January 31, 2018
Hoshor Plains · the roots beneath my shaded tree / the moon dancing across my sky
Bravo, my son!
Given to RIP Poppy by Tater Tot on January 31, 2018
Fox's Glade · climb the fence, books and pens
I just really love Poppy.
Given to Burke by Wraen on January 19, 2018
Tuktu Weir · I hate to look into those eyes and see an ounce of pain
I wanted to say thank you for all the great threads between Osprey and Burke in the past, and also for having the last one with Wraen, bringing back all the great memories and having a closure. I love, how Burke has grown and changed over the years, but still has remained true to his character. But, what I will always hold dear, would be, how well our characters clicked and ticked together - whenever I had threads with you and Burke, I knew that they would be fun and bring out not only the best out in my character, but that the posts would come easily and be very natural as well. We also hit some milestones together - I think that we still hold the record of having the longest in-game thread (5 pages and 110 posts of awesomness)! Cheers for a great player and a great character! And may there be many more amazing characters to come!
Given to Cassiopeia by Olive on January 14, 2018
Silvertip Mountain · you're beside me, breathing so loud
just like momma ?
Given to Cassiopeia by Vaati on January 13, 2018
Silvertip Mountain · you're beside me, breathing so loud
Given to Wylla by Caiaphas on January 06, 2018
Gilded Bay · When you gonna get grown?
For always having perfectly balanced, perfectly hysterical characters - and always playing such varied, developed individuals (Saena for instance and also Kevlyn WAIT NOW THAT I THINK OF HOW U MURDERED MY SON IM REDACTING THIS KARMA no jk). For your awesome writing style and also for being such a good friend and also totally not because I besmirched your reputation by nudging you to see what it does NOT SRY BYEEEEE
Given to Sorina by Titmouse (Ghost) on December 30, 2017
Phantom Hollow · a slab in the morgue
best insults 2k17
Given to Titmouse (Ghost) by Cassiopeia on December 27, 2017
Meadowlark Prairie · rancid dinner with the pope
Given to Titmouse (Ghost) by Lyra on December 20, 2017
Moonspear · Road kill has its seasons
Given to Wylla by Indra on December 15, 2017
Bramblepoint · Lethal poison for the system
Given to Aditya by Dawn on November 16, 2017
Lake Rodney · life on the road
Aditya is amazing. <3 your writing
Given to Vaati by Dawn on October 08, 2017
Blackfeather Woods · all my friends are dead, push me to the edge
Vaati is just fantastic. So inspiring. I love how he steals children for his [s]girlfriends[/s] captives. Honestly he is so well written and I love his plots <3
Given to Potema by Vaati on October 03, 2017
Blackfeather Woods · the world is not enough
i love this so much. potema is the best