Gyrfalcon's Keep fool me once, strike one. fool me twice, strike three.
23 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
All Welcome 
Harley did not do well without a purpose.

She was a pack wolf — always had been, ever since she was abandoned as a child and taken in by the frostbite group. The hoyden had been raised to value these bonds and defend them vehemently, so what she lacked in perspicacity, she made up for with earnest dedication and vigor towards guardianship. When she was younger, perhaps this zeal stemmed from a place of trying to prove one’s worth and a small part of her wanted it to tell her packmates thanks for taking me in, I know you didn’t have to, but at this point in her life her obligations had blossomed into a skill and passion that were as deeply tried to her being as was the need to hunt, or the need to sleep. 

But now she was alone, and there was nothing she could consider hers anyways. Here, there was nothing worth protecting.

Something kept her tied to coast, but Harley did not know what, nor did she question it. Her days were filled with an omnipresent sense of boredom, so she took to the heights of the nearby keep. A mountain it was not — oh, she knew mountains! — but the change in terrain provided something to do and the cocoa-dusted girl scaled the exposed rock with ease. Then, she settled herself upon the highest of the peaks and watched idly as some of the exceedingly timely Gryfalcons completed their northern migrations and resettled into their roosts. 
they'll never know how I'd stared at the dark in that room 
with no thoughts, like a blood-sniffing shark 
1,550 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
oops! She ran into thane and got the sickness, feel free to pass by or to interact! Can be a cameo

Maia was rough.  It had started off as a cough, and she'd shrugged it off as some weird air thing about the coast.  Breathing salt or something.  So she'd attempted to cut inland; and then the nausea had come.

She'd tried to pass that off too, shrug and keep going, but a few days of keeping nothing down and a slowly worsening headache had her currently curled in a ball in some forest somewhere, shaking.  She almost felt badly enough that the terrifying nature of her situation didn't occur; but she didn't want to die, and if she didn't find something to eat or drink soon that she could keep down, that was a likelyhood that was growing.
23 Posts
Ooc — Rachel

There were some times that Harley missed Raiden — missed her dearly. Life had never been the same after she had left, in ways that Harley hadn’t even recognized or noticed at the time, until it was too late and those things she had oh-so-loved in the moment had so unceremoniously… vanished. Life had never been same and Harley had never been the same. Where she was once complacent [yet bursting at the seams], she was now inquisitive and questioning. If Raiden could leave then… why couldn’t she? 

It wasn’t often that Harley pondered the subtleties of life, but here she was, sitting on the top of a balding mountain and doing just that — then, her train of thought, which the hoyden could feel spiraling into a sense of frustration, was interrupted by a sputtering cough. It did not sound like a noise a healthy creature would make, so Harley’s bulldozer of a mind quickly shifted foci. It did not take long to find the sick, feeble thing. “Gosh,” she stated incredulously, not immediately understanding the nature of the situation. She sniffed at the air, drawing up her lip at the girl’s feverish miasma. “What happened to yah?”
they'll never know how I'd stared at the dark in that room 
with no thoughts, like a blood-sniffing shark 
1,550 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
A voice startled Maia out of her current stupor, and she opened a bleary eye to look at this stranger who seemed... concerned?

Latching onto that sympathy in an appropriately immature fashion, and also just truly feeling horrible, Maia let out a bit of a whine.  When she spoke, her voice took on a plaintive edge as well, almost subconsciously.  "I think I'm dying," she whimpered, tucking further into herself.

She wasn't exactly expecting charity, but the stranger had asked.  She was never getting near another beach again if this was what seawater did to a body.
23 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
The sick thing sputtered and whined and claimed she was dying. Harley’s eyed widened in complete shock at this, completely overcome with the realization. “Wait. Really?” the girl gasped, her breath coming fast and often, her lungs heaving with the effort of breathing. “Oh my god…” Harley had never been in a situation such as this, where a life was on the line! In her pack there had always been medics to call upon — Raiden, specifically — but here there were none and Harley felt wholly inadequate. And now, someone might die because of it!

Harley wanted to wail and whine herself, but knew she wasn’t the one who got to complain, here. Steeling her quivering jaw, she asked in a hushed whisper “What should I do?” hoping the girl would somehow be able to answer this query. 
they'll never know how I'd stared at the dark in that room 
with no thoughts, like a blood-sniffing shark 
1,550 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
This girl reminded Maia of the other nice one, Hyacinth... and while her stomach churned a bit at the thought of food, she considered seeing if the woman would help her to find something.  But no.  Likely she'd just immediately puke it up anyway.

Something else did sound good though... "Water?"  she asked, the question almost half a whine.  Ok Maia.  Pull it together.  "Could you help me find some?"  The second came out a little less pitifully, but her gaze was pleading as she stared up.  Laying it on as thick as she could, though the fact that she really was miserable and pathetic at the moment certainly helped.