Deepwood Weald bored in the den/in the den, bored
2 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
a read-only unless someone snatches
Katmai was as sleepy a baby as any, but even the sleepiest of babes occasionally opens their eyes.

Not this one, though. Not today. Instead, Katmai opened his mouth and let out a loud belch; loud enough to startle his brother, Kitimat, who immediately began to fuss. This in turn set off Katmai, who was distressed by distress in general. Soon, the den was an orchestra of upset little bodies.

Ah — the trials of youth.
3 Posts
Ooc — KT
Sirimiri was just as lively as she was sleepy, and it took little to rouse her from whatever milk-induced dream she'd been having. All four of her limbs stiffened in four different directions, at least one of which made contact with some other life form.